
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Cómic
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36 Chs

Training part 2

Naruto was pissed, no he was beyond pissed why? Because he had one day to live unless he killed three people.

'Okay where can I find three people to kill in one day?' thought Naruto as he jumped through the trees trying to find three people to kill.

He searched until it was past 11:50, he was about to give up until he saw smoke coming from a camp.

"Kami-sama I've never been a religious person, but if this is a bandit camp with three people in it I'll be more religious amen." Naruto prayed. After his small prayer Naruto jumped to the nearest tree to overhear their conversation.

"Hey boss are you sure about this?"

"Yes I'm sure Wave is far too weak to defend themselves."

"What kind of booty do you think they have?"

"Steve stop acting like a pirate."

"Why?" asked Steve.

"Because it makes us look like jackass'."

"Shut it Syria."

"You shut it." retorted Syria.


"Sorry Sena." said both Syria and Steve in a union.

"Now listen Cyclops knows that Wave is poor. but there are a bunch of men, women, and children for slave labor. Plus since Gatou is dead we can take over his company we'll be freaking rich by the end of the month."

"YEA!" they cheered.

'People that deserve to die thank you Kami-sama, oh shit I have one minute left.' thought Naruto.

Naruto knew he didn't have another second to think so he created three Shadow Clones, they took out their kunai and charged them.

All three Naruto's had an easy kill, they simply got behind them and slit their throat's meeting the deadline just in time.

"Well kid you surprised me." Shinigami said as his ghostly form appeared in front of him.

"Shinigami-sensei, I wierd."

"That's the side-effect of your first kill, don't worry you'll get over it.

"Thanks." Naruto replied.

"Now get to sleep you have to get your sword tomorrow."

After that Naruto fell asleep where he stood, not feeling the burning sensation in his lower left arm.

The Next Morning

When Naruto woke up he remembered that he was broke, but then he remembered he killed three bandits. So he searched their corpses and camp finding ten-thousand dollars in total.

After that he gathered the corpses and their equipment together and shouted ,"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" he shot a fireball the size of a small trailer burning the corpses, and headed off to town.


As he arrived at the blacksmith's shop and saw the old man.

"Hey old man do you have my sword finished?"

"Why yes here you go sonny." replied the old man noticing his change in height, hair, dragon tattoo, and the number three on his arm.

'Dang when did that kid get so tall? And where did he get that awesome tattoo?'

Naruto inspected the sword; it had a plain black sheath. He took the sword out and liked what he saw, the blade was pure black so it wouldn't reflect any light off of it, its hilt had gray and black thread covering it, and the hand guard was black as well.

"Now sonny that would be ten-thousand dollers." the old man told him the amount.

The old Naruto would yell out saying that was an outrageous price, but he just took out a Gama-chan, ( his frog wallet ) pulled out all of his money, and tossed it to the old man saying, "Don't spend it all in one place." as he walked back into the forest.

'Thank Kami I didn't run into my team.' thought Naruto.

"Yep you said it kid/kit." said both Shinigami and Kyuubi nodding their heads with their arms crossed.


After Naruto came back to the forest he noticed the number three on his left arm.

"Shinigami-sensei why is the number three on my left arm?"

"Took you long enough that is your body count tattoo, it will change every time you kill a person." said Shinigami as he appeared in his solid form next to Naruto.

"Well that's nice." Naruto said sarcastically.

"Naruto give me your sword I'm going to seal Kyuubi in it."

Naruto complied and gave him his sword.

"Now Naruto I need you to give me some of your blood, and put it in this cup." said Shinigami as a plastic cup appeared out of thin air. Which he filled to the rim.

The process took three hours until Kyuubi was transferred into Naruto's sword which took some drastic changes. The sheath was now white with a black dragon design on it, its blade was still pure black, but it now had some blood red trimmings, the hilt had blood red and black thread covering it, and the hand guard was still black.

"I believe its time for your sword training." Shinigami said sadistically, making Naruto gulp..