
Hello To Naruto's world

Neru is an otaku who wishes to be transferred to the world of anime, especially Naruto, in order to escape from the harsh reality, but he knows that this is impossible, but his dream comes true and he moves to the world of Naruto with his reward for crossing it, which is Phoenix Fruit, Haki and Shusui Sword From here began the story of a man who will shake the foundations of this world

mahmoud_anwar · Cómic
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11 Chs

Feeling of death approaching

In the depths of the Forest of Death, there was a boy who appeared to be about 9 years old and had blue hair. He was Nero, but he was full of injuries, but he was surrounded by blue fire working to heal his injuries quickly.

Nero couldn't help it but sighing when he remembered what had happened.

Three hours ago, Nero was going deeper into the Forest of Death to search for an animal to fight against.

"It's been two weeks since I entered the Forest of Death. Let's see how far I've progressed, status."

Royal Haki (half awake)

Duel: The rhythm of everything (intermediate 20%)

Name: Nero

Age: 9 years old

Sclerosis Haki (Closed)

Haki prediction (intermediate 25%)

Fruit: Phoenix (intermediate 25%)

Skills: Soru (intermediate 40%), Ghibo (intermediate 5%)

weapons: Shusui sword

'In just two weeks my strength has gone up more than I've been doing in training in two months, fighting is really the fastest way to grow.'

Nero sighed slowly as he thought about his's improvement in these two weeks

"Haki prophecy, fruit, soru technique, and gibbo have all advanced due to their frequent use during fighting especially Soru, it is the basis of my speed. gibbo technology broke into the middle level"

As Nero was thinking about his progress, he continued to go deeper into the Forest of Death, and soon he saw a leopard eating a bear that he had killed earlier.

"I found my prey." Nero said

Nero smiled and quickly concealed his presence using a prediction haki and approached the leopard and when he was 12 meters away, Nero drew his sword and prepared to .attack the leopard and kill him with one hit. When Nero was about to use Soru, he soon felt a feeling he wished to forget, a feeling he had experienced once before, it is the feeling of death approaching.

And without thinking , Nero instinctively moved using Soru to move to another place .Nero looked at the place he was standing at and found the leopard standing there and the ground was destroyed by the leopard's claws.

"Damn, I was going to die now, if I hadn't experienced the feeling of near death before, I would have been killed."

For the first time, Nero thanked his teacher Tobirama for letting him experience the feeling of approaching death.

But before Nero could complete his thoughts, the leopard quickly disappeared, but this time Nero was ready and at the moment the leopard disappeared, he used Soru.

"Damn, how can this leopard have such speed"

Nero looked at his hand as it was enveloped in a blue flame that healed the claws marks left on his hand while using the Soru technique.

"Even though I used Sor at the right time, he was faster than me."

Nero looked at the leopard seriously, and quickly spread the prophecy hake around him and used Soruu to attack the leopard but before his sword strike hit the leopard quickly disappeared


Nero moved to the place where the leopard moved, but he was still late, the leopard had already moved from his place, and while Nero was preparing to use Soru again, he felt that the leopard was attacking him.

"Damn, he's attacking again."

Nero was able to discover the location of the leopard and the area in which the leopard would attack.

but your ability to know the location of the leopard and the location of the area in which it will attack you is one thing and your ability to avoid this attack is another.

Nero could only turn a little to reduce the impact of the attack, but the blow was fast and landed on his arm and cut it .

"Damn, he's fast and strong."

Nero looked at the leopard with anger and hatred, then Nero looked at his arm and the blood that was pouring out of it, and could only look at the leopard with hatred.

"Damn you, the resurrection of the Phoenix."

After Nero finished uttering this word, he was quickly enveloped by a blue fire that works to heal and regenerate his severed arm. His amputated arm was restored again, and a blue flame surrounded him and treated his wounds quickly.

"Well, you damned animal, let's see who will fall first."

Soon, Nero used his prediction haki to the max and enveloped himself in the fire of fruit to treat him during the fight, drew his sword and prepared to fight with this leopard until one of them would come out of the fight alive, and after a two-hour fight, Nero finally found the chance to defeat the leopard.

Nero bent his knees and lowered his sword by his stomach and said

"One Sword Technique: Lion's Song"

When the leopard saw Nero's position, the leopard jumped up with all of his power.it was like the leopard felt that death was approachin him , and when Nero saw that the leopard had barely avoided his sword by jmping up he smiled.

"You lost, you damned beast."

"One Sword Technique: Lightning Slash"

Nero quickly waved his hand and a 3 meters long white bow came out of his sword towards the leopard at high speed.

And before the leopard reacted, it was divided into two halves

"What do you think of this, you damned leopard? This strike is the result of my two weeks of training in the forest of death."

Nero layed on the ground panting to catch his breath

"Damn it cost me all my stamina to kill this monster, I can't move anymore"

Nero sat up with difficulty and prepared to take a sip of rest to regain some of his stamina.

But before even five minutes had passed since Nero had won the battle and he heard the roar of monsters from inside the jungle and approaching him

"Damn what the hell is this"

Nero couldn't do anything but cursing and soon his Haki predicted that more than 5 monsters were approaching him.

"Damn it, there are so many monsters approaching, is it possible that the traces of the fight and blood had attracted them?"

Without thinking, Nero forced his exhausted body to get up and used gibbo to get out of there as quickly as possible

"Damn this hurts so much."

Nero complained while forcing his exhausted body to use a gibbo to get out of there

A minute after Nero left, five monsters came to the place where he was, and soon they detectted a black dot flying from far, so they chased him, and among the monsters there were three monsters that could fly, so they flew towards Nero together

"Damn, how can monsters not fight each other, as if they agreed together to fight me?

Nero could do nothing but forcing his body to inject more force to use ginbo to fly away quickly

Nero quickly got rid of the monster that was chasign him .before he could be happy, his Haki found out that there were three monsters above him and attacking him.

"Damn you, monster."

Nero cursed the monsters and used a gibbo to dodge them, and when he dodged their attacks successfully, he drew his sword and said

"One Sword Technique: Lightning Slash"

A white bow came out of Nero's sword and killed a monster, but before Nero was happy to eliminate one of them, the other two monsters quickly attacked him

Nero managed to dodge the first by using his prediction haki at the last moment, but the second Nero did not have time to dodge him so Nero made a bold decision.

'You forced me to do this'

Nero looked at the beast with determination and used his body to fend off the beast's claws and his hand to use the lightning slash.

"Since you insist on killing me, then go to hell"

Nero quickly split the monster in half but paid a heavy price for killing it

"It hurts"

Nero looked at his chest and saw four holes with blood comming out of them

"Rising of the Phoenix"

Nero was forced to use his fruit to heal because without it he would die of bleeding

While Nero was treating himself, the last beast luched out a loud shriek and attacked Nero at a faster rate than before as if something has motivated him.

"Damn it, why is this monster getting faster than before?"

Nero relied on his prediction haki to avoid being hit at the last moment and used gibbo to escape quickly

(For now)

"My vision is becoming blurry, little by little, I will pass out from exhaustion. I have to kill this monster."

After Nero forced his breath to settle down, he caught his sword and an almost crazy idea came to him

"In order to take out the beast with one strike and with a speed that he cannot avoid, I must merge these two techniques now. If I succeed, I shall live. If I fail, there is no choice but to die."

Nero forced his anxious heart to calm down and quickly took a deep breath and looked at the monster

"Either now or not"

Before the beast could even sense what Nero was doing, he quickly saw the sword in front of his neck, and his vistion turned black and Nero collapsed on the ground behind him.