
Ballroom party (2)

Mr. Smith White chuckled at her words. She is quite a resourceful child. But her words sounded a bit strange so he couldn't help asking.

"Does that mean that no one is aware of who you are Miss Meilleure?" He asked.

"It seems to be so Mr.White" Queen grinned.

Mr. White turned to look at Quince before asking, "Not even him?"

"Especially him Mr.White. But I can't blame him either, my family is but a small humble one." Queen touched her face before saying with a dramatic sigh.

Mr. White burst out laughing at her expression. This child is definitely a child from the Meilleure family.

"If you are from a small humble family, then the other families wouldn't know what to say." He said laughingly.

Then he shook his head and said to Quince, "Well, I can understand if the other families doesn't know her, but Quince, you not knowing her is unbelievable."

"Then uncle, do you mind letting me know who she is?" Quince asked shamelessly. He wasn't stupid to save face in such situations. After all, knowledge is power and he wouldn't give up this power over silly reasonings. He was taught to be a practical man.

Mister White turned to look at Queen, when he saw the mischievous glint in her eyes, he laughed once more before saying, "I wouldn't want to spoil this lady's fun. Consider this your punishment for not being thorough enough." Mr.White finally said. It's been a long time since this brat overlooked something. Even though it's not a big matter, but being able to have fun on this brat expense is a once in a blue moon opportunity and he wasn't going to miss it.

Quince didn't say anything in reply to his uncle statement. He knew his uncle was simply having fun over his unexpected blunder. The gears in his mind started spinning and he tried to find any information in relations to the La Meilleure family. Yet he came up with nothing.

"Thank you for letting me have my fun Mr.White." Queen laughed happily.

"Oh no Miss Meilleure, please call me uncle Smith." Mr.White said. He had truly taken a liking to this child.

"Certainly Uncle Smith, please call me Queen as well." Queen replied happily.

Then both of them grinned evilly at each other as they both shared a similar interest in trolling people, especially the other man standing here. Quince felt a slight chill run up his back as he saw this scene. He didn't know why but an ominous feeling rose inside his heart. Years later as he reminisced over Queen's meeting with his uncle, he would realized that this was where the 'Troll Quince association' started.

Ahh I’m beginning to feel sorry for Quince. Well, poor guy will have to go through much more in the future, especially where Queen is involved. Readers don’t forget to cheer for Quince! Btw, some of you may be wondering why I don’t have a cover photo for this story. It’s not like I don’t want to...but I can’t seem to do it. Webnovel wouldn’t let me do it somehow, so frustrating considering the fact that I found the perfect pic for it ?

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