
Hellwalker [Berserk FF]

Marick had first come into this world of Berserk with the mindset of having chosen the lesser of 3 evils put before him. He was given a single Jumpchain document chosen at random among millions of different choices by an unconscious system in the void. Should he refuse, he would die due to the corrosion so the thing didn't really give him or the other two souls with him much of a choice. So he chose first, hastily taking what he considered the 'least horrifying' world of the three choices. Isn't that saying something? He planned to simply hide away in this world, explore some of the magic, and maybe, just maybe, make the most of his situation. Too bad. His background instantly merged him with a soul already using his Behilit to the God Hand.

Matheu_DeWitt · Cómic
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10 Chs

As they fall into Gehenna, so shall they lie.

The First Layer of Astral Hell, Eternity.

The hell of the astral world exists in some of the deepest parts of it. And even then, this deep into the Astral world is a constantly expanding mess that intertwines into eternity. Only the first layer of hell, Eternity, can connect with some of the regular astral worlds above. Those who reside here are nothing but demons and the sacrificed souls of the apostles, whom they had loved but sacrificed to their Behelits for greater power.

And so, this layer was filled with white-hot rock walls, like a cave that had no opening. Demonic creatures prowled around with distorted images and ugly faces like you could never imagine, while the humans who had ended up here remained contorted into various shapes and postures. These demonic things took delight in torturing these immobile humans, who could not move or die since they arrived here. From the moment they fell and were pulled into the Abyss, their movements were no longer possible.

Now they lie on the searing hot walls of this gigantic cave, without being able to rest or move. Enduring the torment of these demons for all eternity. This is what Hell is like. And this is only the least of astral hell, the weakest and highest level of eternity. There were over 1,000 layers of astral hell and it continued to expand without end.


The demonic creatures all looked up at the top of the cave above them with pure delight on their faces. A crevice from the ceiling, the inside filled with thousands of clawing and animalistic faces who were pulling Marick down. He was a bloody mess at this point, with bites taken out of his neck, shoulders, and arms, and even his right leg was missing completely.

The demons whooped and hollered as another plaything was delivered to them from above. A small mob of them dropped their usual tormenting target and rushed directly under where Marick would fall, hoping to be the one to cause the 'first trauma' of hell to him. They watched with delight as Marick thrashed around violently while screaming against the thousands of arms and animal faces pulling him into the pit below.

"NO! This wasn't supposed to happen. I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS!" He screamed loudly as he thrashed, but it only made the demons below him laugh historically at his 'puny tantrum'.

Finally, the many arms managed to punch him in the head, dizzying him enough for him to slip down into the pit below. The crevice immediately began to close, as the animal-like creatures recoiled from the heat felt below them in pain.

Marick fell through the air toward the floor of this giant cave filled with anger, confusion, and fear. Time seemed to slow down for him as he fell, he looked upon the hundreds of animal-like demons waiting below him with open mouths and disgusting images. Something needed to change for him, and fast.

And then, something did.

*Bump* *Bump*

His heart thumped twice as he felt his body changing what he had selected from his choice points in the jump document. His wounds healed immediately and his vision grew sharper. The original boyish body grew nearly an entire meter in height and size, as he matched the 25-year-old image of his 'Inhuman' appearance. The equipment he had selected, materialized around him as if he had always been wearing it. Finally, a small purple Behelit appeared around his neck like a necklace, its face filled with bloody screaming tears due to the proximity of extreme evil.

The demons looked up in confusion as the nearly dead boy, changed into an armored warrior in a black cloak within a matter of seconds. This was not the usual entrance to astral hell.

Then, they felt the aura of the Behelit from him and their eyes changed to fear.

"A fated one of eternity!"

"How did he end up here?"


One by one, the demons moved out of the way from underneath his position.

*Crash* *Sizzle* *Sizzle*

"AGH!" Marick screamed upon his contact with the ground.

The white-hot floor was like a sizzling frying pan in which he pressed his body against. The smell of burning flesh filled his nostrils as he attempted to move his body and stand up. But his body was restricted and he felt a force preventing him from moving that was about as strong as 4 times Earth's gravity. The demons looked on at him as he struggled to stand back up, shaking as he stood.

"H-he can move!"

"His drop of eternity protects him. Hiss~"

"It's purple, have you heard of one like that?"

"No, it's not worth remembering."

"Let's take it then!" 

Marick was able to stand, despite his broken right leg from his fall. He drew his long sword and pointed it in the direction of the talking demons warily. His purple Behelit was screaming madly now with the appearance of so much evil.

Normally, human souls that arrive here are pressed into the floor without their bodies, and a new immortal human body forms around them, preventing them from moving completely. But he fell into here with his entire human body. Not only this, but his [Behelit] was giving him a significant resistance to the effects of immobilization and the heat of the floor beneath him.

He had never been more grateful for his decision to purchase a personal Behelit from the jump document, even though they seemed to be signs of evil in the story. They were not signs of evil, but instead small drops of astral eternity from the Deep Astral placed in the material world as anchors to human fate. They were [Keys], keys to the Deep Astral, where some of the most powerful astral forces lie. These keys are so important to mankind, who would find it impossible to descend into the abyss of eternity even if they wanted to try. After all, this first lay of hell is just the outermost part of eternity, where eternity itself is like an integral equation of layers constantly forming deeper and deeper inside itself, never reaching, but always approaching zero.

The color of the Behelit was theorized to tend to align the 'depth' from eternity in which it was formed. Grey Behelits and Blue Behelits were seen as the outer layer, while Crimson Behelits were seen as one of the Deepest Layers; a sign that the Crimson behelits chosen could become a member of the god's hand.

[Behelit]'s themselves have not had much known about them, after all, besides being able to summon the god's hand from the Deep Astral, people knew them as a sign of a bad omen. But only now can Marick see some of the additional effects of a [Behelit], when he is inside one of the layers of eternity. It's giving him some resistance to the rules and tortures of the abyss, allowing him to move with much resistance in a place where he shouldn't. The heat from the cave under him is hot enough to match the sun in heat, and yet its heat is factionalized to only give him burns.


Marick's Behelit continued to scream madly with bloody tears running down its face as the demons approached his readied, fighting form.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Matheu_DeWittcreators' thoughts