
True to yourself

As I look into his shining eyes under the moonlight, I come to notice one thing. There's so much depth inside his eyes like a well full of water. Somewhere down below is a little trapped frog that needs to escape the confines of the deep well and live in the outside world. I felt bad for him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He utters, using a softer voice. Something inside me wishes for him to use such a soft voice even while speaking to me. His voice held the smoothness and care that I did not understand before. A deep sigh leaves my lips, catching his attention yet again.

"Would you rather ruin relationships with your siblings or confront them and settle things maturely?" He asks me out of the blue. Leaving me puzzled at the query, I begin to wander my eyes around the room as he guesses right about me.

"You don't have a sibling." Stressing upon the word, he tries to provoke me.

"I don't. But I have quite a lot of friends."

"And none of them are going to help you escape from me." He says. Why was he trying so hard to rile me up at every conversation that we have? I understand that he is a sarcastic person, but everything has limits. Without bothering to be upset at his words, I smile and give a much subtler reply.

"I wasn't trying to escape you any time, your majesty." I say to him, he looks into my eyes and holds contact for the first time. There was something magical in his possession like a cute little boy that's inside a body of a grown up, ruthless male. I felt enraged at the emotions that were slowly but surely growing in me. I was enraged, because I found no cure to this disease.

"Are you sure...?" He asks, pretty unsure himself.

"Yes, your majesty." Chuckling when he hisses softly at how I repeatedly address him with the one he told me not to, I am suddenly being mounted upon as I stare at the male's face that hovers above mine. All of my happiness is snatched away as I stare into his beautiful brown orbs. His eyes wander against my lips and both of my eyes, due to the proximity I could make out the difference, and also his will to kiss me.

I shouldn't be letting that happen.

"Um... you should talk to your sister, Lucien." I say softly, turning my head sideways so his desire to kiss me reduces. What was I thinking about? He is King Lucien and he shall get what he wants.

Grabbing my face, I close my eyes when I see him do so and expect something land on my lips. Something does land on my lips, but it was the smoothness of his clean shaved cheeks rather than his smooth and warm lips upon mine.

"Thank you for the kiss, baby girl. I needed that." Saying that, he leaves me to think about everything whilst he slams the door shut softly behind himself. Is this allowed? What did he potentially mean by he needed the kiss on his cheek?

Well, I cannot control my curious toes as I tip-toe my way out at night and follow the male wherever he was going. It was almost pitch dark if it wasn't for the ample ventilation and huge windows parked distinctively against the walls. I see Lucien step into a bedroom that had the lights on after knocking on it. While he steps inside, he sees my silhouette and shakes his head while I pause against the pillar like a cartoon character.

He leaves the door open, it means circuitously that I can indulge in their conversation. Doing so, I watch Jasmine sulking while Lucien timidly sits on her baby pink bed. There is silence between the siblings whilst I remain silent against the doorframe. I know I shouldn't help them patch up. As siblings, they'll do it themselves and need no assistance.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." Well, that was unexpected from Lucien. I thought he would be the second one to speak.

"You're forgiven."

"That easy?" The two words spill out of my mouth without intention. Both pair of eyes glance at me as I slap my hands upon my mouth as self deciplinary.

"Actually yes. Why am I forgiven so easily this time?" His manly voice questions the small child as I begin to understand their dynamic. He is literally twice her age and maybe with the lack of parental figures in their lives, Lucien had a hard time raring the child up. And she is a girl.

As their conversation goes by, I raise a point that I felt was right at the moment.

"Um... Lucien. I know you'll feel bad about this but you're a king now and maybe you should leave the girl to me. Like, I am a woman and I was once a girl. Maybe it's better if I teach her how to be a princess than you teach her the same. I wasn't planning on belittling you, please." I mumble to the King.

He stares at us both while coming to a decision as he nods his head.

"Fair enough. This shall be better. But you're still sleeping in my room, beside me." Ugh, crap. I thought he'd assign me a room closer to Jasmine. He reads my expressions swiftly while I try to retain my normal expression.

"Are you upset to stay with me, princess?" He questions me, rising up from the bed as I widen my eyes and take cautious steps backwards. My back hits the wall by the time Lucien closes the door to Jasmine's room behind himself. His tall body was only something I could dream of having upon me but not in a situation like this where I feel threatened under his gaze.

Placing his large palms beside either sides of my head, trapping me in his cage, I was bound to look into his eyes or rather look down and notice everything fabulous about how his chest and abs flex with every slight movement of him.

"You'll land yourself in deep trouble one day, Laura. And I won't be there to help you, rather execute my cruelest plan on you." He says out of the blue. More than romantic, it felt threatening in a war kind of a way as I stare into his eyes with fear.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask him out of the persistent emotion.

"I mean..." he leans closer, if that was even possible right now, "I will conquer your body and leave you to face what I have to give you. I've waited for my mate for way too long, and you happen to be the perfect one for me." He says, diving inside my neck and breathing in my scent like I was his d**g. I couldn't handle myself at that point as I quickly grab his face and plant a small peck on his lips.

Oh. That shall be one of my biggest mistakes I've ever committed in my life.

As we part away from each other, his naughty eyes filled with darkness meets mine while I shy away like a chicken. Deep breathing wasn't even helping me at this point, because his manly cologne and his own personal body scent was making me feel dizzy. Like I was falling from a thousand storey building but there was no end, no ground to touch.

"I- I should go—"

"No. You should sleep. You look tired." He says to me.

"No, I'm not tired I—"

"And hungry." He snatches the words from my tongue as I stare at him.

"Yeah. You smell hungry. Werewolves have sensitive noses you know." Oh shoot. My stomach acids were suggesting the same that I was hungry and he could make it out so easily. I feel so embarrassed as I chuckles on my face.

"It's alright. Don't be embarrassed."

Do mates read each other's minds? Not unless they have marked one another or mated, right?

Or did he...?

No. He doesn't look like a man who would touch me without my permission. But as a human, my knowledge was limited. Pushing his to the side, i watch him grow amused upon me while I run towards the dining hall and enter the kitchen to wash my mouth in the sink. This is probably against the rules and the sensitive nosed werewolves would know that someone almost threw up here, I begin to wash the sink too.

"Woah, woah calm down. It's okay." He says behind me as I jump in my toes, clutching my heart.

"You gave me a heart attack!" I exclaim.

"Am I that handsome for you?" Oh lord, can he please stop flirting with me? It's starting to become too annoying!

As I help myself to some frozen food and setting the pan, I look at him staring at the food and decide to make him some food too.

"Laura," he begins, having my attention as I hum while pouring the ingredients out on the pan, "I am my true self with you. What are you doing to me?"