
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Cómic
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36 Chs

The meeting

8:00 That Night Outside Konoha

"Okay they're not here, I was stood up." said a very pissed off Naruto.

"Actually we are here." said a voice behind him.

Naruto responded by drawing his katana, and held it a Sanosuke's throat.

"Easy there, we don't want to start a fight." he said.

Naruto re-sheathed Kyuubi.

"So what do you want?" Naruto asked.

"Follow me."

Ten Minutes Later

Naruto and Sanosuke neared a campsite, with Kazuma and Hikari waiting for them.

"Now, I bet you're wondering why we called you here." Sanosuke said.

"Yes I am."

In response Kazuma and Hikari pulled out two sake bottles, and four saucers.

"We want to negotiate a deal." a few seconds later, all four of them were in the lotus position drinking saki

"Naruto the reason we called you here, has everything to do with the exams." Kazuma said.

"I'm listening." he replied

"As you already know Orochimaru is going to attack Konoha, but what you didn't know was they have two demon containers. One of them is Gaara who holds Shukaku The One Tailed Raccoon, and Sora Kasara the container of the Shichibi The Seven Tailed Badger from Iwa; The Village Hidden in the Stones." Kazuma explained.

"So what does that have to do with me?" Naruto asked after drinking some sake; and he must admit he liked the taste.

"It has everything to do with you and us, we know you hold the Kyuubi the nine tailed fox." earning a surprised look from Naruto.

"Relax Sanosuke holds a demon too." Hikari eased his fears.

"Really?" Naruto asked.

"Yes I do, I hold Gobi the Five Tailed Dog." Sanosuke said.

Three Hours Later

It took three hours, but they were finally finished with their plan, slightly drunk, and having some 'small talk'.

"You're pulling my chain right?" Naruto asked.

"It's the truth because Sano has Gobi in him he can't be anywhere near cats." Hikari laughed.

"Yea last time he saw a cat he barked at it and chased it up a tree. The idiot forgot he was a ninja and didn't use his chakra to climb up the tree to try and get it." Kazuma couldn't stop himself from rolling on the ground.

"Laugh it up or should I use Snows Forbidden Secret Hand Jutsu: Pimp slap! on you again?" Sanosuke asked evilly. And laughed when he saw Kazuma go pale.

"Oh this sounds interesting, what happened?." Naruto asked.

"I pimp slapped Kazuma into the womens hot springs, he got the living shit beat out of him." Sanosuke laughed, "And since then he never went to the hot springs again."

"It's getting late later guys!" Kazuma ran away trying to forget the horror of that day.

"Yea later." Narut told them, and then walked away from them. But Sanosuke slipped Naruto a scroll in his back pouch, knowing he won't see it until tomorrow.