
Helltown - (Moved to a New Link)

Moved to this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/helltown_29596716400125205 Two weapons clanged. A sturdy long stick with a large mace on top was swayed aside by a strong female warrior. She dug her heel into onto the dusty surface, scowling at her opponent. With her short reddish hair and a menacing yell, she trusted her chain mace towards a tall girl with a long pointy tail and protruding fangs. The pretty demon-looking girl barely dodged her attack, throwing her body to the ground of the arena. The audience behind the flimsy fence roared and cheered in a frenzy. They were packed tight around the rocky walls, thirsting for blood. The fallen girl heaved, holding her weapon tight. Standing up, she narrated, "Someone once joked 'Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company'. Only fools can believe this to be true." Her opponent cackled with a smirk, ready for another attack. "Do you want to know what it's like down here? Well, let me tell you.” Moving into the defensive position, the girl growled, exposing her fangs. She let out a battle cry as their metal weapons met with a loud clang. “And it all started with my death.” The woman in question entered this world as a very old and very ill woman. The woman died peacefully surrounded by her loved ones. She had led a good life and was a kind person, or so it would seem. After closing her eyes, she entered a hell-like dimension. It resembled a large city floating on a lake of molted lava, with black skyscrapers filled with evil people and demons alike, called Helltown. With very little resources in this horrible place, she had to find a way to survive. Luckily, there was hope. The woman used a spell to become a beautiful young woman. She was also very strong. Making a new identity for herself, the main protagonist fought pig demons, escaped the reeking slums. On the way she ended up in a brothel and then as a gladiator in an arena. With many enemies and shifty allies, she became a favorite of the audience and finally managed to catch a break. Finding her spot in the top floors of the skyscrapers, the intrigues truly start. After all her adventures, and she still did not why she was sent there. Along the way, we learn more about her life on Earth and the possible reasons for her fall. Back in Helltown, the cunning woman learns quickly about the ins and outs of the place. She adapts and even thrives, but tries not to lose her humanity. Can she stay sane among such evil? Even more important, what was brewing in those depths and how did it affect the life on Earth? A lot, actually. If so, can she save the world? Her family? Can she escape?

sofiawild · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

The deal

"Wow, you really are new. I disarmed you without even trying," the girl with long blond hair said. Cassandra gulped, stunned. She tried to run, but her assailant was faster.

"If you listen to what I have to say, I'm not going to hurt you. But if you disrespect me like this again, I will tear your guts out. Understand?" she snarled into her ear. Her claws dug into her captive's arm. The dagger dug into her skin, almost drawing blood.

Cassandra nodded, helpless. 

"Good," the twisted girl replied. Her grip loosened. "Act natural and don't cause a scene."

They were still standing in the same spot when a couple of men rode in their long carriages held up by slaves. They were all well-fed and clothed, some of them sporting horns or having long clawlike hands. Strutting past them, they walked into the establishment with an aura of superiority that could be felt for miles.

"Who are they?" Cassandra asked.

"Them?" the girl said. "They were human once. Now, I don't know what they are."

"What do you mean?" Cassandra asked.

The girl sighed. "Well, if you must know. They were good people. Gifted with all kinds of talents. But they wasted them. Either frivolously or for self-absorbed gains. Usually both."

"So what, this is their punishment? They were sent here because they didn't try hard enough?" Cassandra squinted confused.

"No, they ended up here because their deeds were such, even the devil was impressed with how miserably they failed."

Cassandra blinked. "Do a terrible job on Earth, and you can live like royalty in hell. Doesn't sound so bad."

"I wouldn't say it's good either. A mandatory orgy is a mandatory orgy. And demons simply love to peg people like that."

"At least they don't have to eat maggots," Cassandra said.

"They do," the girl said blunt.

Cassandra observed the stranger carefully. "How do you know so much?" she inquired. 

Her companion extended her hand and said. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Tamara. I run the gladiator pit." 

"Is that so," Cassandra raised her eyebrows. 

"Yes, and I offer much better employment benefits than this disease infested dump," she declared frowning at the brothel.


"Yes, the place for entertainment in Helltown. We have group fights, one on one etc. Female gladiators are often sought after. The crowd just loves to see a good cat fight. There's also a gore shows, but you won't need to worry about that. It's just for the ugly ones," Tamara stated.

The newcomer scoffed. "So why are you here? Stealing their employees," she chuckled. 

"Oh honey... Stealing is beneath me. It is true that I come here to scout for fresh meat, but trust me, things are a thousand times better at my place. You may get beaten and bruised, but at least you won't be pounded nonstop."

Tamara sighed and calmly said: "Come, I'll show you." The newcomer watched as the tall girl entered the establishment. Readying her weapon, she followed slowly. 

The inside of the brothel was spacious, yet still filled to the brim with all sorts of creatures. Naked or half-naked girls, some human some like her, were walking and twisting sensually, tempting customers to choose them. There were even a few tables where damned but wealthy souls could watch the dancers while enjoying some liquor.

Tamara approached the tables, with the waitress greeting her with a grin. Her uniform were a few leather straps that barely covered anything, and matched nicely with her little bat wings. "So nice to see you again! It feels like ages," she said, exposing her sharp teeth.

"Everything feels like ages here," the pit owner joked and requested a table near the reception. Cassandra observed everything, as she often did in life, hiding under a cold facade. She sat down next to her new acquaintance.

"Would you like something to eat? I suppose you're hungry," Tamara addressed her.

"What's good here?"

Tamara smiled, ordering a large plate of broth and two glasses of what looked like wine.

Confused, Cassandra picked up her spoon and took a tiny sip. Satisfied with the taste, she quickly finished her meal.

"How was it?" Tamara asked, watching her amused.

"Extremely good," Cassandra said, fighting the urge to lick the plate. 

"I'm glad you like it. It usually takes people time to adjust to the taste."

Stopping mid-sip, Cassandra whispered, "Is this the maggot food you were telling me about?"

Tamara nodded, taking her drink.

"And what is that? It can't be real wine," Cassandra pointed, trying to hold down what she swallowed.

"No. Just fermented maggot juice mixed with a bit of blood. Would you like to try?" the pit owner said.

Holding in another gag, Cassandra murmured, "No, thanks."

Tamara looked towards the reception and tapped her on the shoulder. "Look and pay attention."

Cassandra turned to see a petite older woman standing behind the large stone desk. Looking more like a cute imp, she fixed up her hairdo that was almost the size of her entire body. Her red thick glasses complimented the redness of her skin.

A beautiful girl got out from the first room, with a visibly satisfied customer. Still, unbuttoned and swaying, he approached the woman on the reception and gave her what seemed to be a gold tooth.

The young woman was wearing a black leather outfit, thigh high boots and a whip to match. "So, did I get the job?" she said confident.

The small woman nodded, fixing her oversized glasses. "Yes, you did well. Congratulations."

The girl clapped pleased. "Thanks boss. I won't let you down."

"I hope so. Your shift starts now. And with all the debt you owe me, you will need to work extra hard."

"What?" the girl uttered confused. "What debt? I just got here."

The brothel owner took out a piece of paper and started reading. "Let's see. There's the rent for the room, we charge by the customer. The cost of your outfit. And the whip. And your long boots are not going to pay for themselves, you know. So, with all that, and room and board, we will be even after 30,765 customers served," the petite woman concluded.

The girl was listening with her mouth wide open. "That is preposterous! The only thing you didn't charge me for was stepping into this hellhole."

"Oh good point. I forgot the entrance fee," the impish woman said writing something down on a piece of paper.

The tricked girl's eyes widened in rage. She tried to flee but was immediately stopped by the brothel owner's massive troll-looking bodyguards. She screamed and cried for help, fighting and biting the guards. The customer's observed laughing, mocking her attempts. Soon all four bullies were holding her down.

The woman shook her head disapprovingly. "Another runner, such a shame. Boys take her upstairs and show her a thing or two," she calmly said.

The girl screamed, unable to free herself. Cassandra watched terrified. One of the troll demons was impatient, already unzipped and hammering into her as they carried her up the steps.

"See what I mean?" Tamara said calmly and asked for the bill. Her companion could only nod in affirmation.

Very soon they were on their way. The gladiator pit were nearby, resembling the ancient ones. Tamara did not waste time and took Cassandra to the female cells, placed in the stone oval construction with a prison layout.

"So, here is the deal. The room and food are free as long as the crowd likes you. And, if you want them to like you, you have to fight often. Once you become a gladiator, it is not advised to go outside without a chaperone, for obvious reasons."

"Obvious reasons?" Cassandra uttered.

"Yes... As I said, gladiators, especially female ones, are extremely popular. If your fans see you outside, there is a real chance you will be mugged, dogpiled or even torn to bits. Technically you cannot die, but, you know. There are worse faiths," the pit owner shrugged.

Cassandra gulped. 

Opening the bars of an empty cell, Tamara looked at her. "This is yours now. I suggest you rest. My husband will call you when the training starts," she said serious.

"Your husband?"

"Yes. He trains the fighters."

"I see," Cassandra said, reluctantly stepping into the cell.

Taking a quick look, she turned around.

"Those this mea-" 

A fist flew towards her abdomen, smashing her internal organs into her spine. The stunned girl gasped, flying into the cell. Her vision blurred from the blow.

Tamara observed her, still holding up her fist. "One more thing... My husband is my world. We run this show together. If I see you trying to seduce him, or even winking his way, I am going to make minced meat out of you. Is that clear?" she said, showing her filed down teeth.

Squinching from pain, Cassandra nodded with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Good," Tamara said through her teeth and slammed the bars shut. Locking the door, she stomped out of the stone oval hallway.

Cassandra was left alone in the cold stone space. Hurt and freezing, she tried to cry herself to sleep but sleep never came.