
Hello To Naruto's world

Neru is an otaku who wishes to be transferred to the world of anime, especially Naruto, in order to escape from the harsh reality, but he knows that this is impossible, but his dream comes true and he moves to the world of Naruto with his reward for crossing it, which is Phoenix Fruit, Haki and Shusui Sword From here began the story of a man who will shake the foundations of this world

mahmoud_anwar · Cómic
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11 Chs

The jungle of the death

After Nero came home, it was after midday so he decided to start sword training

"Well, waving the sword no longer gives me much progress, especially after I pierced the rhythm of everything."

Nero sighed at how hard he advanced his sword style

"Now let's create a new skill."

Nero smiled as he thought of a powerful skill he had always wanted to learn but couldn't because this skill requires him to be at everything rhythm level.

"Now I'm very strong in taijutsu, but Naruto's anime is based on ninjutsu, long range attacks, and that's my current weakness."

Nero has known this weakness for a long time, although it didnot appear to anyone of his level, but it will become a fatal weakness in front of someone stronger than Nero.

"And I made sure of this while fighting Tobirama, if he wasn't testing me, I would've been killed in a moment with a massive ninjutsu."

Nero sat thinking about his weak point

"But now I have the solution. Let's go to the woods to train."

He quickly left using gibo to the jungle

"Damn, I never get bored of using this skill."

Nero smiled as he flew into the depths of the jungle, and after arriving at his usual place of trainning, he grabbed his sword that he had made.

"Now I want a long-range skill to cover my flaws, and I know exactly what a skill is."

Nero grabbed his sword and waved it in the air with all his power and soon a strike came out of his sword looks like a slash and it flew until it crashed into the tree, cutting it into half.

"Damn that's cool but it's so weak, okay it's time practice time"

This technique is called the lightning slash . it's based on gathering the sword's intention and lunching it at once.

Shortly after Nero entered the jungle, The sounds of trees watered were heard and a person remains saying lighning slash.

Nero continued to learn until night fell, and in the woods, he stood with his sword and said

"One Sword Technique: Lightning Slash" .

Nero quickly waved his hand quickly and a half-bow-like strike came out and cut down three trees in a row.

Nero stood up to look at the force of his strike while panting.

"Although I have trained a lot, it still lacks strength and speed, okay, I will focus on training this new skill from today.it is time for finding the dinner and going home as tommorow in the first day for me as a ninja"

After Nero filled his stomach, he went home, took a shower, and went to sleep.

Nero got up early in the morning as usual, took a shower, ate his breakfast, and went to the jungle to finish his daily training

After two hours he finished and went home to take a shower, and while he was taking a bath, Nero looked at his body and found that his muscles began to appear.

"How I wish I had such a body in me my previous life"

Nero Sighed. And after finishing his shower ,he put on his clothes and took his sword behind his back and went to the meeting place that Tobirama had set. and when he arrived he saw Hiruzen standing by a tree alone

"Yoo Hiruzen, you came early as usual."

"Yoo Nero, of course, how can I not be early the first day for me as a student for tobirama sama?"

After a while, Koharu and Homura came and greeted Nero and Hiruzen. Nero greeted them. Although he didn't love them, he didn't hate them much, but he hated Danzo the most.

They didn't wait long, Tobirama came soon


Quickly say hello to Tobirama

"From today you are my disciples. do not say sama,sensei is enough"

Hearing Tobirama's words, Nero and the others quickly responded

"Yes Tobirama-sensei"

Tobirama looked at them and quickly spoke.

"Okay, Danzo won't be able to join us now, but he'll join now. Follow me."

Tobirama quickly left, followed by Nero, Hiruzen, Koharu, and Homura, and after going a little deeper into the Forest of Death, Tobirama stopped and looked at them and said.

"Well now, before you do the ninja missions, I want you to go deeper into the forest of death, go as deep as you can reach, and live for a month on your own."

Nero and those with him were shocked as the forest of death was the most dangerous place in Konoha, but Nero was the first to come out of the shock, his soul was the strongest and he looked at the forest and quickly was separated from Hiruzen and the rest.

When Hiruzen looked at Nero who was deep in the jungle, he quickly got out of his shock and chose another path and went deeper in the forest then Koharu and Humura got out of their shock and both of them went in a direction, after all they were geniuses and quickly adapted with the situation.

Tobirama looked at their backs, especially Nero

"Wonderful, they have a great adaptability, especially Nero, he almost did not hesitate to go to the jungle. now let's go, I'll be back in a month to get them."

Tobirama soon disappeared from his place as if he had never come

And after Nero got a little deeper, he quickly stopped because he felt that there were strong animals in front of him.

"Damn, how can animals get so strong, but this place is good. I will train here later and fight the animals. but before the training begins, I have to find a source of water."

After searching for 3 hours in a row, he finally found source of water

"Well, this will do."

Nero looked at the stream of water flowing in front of him and decided to build his camp here, Nero looked at the sun and found it in the middle of the sky.

"Now let's find lunch."

Nero soon moved through the trees and spread his Haki to find his prey, and soon found a tiger lying on a branch.

"I found my food"

Nero hid his presence and approached the tiger but before it was 10 meters away from the tiger, the tiger sensed his presence and quickly took a fighting position.

"Damn the senses of these damn animals."

Nero could only curse the animal's senses because when he covers his breath with the haki of prediction, he almost disappear and despite that the tiger discovered him early, and this indicates how strong this tiger's observation is.

"Well, it's inevitable to fight with me that tiger."

Soon, Nero drew his sword and turned the Haki prediction on to its max


Nero moved behind the tiger and prepared to finish the fight with one stike, but the tiger would not stand still waiting for his death, and quickly jumped of the ground quickly

"You have good responses ."

Nero could only praise the tiger for avoiding his attack, but it's time to end this fight.

Nero quickly bent his feet and lowered the sword to his stomack

"One Sword Style: The Lion's Song"

And before the tiger reacted, his eyes turned black and he fell on the ground

"Now I have lunch"

Nero took the corpse of the tiger and went to his camp, and after Nero finished lunch, he decided to practice on the lightning slash

The sound of the falling trees continued until night . Nero went deeper into the forest until he found a wild bear and decided that this was his dinner tonight.

"Haha I'm full"

Nero couldn't help it but sigh from his huge appetite

"Now let's make a training plan for this month, I will master the skill of Lightning Flash and fight against stronger animals to become stronger and go deeper into the jungle as far as I can."

After Nero finished setting his goals, he soon went to bed after a long day of training.