
Chapter one

Later on that afternoon, winter was at home taking a shower and changed into some pajamas while watching the moon. She then heard a knock at the door and wonder who could be knocking at this time of day. She went to see through the hole and saw the angel and saw the food and let the person in. She wondered about what her life going to be once she has her own wings. Angel was really going to have to hide his wings "you really need to stop staring at my wings or you might be next dearie also how are things at your old school??" She did a thumbs up since so much was going on she didn't want to tell him too much about it. He nods and helped move a few things and she told him about how she met her sister.

"It's a good thing she didn't recognize you or you would be in a lot of trouble."

"I know I will be careful but anyways am I going to stay human or are their task for me to do??"

"You catch on quick child and yes there is something you can do" he was surprised on how she knows these things and she probably read the rule poster in his office.

"I sort of guessed since I am going to be staying here for a while I wanted to know what I will be doing here and probably more"

She was so excited to do what her family had done for many generations. She was going to be put in some special treatment and won't know if it is going to go well. She then gets the address and she got the clothing then she was teleported into another abandon building and someone greeted her like they waited for her. She then walks in and looks at all the people who had guns and a tattoo and such. She had seen worse since she was always bullied as ruby and then sees the boss. She was bowed and was seated down as the boss spoke to her.

She looks up and also she was in disguise and wondered why this person reminded him of john. She then sees snow, john, vito, and tony and then realized this was their father. She was nervous and was given a task to become a new member of the place and will take many task to prove herself worthy. They were surprised to see her though and didn't know that this was the girl that their father was talking about that was coming here. She had many secrets back then that she kept about her that's why she was an easy target because she didn't want anyone to know that ally and her parent's had disappear as a child and were also assassins.

Don (their father's name) welcome her into the clan and was nervous and couldn't feel her body. She was happy to be there that she introduced herself and listened to what he had to say.

"I have a job for you since I heard that you have a talent for tracking people and getting the job done."

Winter was surprised to hear that from him and wondered who told him about that. They were also surprised as much as she was and tony was intrigued by this that he wanted to test her abilities as the boss was ok with it. He pointed a gun at her and shot her but she dodged quickly and it hit the wall. She then sees tony and they began to fight. She dodged a few of his punches and kicked his private part and punched him on the chin and more of the members fought for a while until they passed out since her punches were powerful and she had a few bruises and spit out blood. Don and the rest of the members were please but his children didn't know what to expect. "You really seemed cable of anything welcome to mafia" Winter nods and she ran fast to the guns and saw the new models. She smiles and wonders who she was going to take out next because this girl was out for blood. John takes her hand and they went somewhere with snow and vito and the boss went to take care of many papers and business. They spoke to her as they were in a private room that no one could hear through the walls. All of a sudden snow recognized her and takes off her mask.

"Winter, I didn't expect you to be here since I can't imagine you even in the mafia or even fighting" snow said.

John was surprised as well was a bit suspicious and wonder what other things she could be hiding. She then explained to them but not all of it and then someone came by and told her that he has spoken to the boss and was going to do some stuff and all. They wondered what was winter cable of and what kind of job she was going to be doing for them and wasn't sure much about their new friend.

"Well you must follow the rules at all time one slip and you will get everyone killed that's all we have to say." She can prove it when they give me orders and such and can get the job done in either 1 or 2 days sometimes more if they escape from her grasp. They looked at her and wonder why she looked so familiar to them and still argued with her about coming here was a bad idea. She walked out of the room as the finished talking to her and now they were talking amongst themselves. She walks around and sees an old photo of her parents and wondered how it even got here. She then wonders why her dad looked exactly like the angel. She had lived with only her mom and sister since their dad had died in some type of accident and they went into hiding. It's been awhile since she had seen his face and wondered why the boss had the picture of both her parents.

Meanwhile, she sees tony was injured and went to help patch him up and he looked at her wondering who she was. John had walked out and sees winter bandage tony up and wondered why he was feeling a bit jealous. He felt like the girl he used to love was in that room and he didn't want her to go again. Winter told tony that he should be careful if his would started to open up more.

Tony was grateful and said to her "thanks you I guess you're the new person here well it's nice to meet you winter." She didn't want to see any more people get more hurt then they already are. John felt like he had been in the same situation tony was and felt a sudden aching. She sees john and wonders why he was in so much pain so she walks up to him and helps him out. He looks at her and grabbed her by the hand and they went into his room and she was pushed onto the bed. He was on top and she blushes and tries to escape but he held both her hands near the top his bed.

"What are you doing? Get off of me this instant!"

"Winter, who are you really?" She looks at him like he figured out who she truly was, but she won't let him figure out who she was not yet. She decides to play his games and won't say a word about who she truly is and what she was really doing here in this life again.

" What are you talking about? I am just a new girl who moved and went to the school."

"No, you're not just a girl who came to my school I feel like you're someone I knew back then."

"I have no clue what you're getting at but get off of me you're hurting me" Before she could say anything else to him and tried to push him off he passed out from exhaustion. She was a bit surprise at what just happen and tries to gently move away from him but when she tried she heard him mutter something under his breath saying "don't move...if you move then....I don't know what I am going to do...with you....." She wonders what he was talking about and so she tries to carry him to his bed and someone showed her the way.