
The story

A/N Enjoy my Fairies and Heroes! 💃🏻

"Kacchan, help me," Deku begged, pushing against me and I don't really understand what is going on but he looks so desperate that I just nodded, agreeing.

He pulled me away from the fight, not listening to my cursing or even looking up whenever there was an explosion off to the side. Whatever is going on must be bad for him to ignore everything going on around us. It's not long before we are entering a house, one that looks like it was abandoned a week ago at least. There is dust settled so at the very least I know that no one has been here for a while. Why would Deku bring me somewhere like this?

He pulled me upstairs and locked the door behind us and now I'm really worried, what the hell does he need help with here?

"I was hit with a quirk. I'm sorry but I need you," he pushed me against the door and it's only now that I feel something hard pushed against me and my thoughts froze.

"What kind of quirk?" I asked slowly, one of his hands was already on the back of my neck, pulling me closer.

"The kind that makes me so horny it hurts," he answers, his face bright red with embarrassment but his eyes don't leave my lips.

"Would anyone do?" I couldn't help asking, I know that I'm setting myself up for pain with that question but I couldn't stop the question.

"No, it has to be you. I won't touch anyone else," he looked up and I could see the nervousness in his eyes. "Will you let me?" He asked almost silently, he still hasn't let me go and every now and then I could see his quirk crackle to life but even with his fear of rejection he hasn't let me go.

"Do what you need to do," I answered and his lips crashed into mine. It was awkward and it was easy to tell that he hadn't done it before, neither have I but still, at the same time I let him. I opened up for him and the feel of his tongue on mine made me flinch but when I leaned forward again he pulled me to the bed. Our equipment was taken off in a hurry and our suits were fast to follow.

He kissed, licked and bit his way down my body. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good and I have no intention of lying. He sucked me into his mouth and only moments passed before I was forced to cum. When was the last time I could give myself any kind of attention at all? I don't even know, maybe months by now.

I relaxed, he didn't let up though. His excitement was only growing stronger and I sure as fuck couldn't go soft with how he was cleaning me up. By the time he pulled away his eyes were glazed over with lust and I don't think he was really aware of what he was doing but he kissed his way back up again before his mouth connected with mine again, he pushed me back on the bed, climbing between my legs. I flinched a little but I didn't pull away.

He didn't go slow. It hurt. He pushed in and if it wasn't for the amazing blow job I doubt he would have been able to actually get it in. I cried out but he didn't seem to realize what was wrong. If anything, I even thought it sounded like I was enjoying it.

I felt him throb inside of me but that only seemed to excite him more. I would have sworn that he came if not for how he pulled out and started actually thrusting afterwards. Thankfully though, it didn't hurt anymore. Each thrust felt like it was getting easier and easier, almost like he had used lube and I was able to actually relax back and enjoy it.

Each time he thrusted in my back arched but each time he pulled away my fingers would dig into him, trying to pull him back again.

"Fuck," he moaned in my ear and god damn it, I never knew a word could sound so fucking good. I turned my head and forced a kiss. I could feel him pause, his dick in my ass pulsing again and I have to wonder just how much he is planning to hold back because I hate it.

"Give me everything!" I demanded and it was like I was being attacked, the way he dived into my kisses, our bodies begging for more and when I couldn't take anymore I all but screamed out.

"I'm going to cum!" Instead of him getting more into it though he pulled away, pulling out completely and I was about to snarl at him when he sucked me back into his mouth and my body spasmed under him. The jerking motion didn't stop and thanks to his tongue I was loud when I came. Barely seconds later he was back kissing my mouth and pushing into my ass and I could feel his hands on my hips, moving me in whatever way he needed and it just feels so fucking good. Like my orgasm hasn't had the chance to stop. He froze.

My hips tilted just so and our bodies pressed against each other in the most perfect way while we screamed out our bliss.

Several seconds passed by while we gasped for air and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I pulled him in and kissed him slowly. "I. Love. You." I whispered a word between each kiss and the look of amazement in his eyes only made me pull him in for a deep one, our tongues tangled together before I felt him start to pull away and I flinched. My body wanted to refuse to release him but I couldn't stop him either. He pushed back in and I could still feel him throbbing inside of me and our kisses grew slower, more intimate.

"We should have done that a lot sooner," I grumbled and he laughed, making himself comfortable. I know that there is a war outside and that we should be fighting in it but since Deku was hit with a quirk it's not like we would be much good out there anyway.

"I love you too," he finally answered and I could smile. I was starting to think he was avoiding answering but somehow the words seemed to fit his mouth just right. I leaned forward and kissed him only to feel something in my gut tighten and we both seperated, groaning.

"What the-" I started to curse only to feel extremely dizzy and in moments we are outside and to make things more fucking complicated. We are four years old again.

"Deku, what kind of quirk were you hit with," I ground out and he told me something about it being a lust quirk and I motioned around me. "Does that LOOK like what it was?" I demanded and he winced and I looked up to see him with a bruise on his wrist and I can only guess how it happened. I'm sure that I'm the one that fucking did it. Now that I am taking stock of everything, it looks like we are both covered in bruises.

"Let's just go home," I sighed and he nodded and I found out his ankle was hurt too. How in the hell did he get home last time if I didn't help him? We got to Auntie's house and when we were questioned on what happened neither of us had an answer to give them. We were in our twenties, how in the hell are we supposed to remember what happened when we were four? I mean I'm probably the one that hurt him and I probably hurt myself in the process but who actually knows?


Years went by and we were forced to grow up all over again. The difference was that Deku still had One-For-All so we were almost always together. Training, playing and even studying together. It was nice. We were thirteen when puberty started and we found out that no. We were not alright.

Deku would get extremely sick if he was away from me for too long and for that matter I would if we stayed apart for too long and as we got older the time we could be apart would get shorter and shorter. The day of the sludge villain attack we were finally able to meet All Might again and he thought we were a couple of dumb kids that were just trying to get close to our hero.

"We know about All-For-One and One-For-All!" I yelled and he froze. He turned back around and Deku tried to explain but in the end he kept stuttering from being over excited, seeing our hero alive and well again.

"You passed it to Deku before we were sent back in time. We trained under you at UA starting next year and a war breaks out with villains all over the world. This peace will be forgotten if we can't bring All-For-One down. We can't go through that again," I told him and he finally listened to us.

We were able to spend the year training under him and Deku would compare it to when he trained under him the first time a lot which only seemed to confuse our hero more.

"Urg!" Deku doubled over and I found somewhere out of sight and away from our hero. He doesn't know what we are doing and I would prefer to keep it that way. Puberty really did hit like a truck. We are way too young to be doing this but it's not like we actually have a choice on the matter.

Deku was on his knees and in moments he had me out and in his mouth. The single minded focus that kept him from doing anything or even really thinking of anything else drove him forward until I would cum and he would swallow. We tried to escape it several times but if he didn't swallow or even if all he did was swallow it just wasn't enough and he would get sick all over again. Fucking lust quirk my ass. How does this even make sense?

We are in the middle of class and Aizawa Sensei was talking about ethics when Deku groaned and I turned around to find him doubled over again.

"Kat- Young Bakugo, didn't Young Midoriya take his medicine this morning?" All Might asked when he walked in just when I was jumping up to help him out of class.

"He didn't need it this morning!" I hissed trying to keep my composure but I highly doubt I succeeded in any way shape or form.

"Doesn't he need it everyday?" All Might asked looking more confused and I grumbled to myself before answering, Deku finally supported on my shoulder and I could start walking.

"It's an as needed medicine. He can't just take it at the same time everyday," I grumbled already making my way to the door but Deku started convulsing, his body seeming to reject something and I really needed to get us out of here.

Aizawa Sensei on the other hand didn't think so. He grabbed us with his scarf and pulled us back into the room, our bodies now tightly pressed against each other.

"What kind of medicine exactly does he need to take? I've talked to Recovery Girl and there isn't anything in his file that suggests that he has any kind of prescription. Care to explain?" He looks pissed and I can only guess that he has been suspicious for a while now but I really don't have time to explain.

"Can we talk about this later? It's going to get worse!" I tried to fight him but my hands are trapped against Deku so if I set off an explosion then it would just hurt him.

"What is going to get worse?" He gave me a creepy ass smile that told me that he thinks that he has all the answers but if he doesn't let us go soon then he is about to find out exactly how wrong he is.

"When we come back but right now-!" I started but Aizawa interrupted me and Deku stopped convulsing.

"Fuck," I could feel myself going pale and Deku's quirk crackled around him explosively and when he lifted his head up I could see his eyes but at the same time there didn't seem to be anyone there.

"Oh Kacchan~," he giggled and finally Aizawa Sensei released us but it was already too late. I turned and ran only to be grabbed by Blackwhip instead.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, are you running away from me?" Deku giggled like he was fucking evil and I was spun around to face him again. The green crackling energy was much worse than anyone in our class had ever seen it before but they were all just gawking at the fact that he was using a different quirk than usual. He only used super strength in class so far and the fact that he bounced a little just to start floating made several gasps.

"Deku, there are a lot of people here. We can just go somewhere else, I won't run," I tried to reason with him but he just turned pouting back at me while he floated in the air on his back now.

"But you already tried to run though?" He smirked at me as if he caught me red handed.

"That's just because there are so many people here. I wanted to go somewhere else, I knew you would follow me," I tried to smile back at him and he studied me with his wide eyes for a while before he smiled again.

"Okay, I'll believe you this time," he released me and reached out his hand and I took it pulling him while he still floated out the classroom door and raced towards a stairwell that I knew didn't have any cameras in it and blocked the door with some leftover construction material that someone left behind before pulling him back and behind the stairs with me.

"Here should be okay," I whispered and he grinned at me before smiling.

"I knew you could be a good boy," he smirked and instead of getting on his knees he pushed me down so I was the one in front of him. "But I think you still need to be punished a little bit."

I nodded already knowing that he isn't actually in control of his actions at the moment and just pulled him closer and unbuttoned his pants. I have no issue blowing him and in fact I usually want to but he is so shy about it that it can be maddening.

I looked up to see his starstruck eyes watching me, his face blushing while he held his hair out of his face so that he could see exactly what I was doing. I closed my eyes and took him, losing myself in just the pleasure that he gave me. He came, his throbbing cock left me wanting more and I did what I could to lick up any and all the mess but the truth is that I find it easy to swallow around him even now that we are 16.

"Oh so good," he crooned and I could feel my hardness as just his beautiful voice praising me. "Turn around, I need more than just a blowjob," he instructed and I did what he said only for him to thrust into my ass. This is the first time we've had actual sex since being sent back in time and thanks to the blowjob I just gave him it didn't hurt too much.

It wasn't nearly as good as when we were older but I don't really think that has to do with our age so much as where we were. Instead of being in a bed looking into each other's eyes we were in a stairwell doing doggy style trying to be quiet.

"So good Kacchan, but it's still not enough," Deku pouted while he pulled out and I tried to clench so that his cum didn't drip out of me and onto my pants. "Let's find a bed? I need so much more," he gently kissed me and even with just cumming twice I could feel myself throb, begging for more.

I nodded and he grinned before helping me up and dressed again. He cleared the doorway and picked me up and raced out of the school, not even bothering to tell anyone that we were leaving.


I woke up in bed with Deku sleeping soundly next to me. The room smelled heavily of sex and when I looked at the clock I saw that classes were about to let out.

"Fuck," I groaned, waking Deku up. "Hey, we need to clean up. The extras will be here soon," I told him and he nodded sleepily, letting me up and then helping me to the bathroom. Once we were all cleaned up he helped me clean my room and get rid of the evidence. My bedding was in the laundry when our phones went off.

I let out a sigh and answered, "Hello."

"Hello? Is that all you have to say for yourself? Fucking hello? Where the hell are you and what is this about little Izuku taking medicine?" My hag ranted and I could hear Deku stuttering and stammering, probably talking to Auntie.

I took his phone and put both of them on speaker. "It's because of a quirk. For fucks sake, Deku was hit with a quirk when we were kids, you remember the day we came home covered in bruises and not knowing where they came from? Or how about the fact that we can't be away from each other for long without getting sick? It's just gotten worse and worse as we've grown up. Leave it at that, you really don't want to hear any more and I sure as hell don't want to explain any further!" There were some more questions and I did end up having to explain some of the progression from while we were growing up and I could tell that my Hag at least understood where it was going but neither of them asked what they already guessed. The reason we took off was because it had gotten worse and they didn't want to hear the details.

We finally hung up and Deku and I had just collapsed on the couch in the common area after putting away the folded blankets when not only our classmates but our teachers walked in.

"Shut your fucking mouth," I hissed, glaring at them so hard they both flinched. "It's you're fucking fault it got worse. We would have only been gone for five minutes but no you had to demand your fucking answers right then and there. You really can't just leave well enough the fuck alone!" I grumbled some more and Deku came back carrying a large cup of cocoa and a hot pack for me. He flinched when my glare turned to him and he was apologizing over and over again when I didn't say anything.

"I still don't have my answers but I have more questions now. Like what was the quirk that Midoriya was using in the classroom?" Aizawa Sensei glared at me, ignoring Deku who was still apologizing. I rolled over on the couch and Deku started rubbing my far too stiff shoulders.

"Why in the fuck would I tell you after what you just put me through?" I huffed acting all mad but the reason I turned over was so they wouldn't be able to see my face. There is no way I would be able to hide how I'm actually feeling right now and that was bliss. I sighed when Deku put the hot pack on my lower back and Deku kept apologizing while working his way down to my lower back and when he found the muscle that was all cramped up thanks to the uncomfortable position we had been in, my whole body jerked while I cried out in pain.

"I'm so sorry," Deku had literal tears trickling down his face but I'm not mad at him.

"It's fine, it was bound to happen eventually," I sighed and I heard Aizawa Sensei clear his throat and I glared at him again. "You don't get a fucking pass!" Deku worked on my back, in particular the spot that hurt like hell, until it felt like I could sit up again without any pain.

"Kacchan!" Deku looked so worried and I just waved him off, only grimacing a little when I stood up.

"I just need to sleep," I rolled my eyes and he quickly picked me up again and I glared at him in silence until he carefully put me back down again.

"Sorry," he whimpered, crying again.

"Kat-," All Might cleared his throat again. "Young Bakugo, we still need some answers. You two skipped class because of whatever this is."

"Fine, my room," I grumbled and motioned for Deku to help me to the elevator. Once we were inside my room I turned to find Aizawa Sensei standing there next to All Might and just fuck it. If he wants to know that fucking bad, then fine.

"I don't want to hear any fucking lip out of you about not wanting or needing to know anything in particular. You invited your fucking self," I hissed at him locking the door behind him before turning and making my way to my bed. Deku helped me up before curling against me and I got to see Aizawa Sensei glare even more.

"So, All Might. You know about Deku's quirk, the how and when," I said vaguely keeping Aizawa out of it before adding. "Well the quirk he was hit with sent us back there and we can't be apart anymore." I turned over and they both looked back at me confused.

"If Deku and I are too far away from each other we will both get violently ill," I sighed, giving them more details. How as children we would be fine just holding hands and how at ten it migrated to kisses on the cheek. Then there was when we got older, like thirteen. "So we look at it as Deku taking his medicine, we tried just setting up a routine so that it wouldn't affect our classes or lives but it didn't actually help. We just have to go when he needs it and that's the end of it."

"If all you had to do was kiss him you could have done that in class," Aizawa Sensei rolled his eyes and I face palmed.

"You don't fucking listen," I grumbled and even All Might was blushing and looking away, understanding what I meant. "It has gotten worse, it has progressed again." I tried to speak slowly but he doesn't actually seem to fucking understand and I curse the fact that he is such a fucking dumbass.

"Kacchan," Deku whined and I let out a sigh, trying to calm myself down.

"It's not just a fucking kiss anymore," I ground the words out, trying too keep calm but I could feel my face heating up. "It hasn't been just a kiss for a few years now."


"Katsuki! I understand that you two didn't really get a choice in this but you still should have told me. At least me because I know about his quirk," All Might interrupted Aizawa Sensei and I turned my attention back to him.

"All Might, to be fair you haven't seen what happens to Deku when he doesn't get what he needs," I covered my face with a hand and Deku was muttering apologies again.

"It's fine Deku. You know I love you," I sighed pulling him into a hug even with his tears dripping.

"But still!" He fuses about me not actually getting a choice and I just ignored him, cleaning his face.

"It's not like I would have told you no even if you asked me," I smiled at him and he went bright red. It's only now that Aizawa Sensei seems to connect the dots and it's really time for them to leave.

"But you're only sixteen!" He stammered and I rolled my eyes.

"Quirk accident," I over pronounced the words. There is literally zero responsibility for our actions thanks to the fact that the reason we did what we did was because there wasn't a choice on the matter.

"Then answer me about the quirk, how was he using different quirks?" He quickly brought the conversation back to where he felt like he had control. I mean he's wrong but he is trying.

"My quirk is different from others," Deku whispered and I grinned.

"Deku's quirk is actually seven different quirks tied together. And each one has a different person's personality tied to it. So when his body detects that he is dying, the personality that is most likely to save him takes over," I smiled and Deku buried his face in my neck embarrassed.

"Kacchan!" He whined and I chuckled at his cuteness.

"His body was dying?" All Might whispered and neither of us looked up at him. The fact that he had OFA for so long and most of what we learned about it came from before we were sent back in time but after he passed it on to Deku didn't help.

"So now if you would both leave, I need some after care," I groaned at the muscle pain in my back and Deku was apologizing again.

"Deku, once was more than enough," I warned, trying not to lose my temper. I think I was failing in that regard but thankfully he didn't apologize again and instead nodded in understanding. It only took thirty years. Wait, has it been thirty years? Yes it has, well fuck, it's been thirty-two. Are we mentally thirty-two years old now? No, that can't be right. I'm just overly tired and overthinking unnecessary things.


"You will all make your own way to the camp," Aizawa Sensei announced and I feel a headache coming on. The fact that Deku and I were able to derail the League of Villains ambush and then we had the UA sports festival so close behind it and then every fucking thing else this should be a relaxing trip. Sadly I remember getting kidnapped so I already know that I have a rough few days ahead of me. Thankfully we already have a note hidden in All Might's phone so that if he tries to make a call it will activate and give him the gps coordinates for that fucking bar that we'll be at. And just in case they changed locations we put small trackers in our shoes that will send the information directly.

I don't like remembering being tied up to the chair and how they tried to twist every little thing to try and get me to join them. I wish I could skip it all the way around. The rest of the trip was much like how I remember it, including Deku getting kicked in the balls, the only difference was that I was there to yell at the fucking kid. When we were alone though I did tease him about his way with kids.

"Kacchan!" He whined and I pulled him in for a kiss. Yeah I needed that to soothe my nerves.

"Come on, we'll be late," I whispered and tugged on his hand.

We were in the middle of dinner when Deku and I both doubled over, a hand over our hearts. In the last few months our "condition" has escalated to the point that now I am in just as much pain as he is. Thanks to a certain nosey ass teacher.

"Wha-" one of the hosts started asking questions but I just waved her off. We even had sex before we left so that we could at least try and put it off until we got back. Of course, it's never worked in the past so we weren't expecting much. Not that I was disappointed in the sex, it's always amazing. Deku and I ran out and into the woods, the only beds I can think of are in that open dorm and it is a hell of a lot more likely that one of them will walk in on us there than out in the woods.

"Follow me," Deku held my hand tight and we raced towards a cliff face and it wasn't long before Deku was showing me a hiking trail that led up it. There was a large cave as well as a large boulder and now I understand. I went inside and he quickly picked up the boulder and blocked the entrance, leaving enough space for air but not really anything else.

I stripped. By the time we were both naked it was painful but his touch soothed me, relieving the pain and sending pleasure coursing through me instead. Just how does he do that? I faced him, my back against the cave wall and he supported me in his arms. Our bodies gently caressing each other now that we've gotten some practice in. Even this awkward position only had me wrapping my legs around his waist enjoying the light, soft moans escaping us between kisses and gentle loving.

"Izuku," I moaned in his ear and I love how excited he gets over my voice. We kept our voices down and once we were done we cleaned up the best that we could before getting dressed again. Deku was acting all sweet and giggly, making my heart throb but instead of walking down I decided that Deku could carry me. His giggles always make me feel the best. I cuddled into the back of his neck, giving him light ticklish kisses as he walked with me on his back.

"Bro, what happened? Are you hurt?" Kirishima asked and I frowned, guess that means no more kisses for me then. Fucking damn it. Deku and I weren't hiding our relationship. Nope, everyone in class knew that we fought like hell in class only to turn around and cuddle back at the dorms. The first week of the dorm system was hell because of this. Nosy ass fuckers, all of them.

By now they have all gotten used to the fact that we don't like unwanted attention. So they also know that there is a high chance of them walking in on us being touchy and kissing but they also know that we will stop once they get there. Most get to the fucking point and leave so we can go back to what we were doing but there are dumbass in our class.

"Kirishima?" Deku sounds way too happy at the moment and now I'm very confused.

"Yeah Midobro?" Kirishima easily turned to face Deku.

"Just in case we haven't made it perfectly clear yet, Kacchan is my lover and I don't appreciate you getting so close, especially when he has told you not to hang on him over and over again," Deku smiled brightly at him but it did the job and Kiri took a large step back and I relaxed a bit. Kiri has always been touchy feely but no matter how many times I tell him to get off of me he just doesn't listen and by now everyone in our class has seen Deku rage at least once. My cute murder bunny would make them all rethink their life's choices even if he wasn't angry and well... When he is pissed it's a whole new world of terrifying that no one wants anything to do with. Myself included.

"Keep it up and I'll drag you back," I whispered in his ear and he giggled back flirting. "I love you," I sighed, relaxing against his back while he carried me back. We didn't bother with any extra stuff and just took a quick bath and got dressed in our pajamas to relax before joining everyone around a campfire, most everyone already dressed in their sleeping clothes.

As much as we like our privacy it's also after our bath and right before we would go to sleep so I relaxed against my lover's shoulder and just listened to our classmates gossip about who likes who and something about a test of courage.

"It's kind of not fair," I opened my eyes to look at Kaminari who was watching Deku and I but talking to Ashido and Sero. Kirishima was still sulking thanks to the warning he got from Deku but he was sitting with them.

"What's not fair?" Ashido asked before following his eyes and I shifted mine to the campfire, more than comfortable to just relax in my lover's arms.

"Well, the rest of us are still looking, flirting and generally dealing with being teenagers while those two act like an old married couple, fighting everyday just to cuddle every night," he spoke slowly and I could hear a hint of sadness in his voice but not any bitterness.

"I guess I'm just jealous that they seem to already have everything figured out while I feel like I'm drowning in my doubts," he let out a long sigh and I just cuddled into Deku more than content to let them believe whatever they want but I guess Deku wasn't.

"Kacchan and I have been through a lot together, it would be more impressive if we still fought the way we used to. Stupid but impressive," Deku's voice was quiet but they all heard him and Kaminari looked embarrassed that his comment was heard but he was quickly distracted.

"Wait, like you used to? How did you fight before?" Sero spoke and now we had everyone's attention.

"Like we were each other's worst enemies," I grumbled, only to wrap my arms around him now. "Now fucking drop it."

"But how did you go from that to this?" Ashido asked, stars were practically dancing in her eyes and as always she was ready for gossip.

"Ummm," Deku hesitated for a bit but I didn't care if he told them or not and when he saw that I wasn't going to stop him he smiled. "We kind of almost died saving each other, more than a few times," he laughed nervously but that got all of their attention and I glared at him because there wasn't that many times in this life yet and no proof of our first life anymore. Not that there was any actual proof to begin with.

"Anyway, he's mine and I'm his. The rest of you stay the fuck away from him," I glared and several shrink back while Deku just smiled and kissed my cheek. Fuck, I love it when he gets all snuggly.

The rest of the evening was pretty average and Deku suggested that we take a walk only for us to be separated by a very pissy Aizawa Sensei. Once I'm looking around for Deku, finished with the bullshit chores Aizawa Sensei gave me. I saw something that I dreaded. A swirling black space and soon there was chaos as villains appeared all over the place and we were fighting for our lives.

No, no, no, no. No matter how many times the thought crossed my mind the fear of being kidnapped again only seemed to grow.

"KACCHAN!" I looked up to see Deku racing towards me but it was already too late, the handyman bastard was pulling me into the black mass even as I reached out for Deku only for the vortex to close before he could reach me.

I started shaking and spamming and once I started hurling the villains let me go, dropping me on the floor but I couldn't get back up again. I'm too far from Deku and I can only imagine the pain that he is going through and I can't help wondering which holder will take over his body in order to save us this time.

Eventually the villains dragged me up and tied me to a chair but thanks to my body not listening they really had to fight to get me in it. Even after they finished tying me up, only God knows how long later, did they try to talk to me but at this point I was coughing up blood and that seemed to confuse them more, scaring several.

"What the hell is going on with him? Did someone poison him?" I don't know who it was that was asking questions but it's not like I had an answer for them either way.

A thought crossed my mind and the violent shaking seemed to finally stop but not before my chair fell over, leaving me barely conscious with blood trailing down my mouth and neck.

"It seems to be the reaction of a quirk, it looks like if he is too far away from something it will kill him," someone answered and I guess I have to give them some credit. The only thing they got wrong was that they said something instead of someone.

"I thought he was a hero in training. Are you saying that he is being forced into being a hero?" There was a lot of back and forth between them and I don't really care. Not really. All I know is that Deku is getting closer, thanks to the pressure inside my chest easing up but they don't need to know that.

I spit out a mouthful of blood and sure enough none of them thought I was getting better. The front door exploded when Deku arrived an hour later, covered in his quirk with blood of his own trickling out of his mouth. I wonder if there is even any back up to be had? I doubt he waited for the heroes to put a team together, not that I could blame him. It feels like my body is being torn apart.

"Oh brother~!" Deku grinned wickedly at All-For-One who was looking up just as confused as everyone else. "Is this how you've been living since you killed me?" Deku smiled, blood still trickling out of him while he giggled, sometimes gurgling on the fluid.

"But you know I never once blamed you for my death, yet each time I find a new host you feel a need to kill them. It's really not fair little brother," Deku's tone fell flat and all the villains in the hideout went silent before looking at their boss, confused.

"You?" There was a whole back and forth and what it came down to was that All-For-One's brother was pissed and took over Deku's body just so that he could fight his brother one last time.

"You know," Deku grinned at the villain and it felt like a chill ran up my spine. "There is a benefit, going from one host to the next like this," he giggled like a deranged evil maniac.

"Oh? And what's that?" All-For-One asked.

"I get to spend lifetimes studying and training their quirks. Tell me do you remember this one?" He asked while barely holding out Deku's hand and several strands of Blackwhip came out and bound the villain.

"What? I can't move!" The villain actually sounded surprised but I have a guess as to why.

"Silly brother, that's because it's stronger than when the original holder had it. Like I said, I've had a long time to study them. You could have avoided all of this if you just didn't target each new host," Deku's tongue clicked in disappointment but the fact that every villain in the place was now bound.

"Is Deku alright?" I demanded and he finally looked over at me.

"Ah, Young Bakugo, I can't say I like having a gay host but I do enjoy living still. Don't worry, your Deku is just fine for the moment. I'll have to take you and run when I'm done with this childish brother of mine though. Close your eyes, remember your Deku isn't even awake right now, he will know nothing about what I do," he leaned down and touched my face gently. "I'll take care of it all, like I should have a long time ago," he smiled before running his fingers over my eyes and I let myself fall into the black abyss.


I woke up only wearing a bathrobe to find myself clean and laying next to Deku but the burning pain in my chest hasn't subsided yet, telling me that we haven't had sex yet. I woke Deku up with a kiss and he looked around confused for only a moment before he rolled us over so I was on my back and screaming out his name.

Hours later I was sitting above Deku gasping for air, our bodies covered in sweat and sore from our exhaustion. He had to help me down before we could clean up and soak in the hot water, small jets trained on our backs while we relaxed. We found clothes in our size but at the same time nothing that we owned before to change into and I can only guess what all the first holder of OFA did while we were unconscious but I would rather not think about it.

I was curled up on Deku's lap with the news on while we tried to figure out what the hell happened. There was a huge press release about the kidnapping and hearing Aizawa Sensei say all that about me being a true hero actually hit me, it hit hard.

"If this is the same as last time then that means that you were rescued way faster than last time. We weren't able to come after you until the day after this press release," Deku murmured and picked up the phone. He found the hotel pamphlet and called the one number that the two of us will never forget.

"All Might? Kacchan and I are safe. Could you come get us? We don't really know what happened or how we got here," I heard Deku answer several questions but I just cuddled him until he got out of bed to check our room number and hung up the phone.

"Looks like we have a couple hours before they can pick us up, something about a bar covered in blood? Anyway we are safe now," he gently caressed me and I grinned back at him.

"Is that an invitation I hear?" I smirked up at him and he grinned.

"If that's what you hear, it must be exactly what I said," he grinned back at me and I started pulling my shirt off only to stop when there was a knock on the door.

"Fuck," we both groaned and I put my shirt back on before Deku answered the door to find Auntie and the Hag standing there. I can't help hoping that they don't ask about the smell in the room because we didn't air the room out and it smells like sex, no question about it.

"Come on boys, let's get you home," Auntie smiled, only serving a moment when she entered the room. Well so much for hoping they don't don't smell it. We went home and Auntie called All Might to tell him that we were with them while Deku and I gently held each other and nodded off in the back seat.


"What do you mean they called you?" I jumped at the loud voices to find Aizawa Sensei looking very pissed and looking at Auntie and All Might, like he was accusing them of something.

"Fuck," I groaned, my back complaining a little bit, probably from all the spasming I did when the villains first took me. I already know that I'm covered in bruises but there isn't a whole lot I could say or do about the matter.

"And what the hell is this about Midoriya having a brother?" Aizawa Sensei demanded but no one had any answers, not Deku who looked just as confused as our parents or our parents themselves. Hell All Might looked like he had been hit by a truck the way he was standing around without any answers.

"OFA," I answered and All Might jumped.

"What?" He started to ask before looking around and clearing his throat. "We'll talk about this later."

"No need for that, someone dropped off a video for us to watch," Aizawa held up a remote and hit play only for us to watch a Deku explain that no, he was not actually Deku and that he was something closer to a ghost and was only able to take over Deku's body because he met certain conditions.

"The fact that he was barely alive and fighting my brother, my murderer, being only two of such conditions but hey. I'm not complaining," he giggled psychotically. "Anyway, the cost of getting my revenge is to finally move on but number eight, I know you're watching, you have to pass it on to number nine or else this body's power will disappear! He already has the approval of all the holders, if his power dies then so will yours." He went on to give a bunch of directions that were for All Might, not that anyone else but Deku, All Might and I would know that and then he smiled at the camera.

"Good luck little hero." He smiled like that was going to be the end before he looked back and said, "and one more thing."

"If he keeps saying that I'm going to start calling him Uncle," I grumbled while rolling my eyes and Deku giggled next to me. "What? He said that he finally finished the mission and that we are free only to give us a laundry list of things to do now that it's done!"

"Number eight, stop sneaking behind number nine's back. We all know you're sleeping with his mother," then the video ended abruptly and Deku was cursing next to me.

"I was ignoring that on purpose!" He groaned and it was my turn to laugh. All Might on the other hand was bright red and so was Auntie.

"You knew?" Auntie asked and Deku and I laughed.

"The fact that you actually thought you were hiding it, is kind of insulting," Deku rubbed his face. He looked up and from the looks of it I should have had popcorn ready.

"First, All Might, you're like a father to me. Not just you but Aizawa Sensei and Uncle too but the fact of the matter is that you have always treated me like I was actually your son and I will never forget that and yes, I do love you. Having said that, make my mother cry and watch how I turn the fight between you and AFO into children's play," Deku smiled brightly at our hero and he nodded quickly but kept silent. I think the fact that Deku just told him that he loved him was a bit much for him, but in a good way.

"Mom," he changed his focus and I'm even curious as to what he'll say to her. "At least tell Dad to leave me alone, I know you two divorced on bad terms all those years ago but the fact that he still calls to try and get me to go to him is more than annoying. It's straight up harassment. If I wasn't good enough for him when the doctors said I would be quirkless, then I'm not good enough for him ever. Even if I become the number one hero like I plan to, I won't give him the time of day," he recited and Auntie, Deku and I pulled out our phones and rejected the call that came in. I swear the fucker has hired someone with a quirk to call us every time the bastard was mentioned. It never failed.

"Fucking stalker," I grumbled putting my phone away only for both of them to agree. Deku put his phone away too but Auntie waited, already knowing that the fucker was about to call her again. And as if I could see the future her phone rang.

Two years have gone by and we are in our third year of UA. Everything was chaotic and Aizawa Sensei was again grumbling about us being difficult and his ass had to bring up Deku's sperm donor and we were all rejecting the bastard's calls again. Then he called Auntie again.

Before she could answer it though All Might took it and gave her a small smile. Auntie let him.

"Hello?" He answered smiling. "Since you called me, don't you think you should introduce yourself first?" He lectured and Deku and I were about to laugh out loud. "Inko isn't available at the moment, could you tell me how you know my wife?"

Deku and I both jerked our heads back up at the word. Did he really just say that? Wait, is Auntie smiling? Are they finally going public?

"We just couldn't find the right time to tell you," she shrugged before showing us a pretty sapphire ring. I whistled, I mean damn. Here I thought they were hiding it because they didn't want the bastard to meddle.

"What does the fact that she has already divorced someone have to do with us being married?" All Might asked, genuinely confused. "I don't think whether you believe me or not really matters to tell you the truth."

"Impersonation? Do you follow All Might?" He sounded surprised and to be honest so am I. Does Deku's sperm donor follow All Might? "Well then I'll settle it this way." He hung up the phone before then asking Auntie if it was okay to go public with their relationship and she agreed. He took a selfie and I could tell he included us, since Deku was sitting in my lap still. Why didn't he ask us if we wanted to go public or not? I mean I will kiss him just about anywhere but still. Where's the courtesy?

I pulled out my phone again and sure enough there was the photo, he tagged us and the caption read; Can anyone recommend a parenting book for parents of heroes? My boy keeps getting hurt and despite having a full license he runs in like the teenager that he is. 🥺.

Deku was the first to respond. "Dad! Use the personal account for personal things and the professional account for hero stuff!

All Might: But I need more help than that?

Dynamight: You're pushing it.

Deku: Babe, stay out of this please.

Dynamight: ...

Inko Yagi: Sweetheart, you're grounded.

Deku: Mom!

Inko Yagi: Don't Mom me. This is the third time you've almost died this year!

Dynamight: Has it been three times already?

Deku: You're not helping Babe.

Dynamight: 😒 No. Seriously. How many times does this happen?

Deku: You were the one kidnapped and if it wasn't for the quirk we were under I would have been just fine thanks. 😒

Dynamight: Just fine huh?

Deku: You know what I mean!

All Might: Honey, he does have a point. If it wasn't for the quirk that makes it to where they have to be so close together both of them would have been fine.

All Might: I just don't like it.

Inko Yagi: 😭 But my baby almost DIED!

Deku: Again, this is the professional accounts? Please take this down? Please Dad?

All Might: But I really do want to know about the book suggestions.

Dynamight: @Eraserhead ?

Eraserhead: Keep me out of this!

Dynamight: Nope, if I'm getting dragged through this then so are you. Book? So that All Might can take this down.

Eraserhead: Why would I know this information?

Dynamight: *posted image of class A with Eraserhead holding Eri on his shoulder*

Dynamight: I wonder why?

Inko Yagi: What an adorable picture! Is that the little girl you adopted that I've heard so much about?

Eraserhead: ... @Present Mic You deal with this. I'm going to sleep.

Present Mic: 🤯 Do you have any more pictures? I'm only in your English class! 🥺

Dynamight: If you have a book for All Might then I just might have a few dozen. 🤔

Present Mic: Give me ten minutes!

Deku: You really don't pull any punches.

Dynamight: Never love. 😘 The sooner this gets taken down the sooner we can get back to training.

Inko Yagi: 🙃 I remember saying my baby was grounded?

Dynamight: We have to go to classes though.

Deku: That's right Mom! We can't fail highschool. 😁 But I promise to do my best not to get hurt anymore.

Dynamight: Babe I love you but shut up. Are you trying to bring Murphy's Law down on us?

Deku: 😅 Sorry.

Dynamight: 🤕 Good thing I love you.

Deku: 🥰

Present Mic: And I'm back! I have six titles for you. All Might I'll send them directly to your phone!

Dynamight: Finally!

Deku: Dad, take the post down. Please?

All Might: How do I do that?

Dynamight: 💥

Inko Yagi: Katsuki Bakugo!

Dynamight: Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am!

Best Jeanist: @All Might's wife Is there a way that you and I could chat? I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on the young hero Dynamight.

Dynamight: Stay the fuck away from my mother-in-law!

Inko Yagi: Now Katsuki. There isn't any reason for that kind of language.

Dynamight: 🥺 I just don't want him to bother you.

Inko Yagi: That really is so sweet of you, dear.

Red Riot: So not to interrupt or anything but there is this guy claiming to be Deku's dad ranting in the comment section... ?

Dynamight: first name?

Red Riot: His user says Hisashi Midoriya.

Dynamight: The sperm donor was blocked by all of us a long time ago. Because this is our professional hero accounts he can still see everything even though we can't see what all he is posting.

Deku: Speaking of chats. @Best Jeanist stay away from my husband's hair. I like it the way it is.

Red Riot: ... Alright then. Is Deku really going to ignore the fact I brought him up at all?

Dynamight: Yes.

Best Jeanist: You're not married and as a pro hero he needs to be more conscious of his image.

Deku: ...

Dynamight: Best Jeanist, you really just ruined your career over my hair style?

Best Jeanist: I don't find that funny.

Dynamight: Good thing I wasn't joking dumbass.

Deku: *posted a picture of marriage license and wedding photo*

Deku: For someone that wears a belt on their face I'm sure Gang Orca is having a hard time not laughing at the way your jaw just dropped.

Dynamight: Babe? Do you keep a copy of those saved on your phone?

Deku: 🥰 Of course!

Dynamight: I love you.

Deku: I love you too! 💖

All Might: I might have figured out how to delete the post?

Deku: Just a minute Dad. @Best Jeanist, I want an apology.

All Might: ...

Inko Yagi: Honey he will not let this go until he gets the apology he deserves.

All Might: I know. I'm just not sure if Best Jeanist will have a career when our boy is done with him.

Inko Yagi: Sorry, that depends on the apology.

Charge Bolt: I know that Mr. Midoriya is typically taboo but some of the things he is saying are really bad.

Dynamight: Explain.

Charge Bolt: Apparently he is homophobic. I don't think he will be letting up anytime soon.

Dynamight: Too bad he is in America. If he were in Japan he would be arrested for harassing pro heroes and inciting civil unrest.

Red Riot: Bro sometimes you are just scary when you're not blowing up.

Charge Bolt: Dude! Yes.

Dynamight: Why is my hair so important to Best Jeanist though? I interned with him once and he spent the whole time trying to force my hair down.

Deku: @Best Jeanist I'm still waiting. 😁

Dynamight: Seriously don't test him. Apologize while you still can.

Best Jeanist: Can I ask what exactly I'm apologizing for?

Deku: Harassing a married man about his hair.

Best Jeanist: You're serious?

Deku: As a heart attack.

Dynamight: Babe? I'm fine. It's just hair.

Deku: Don't babe me right now. 🙃

Dynamight: So my sweet Mother-in-law. Is there a reason All Might did this on his professional account?

Inko Yagi: Oh, this is his only account. He never made a private one.

Dynamight: Why am I not surprised? Father-in-law we both love you but there are some things you can't put online for the public to see.

All Might: How did you do that? It tagged me even without my username?

Deku: Dad, I'll show you later.

Deku: Best Jeanist I'll give you five minutes before your rank drops by fifty.

Best Jeanist: Threatening a pro hero is very un hero-like.

Deku: It's not a threat. 😁

Best Jeanist: ...

All Might: Should I mention my boy is an extreme fanboy? I really suggest you apologize while you still can.

Best Jeanist: How would that change anything?

Dynamight: You really are a dumbass aren't you?

Inko Yagi: Katsuki 🙃 I love you dear.

Dynamight: Babe? Can All Might please delete this whole post and thread? Please?

Dynamight: I like living. I would like to stay among the living.

Inko Yagi: 😁

Deku: Well that makes five minutes.

Dynamight: Shit.

Dynamight: Have I mentioned that I love you yet today?

Deku: 🥰 You could always express it more.

Dynamight: You are a fucking Angel in a sea of demons, a star in a lightless sky and most importantly my Deku.

Deku: ah Kacchan! 🥰

Best Jeanist: How did you find all this information about me?

Dynamight: We should really go on a date tonight. Preferably one under the stars? I can make some katsudon filling for some rice balls? The stars in your eyes are always the best.

Deku: That sounds amazing 🤩 but wouldn't that ruin the bulking diet we are on?

Red Riot: And no one believes me when I say Bakubro is a huge romantic. *Sigh*

Charge Bolt: I know the feeling. Just yesterday someone laughed at me when I said that he helps me with my paperwork when I have either a huge case or a bunch of small ones at a time.

Uravity: I see it in person and I still don't believe it sometimes. You know there were a bunch of times the last couple years that the only reason I ate was because he would accidentally order the wrong food and instead of eating it he would order again and push his plate in front of me?

Froppy: Babe? Are you crying right now? I'm already on my way, Baby. I'll be done patrol so I'll be back soon.

Uravity: I'm just a little emotional right now. I'm sorry you have to deal with me all the time.

Creati: I just ordered several pizzas for dinner.

Sugarman: I'm baking cupcakes.

Gravity: 🥺

Dynamight: I wouldn't say ruin but we would have to be extra careful for a while. Or I can make it on Saturday for lunch before the gym? Maybe some steamed vegetables with some chocolate almond milk?

Deku: 😍😘

Deku: Kacchan?

Dynamight: Deku?

Deku: I think we need to go back to the dorms. I'm feeling a bit light headed.

Dynamight: ...

Dynamight: Nezu ?

Nezu: Most students try not to get caught on social media during school hours.

Dynamight: It was All Might's official post so it is what it is. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Nezu: What can I do for you?

Dynamight: You know that mission that you were suggesting before?

Nezu: Hahahahahaha

Nezu: You have a deal. Classes just ended and everyone is being dismissed for the day for self study/training.


Dynamight: You should have listened.

Dynamight: You know he is a decent hero, right?

Deku: That's why I only dropped him fifty spots instead of killing his career.

Nezu: Young heroes, I think you two need to stop by my office before you leave on that mission tomorrow.

Dynamight: Please do not give Deku any more ideas. The only hero he couldn't knock out of the rankings is All Might and he has already retired.

Nezu: All the more reason to stop by for some tea. 🍵

Deku: That sounds fun actually. Will there be cookies?

Dynamight: Why do I try? Can I have cocoa instead?

Deku: Cocoa! 🤩

Nezu: I see a lot of tea and cocoa in our future.

Eraserhead: I was gone for twenty minutes. How did he adopt the problem children?

All Might: tea and cocoa is not adopting. Even I would fight him if he tried anything rash with my boys.

Eraserhead: Boys? As in more than one? What the hell did I miss?

All Might: Oh, you were gone for a while if you didn't know all that.

Inko Yagi: It's okay Mr. Aizawa. I'll bring you up to speed later. I'll need to update their paperwork anyway and I'm stopping at my favorite coffee shop.

Dynamight: @Father-in-law my old man wants to know if you'll make it to the father/son mountain climbing trip?

All Might: I'm invited?

Dynamight: ... Deku. Help.

Deku: You're married Mom right?

All Might: Only the second best decision in my life, the first was training you of course. <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠ >

Deku: Then it's kind of required that you come on the trip.

Inko Yagi: Toshinori dear? I seem to be a bit more than a bit ill.

Dynamight: 😳 Mother-in-law this is still posted where everyone can see it! Call him!

Deku: Mom? 😳

Inko Yagi: I'll talk to you about it later sweetie!

*Original poster has deleted the post and all corresponding threads*

Well hell, things escalated quickly but then again life doesn't slow down for anyone, not even a hero. Even if sometimes you might be thrown back instead of going forward, that's okay. So long as you take that next step forward again.

The fact that Deku's sperm donor was ruined, fired from his job that apparently he only got because he was the father of such a big name hero in training and his "new" family had now cut contact with him only made it better. Well for me anyway.

"Kacchan? Let's go to bed," Deku hugged me from behind, snuggling into my neck.

"Yeah." Life can actually be so satisfying.


This was just a short story there will be no other chapters published.

Kilanna2016creators' thoughts