
Hellviana For The Elite and Extraordinaire

Hellviana isn't all simple and ordinary, it has its secrets too. Hellviana for the elite and extraordinaire is a secret special school founded and built secretly by Hellviana Mendez, especially for gifted individuals. Hellviana: Home for the Elite and Extraordinaire is a sub-branch to the now world-famous school Hellviana Le'ovuire International. This school is a place for gifted and unique individuals who possess extraordinary capabilities. Note: This part of The Hellviana Universe (Time is irrelevant)

MadTitan_2199 · Ciencia y ficción
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33 Chs

Jessie and Colt Part 2

Colt P.O.V

*Voice message sent on October 21, 4:02 PM*

"Hey Jess, umm, thank you for uh, reminding me that I have a life beyond these books and studies. Man, I'm such a bad boyfriend. Thank you for slapping some reality on me, I seriously need that. As soon as I'm done with this literature book I'm currently studying, I promise to you we'll head out of this insane school and eat dinner. Promise."

*Voice message sent on October 24, 1:23 AM*

"Jessie, baby, guess what? I am FINALLY done studying this god awful literature and whatnot. So, you know what means baby... We are heading out and eat dinner! Just the two of us. I freaking love you and I am so excited to see my gorgeous and stunning girlfriend."

*Voice message sent on October 24, 6:28 AM*

"Just a little update on our date, I just got us a really good place to eat dinner. It's rather fancy hence it's quite pricy, and I know my wallet is gonna hurt after this, but everything is worth it when I see you tonight, munching on the best food this little town offers until your belly swells. Just kidding, you're still beautiful when you're full. See you soon love."

*No more voicemails*

"What on Earth happened to you?" A voice called out. I turned around and saw my good friend Alicia Perks standing by the door. She is one of my closest friends here in Hellviana, our friendship dates back since we were kids, she often calls me goofball and makes fun of my weird little talents like the ability to give life to something that I draw on my notebook. It's a really good talent but a little tricky to control.

My ability may be overkill but it has its own limits, like, my quirk will only work if it is drawn solely by me and in my notebook. If my notebook is not available or not present at times when I desperately need to use my ability, I can create a new notebook with the use of my blood and some leaves.

"What do you mean what happened to me? Do I look weird? Do I smell weird?" I flooded her with questions. She giggles in response.

"You look happy. That's what's weird." She replied. I pouted my lips and scrunched my face.

"Why is that weird?" I probed.

"I don't know. You've been stuck on your desk for the last couple of weeks, just studying, and now you're suddenly happy and cheerful. It's just a little weird for me, you know?" She explained. She looked at me and smiled, I haven't seen her smile like that in ages.

"It's just Jessie, she and I are going out tonight for dinner." I replied. Her mood instantly changed upon hearing my response. Her smile faded and her eyes who have just filled with happiness a couple of seconds ago, are now filled with annoyance.

"Ugh, that freshman, again? You know I do not like that freshman. I cannot believe both of you are still dating. I mean, did you not hear the claims and accusations about her?" She ranted, her cheeks are turning red due to frustration and anger.

"We've been through this before. I love Jessie, I don't care what the public says about her, I genuinely love her and all of her imperfections." I snapped. I do not care who am talking, if someone talks bad and mean things to my girlfriend, I will not hold back and I will protect her. Alicia saw that I was getting upset with her, so she instantly changed her mood and dissolved into something apologetic.

"I-I'm sorry. I am just worried about you Colt. You are my best friend, I love you. I just think that someone is better than her, someone is more deserving to call you her man." Alicia said as she slowly and seductively moves close towards me.

"Someone like I don't know... Right in front of you?" She added. Our lips, inches away from each other. Feeling that she was too close, I instantly backed away from her. She snaps and awkwardly smiles.

A couple of awkward minutes later, she spoke and said, "You want to go and grab some beer? I heard there's a pretty good bar that just opened."

I hesitated for a while, as I desperately debated inside my head if I should join her and go to this bar or just stay put.

"She's up to something, you know that." A voice in my head said.

"She's a friend, you've been friends for quite some time now. You can trust her." Another voice commented.

"Just be careful, if she does anything weird, leave." The previous voice instructed.

"Colt, are you coming?" She repeated.

"Yeah, sure. I guess I can kill some time while waiting for my date with Jessie."

"I promise, we won't take long."


It did take long. We arrived at my dorm, drunk, and arrived late at night. I looked at the clock and saw that it already passed at ten o'clock and I have missed our date.

"Motherf- I missed our date! You told me it was just a quick hangout at the bar! What the hell Alicia!" I screamed at a very stable Alicia, who was sitting on my desk. I always underestimate her, I forgot that she has high immunity to alcohol due to her quirk.

"I'm sorry okay! I lost track of time, and we couldn't just leave when the party was that awesome. Just apologize to your girlfriend and she'll get over it." She stated. She took off her heels and crashed on my bed. I picked her up and threw her on the couch instead.

"Oookay Mr. Strong man, I guess I'll sleep on the couch." She said. I instantly snapped at her, she is not staying in my room after what she just did.

"You are not sleeping in here." I declared, I walk up to her and pulled her away from the couch, and dragged her towards the door but she grabbed the nearest pipe and stopped me from walking.

"Let go of the pipe Alicia." I requested but instead, she tightened her grip and looked at me in the eye.

"No." She smiles. That was the last straw, maybe it's the liquor but my blood boiled upon seeing that smile. With every once of my strength, I pulled on her arm.

"I said let go of the pipe!" I yelled as I pulled her arm as strong as I can, but she suddenly let go of the pipe as I pulled her. She instantly whipped towards me and we crashed on the floor.

I opened my eyes and saw her on top of me. Once again, she was too close to me. Our lips were inches from one another, and it took me every ounce of my will and dignity not to succumb to the alcohol and kiss her.

"I love you Colt." She said on her breathe. I pushed her away and got up on my feet.

"What did you just say to me?" I asked as I dusted off the dirt on my shirt. She slowly got up on her feet and looked me in the eye.

"I said I love you, you big dummy." She declared as she yanked my shirt and kissed me on the lips. I couldn't move my body and just stood there, letting her savagely kiss me.

"Baby, are you still awake? I'm so sorry that I-" Jessie excitedly said as she entered the room and saw us kissing.

That night was my biggest regret in life. I shouldn't have stood like an idiot and let her kiss me. I should've pushed her away from me and kicked her out of my room, but I didn't. Sadly, that was the last time I ever saw Jessie. Due to the conflicting class schedules, her supportive friend that always blocks me from ever speaking to her, and mostly her, who couldn't even bear to look at me whenever we pass each other. I couldn't blame her, it was my fault. My stupid fault.

Graduation happened, and we, the graduates, were relocated to a new building. I never got to see her beautiful smile ever again, never got a chance to apologize and make things right with her.