
Hello, my beloved

They met a long time ago, but when they met again. Their destiny is already planned out for them. "Selfish" is the word the she described him "Leader" is the word the he described her How will they go against the world with their destiny?

Griselda_Twilight · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

Spirit woke up with tears flowing down his eyes, he got up and wiped it away, he just woke up from an unbearable nightmare. "I'm alive" He muttered and looked at the window, as the birds chirped "I was crying in my dream again" He adds and got out of bed to get ready for school. As soon as he reached fifteen he started having nightmares and weird dreams, most them were a blurr and also confusing and not understandable. It was a little early so he decided to go outside and grabbed his sword that his uncle gave him from another city and started to swing it around.

An hour has passed and he went inside, he took a shower, ate breakfast, and made his way to school. Spirit had just transferred a week ago and as much as he expected most of the people there didn't like him, they mildly dislike him. Spirit was just walking down sidewalks with his headphones over head, listening to some music, his attention got caught as soon as he noticed a girl with long brown hair walking in front of him, he walked past three guys which made him a little skeptic, but for now he just shrugged it off.

As soon as he reached the campus he quickly went to his classroom which is on the 4th floor, the last floor in the building, the floor where the Juniors are. "Spirit" he turned his head and saw the class president, Harmony, the only person in his year who's not afraid of him. "What is it?" The teenager asked looking at her "The principal wants to see you. She said that she has something to dicuss you about" she instructed "Oh, sure..." Spirit bluntly responded, he went to the principal's office.

"Huh? You want me to join the meet and get together trip?" Spirit asked, as the principal finished "Yes, you'll be joining the class 1-A, they're Sophmores" The principal said "Why me?! Is it because I was from Naturae?" He asked, not wanting to go. "Yes" The principal answered "I ain't going back, you can't make me" He spat crossing his arms and looking away, a sigh escaped from the woman's lips "Looks like I have to explain further..." Spirit looked at her confused.

The meeting with her was short and he decided to accept the offer, though he didn't like it, he didn't want to go back to his hometown. The place where his life was a nightmare. "What did the principal tell you?" Harmony asked as soon as Spirit entered the classroom "She told me to watch over a Sophmore class for this week's break camp" he answered with a sigh "Class 1-A? Wow, you're so lucky!" She said slightly jealous "Where did your class went last year?" Spirit asked leaning against the wall "Oh, our the week break was held here in the city so I didn't enjoy much, I also didn't enjoy the people there" Harmony said leaning her back against the wall behind him "Why?" He asked "They're kind of mean" She laughed out nervously, then looked at Spirit "So I hope you'll enjoy the week break!" She chirped with a smile, his chest tighten up as he felt his face get warm. No on has ever been this kind to him before, and this is the first time that has happened.

"H-Harmony" Spirit called out making the president look at him, the students walked out of the campus "I-I was wondering if you want to hang out" he asked looking away "Sorry but I have some things to do. But I'll promise I'll make it up to you!" She said with a hint of guilt in her expression "No it's alright! I also have something to do anyways.." the young teenager reassured "If you say so, I'll see you tomorrow then" Harmony waved him a goodbye and a sigh escaped his lips. A familiat girl walked past her which made him remember the creepy perverts who, he thinks, is stalking her. Even though it's none of his business, his body moved on his own and without thinking he silently followed them without getting noticed.

When the girl he followed went home safely he went to the private gym his father's brother owns. "You're late, did something happened?" The man asked "It's nothing? Luka. Can we just start? I'm tired" Spirit sighed out taking a sword from its sheath, the light reflected on it's blade. "Ready?" Luka asked, he nodded and took a deep breath clutching on the sword. Not only will this be taking about two hours, it'll also waste his time.

Spirit entered his room, full of bandages on his arms, he was tired, if only his father didn't order Luka to train him in sword fighting, he's fine. But, he did and was instructed not go easy on him, even if it means getting scarred by the blade. The teenager came home badly hurt, he flopped onto his bed, tears coming from his eyes. As he helds the blade in his hands, a voice or either a memory would come into his head and distract his concentration in result of him getting hurt.

For the past two days it went the same, but, he would follow the girl and make sure she would arrive home safely. He didn't know why but his guts just told him he had to, just to make sure she was safe and sound. Because majority of the time, when a young woman walks alone at night, it's so-called dangerous for them. "This is Class 1-A's advisor. Ms. Ruby, you'll introducing yourself to the class after lunch so be sure to meet her in the faculty room once you have finished eating, alright?" The principal instructed "Sure thing" Spirit answered, with his hands inside his pockets, still slightly annoyed that he has to babysit some sophmores for a whole week.

Lunch came and Spirit went to the cafeteria to grab something to drink, hopefully that will calm his nerves because he'll be facing students that's one year younger than him. He grabbed a can of cold coffee from the vending machine, he drank the whole can and once it's empty he smashed it with his bare hands and threw it in the trash can. He minded his own business as he walks down but as soon as he notice a familiar girl got tripped over he insictively ran up to her and caught her with his own hands. "Are you okay?" He asked the girl looked at him, his eyes widen as soon as the her green colored eyes was locked onto his blue ones "Y-Yeah... thanks.." he let go of her and she moved back, giving both of them distance. "Watch where you step next time" He said placing his hands in his pockets and headed his way to the classroom.

As soon as he entered the classroom, he walked up to the class president. "Hey, um... Harmony.." he greeted and the president turned around "What is it? Don't you have a Sophmore class adviser to go?" She asked "Huh? Well.. I kind of feel nervous.. so I want to ask for your help" He said shyly, Harmony giggled "What's this? The all mighty, self-centered, Spirit Farlon is nervous" she teased, Spirit pouted and looked away with an embarrassed look on his face. "Alright, I'll help you, wait for me outside" She said, Spirit nodded and walked out of the classroomm. "I'm surprised that you're not scared of him..." one of Harmony's friend said "Yeah, he's really scary.." Harmony got offended by this. "You just don't have the confidence, he's not scary. Don't judge by a book by its cover" She scolds standing up and walking outside. "Okay, so you want me to help you to get rid of your nerves?, right?" She asked and he nodded "What do you usually do to calm you down?" Harmony thought for a moment "I think of someone, something I care about. Try doing that, I'm sure that'll help" She suggests with a smile then the bell rang. "Looks like it's time" Harmomy rubbed his back reassuring him that he'll do fine, before walking back to the classroom.

"Alright class, I will be introducing you to someone who will come with us at our trip" Ruby said and Spirit entered the class and walked up front. "My name's Spirit Farlon.. the new guy in the Junior year" he introduced with a blunt tone, the class advisor explained why he'll be coming while he scope around the classroom, then locked eyes with a familiar face, he was surprised that she's in the same class. "Of course, I suggest you guys to give me some respect, if you don't listen. I'll leave you on the streets of Naturae" he said coldly "He'll also be picking your leader. Now, normally the class president would be the leader but the principal allowed Spirit to choose one for us" Ruby explained and he has already decided on who will be the leader "You there, the girl with green eyes" he called, the teenager flinched and looked at him "You're going to be the leader" he said, he noticed her sigh and mouthed an 'okay'.

He just finished training at the gym, he's walking down the dark streets and saw the same men looking at an alley way, he got curious and saw her walking down the path. Spirit noticed that one of the men took out a pocket knife as they went entered the alley, he quickly ran up to them and took them out. This has got her attention, she turned around and they locked eyes once more "You're welcome" He said, she was surprised and saw the men on the floor, completely passed out. "These pervs were following you for the past few days now" he said and she glared at him "You were following me?!" She shouts, snarling at him "Jeez, that's the thanks I get for saving you?" He asked rolling his eyes "Who cares?! You were following me?! Who told you to do that?! You creep!" The Sophmore asked again, but he just rolled his eyes and walked away without any word. Spirit was now wondering on why those men were after her, he wanted to know, but now is not the time to think about it.

'Just who does she think she is? What an idiot'