
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Cómic
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36 Chs

Revelations and leaving

About a day later, Naruto woke up in a hospital bed. When he got better, he went to see if the old man was okay. But when he ran into his sensei on the way, he told him that the Hokage had died in the battle against Orichimaru.

For about three days, Naruto mourned the old mans death, though he didn't show it to others, he also had considered him a grandfather, someone who always looked out for and always looked forward to for wisdom. After those days were done, his funeral came up and so, he dressed up in all black for the occasion.

When he got done dressing up, he left his apartment to get to the funeral, along the way he met up with Sasuke and Sakura.

When they got there, they saw everyone they knew, Konohamaru, Shino, Kiba, Hinata, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Lee, Neji, Tenten, Asuma, Gai, Anko, Kurenai, Kakashi, Zabuza, Haku, Hikari, Kazuma, Sanosuke and Iruka. They all had dressed up in black attires, in their own styles of course. He looked at the spots available and stood beside Haku.

He took one look at the picture and immediately wanted to cry, it was hard to even see his picture now.

Haku seeing the boy she loves, breaking down in front her, wanted to comfort and so she puts a hand on his shoulder. He flinches from the touch and looks at her with teary eyes,

"Its okay Naruto, let it out," she then gave him a hug, he then lowered his head onto her shoulders and let his heart out by crying.

"Its okay, I'm here, everything is going to be fine." and she was glad she could help heal his soul a little.

Once he was done, he took his head out of her shoulders, "Thank you Haku-chan, I needed that." he then took one last look at the picture.

'Old man, I hope you're living a good after life up there. Someday, I'll be up there myself, but not until I take the title of Hokage, believe it.' he thought to himself.

Not a second later he thought he heard the old man laugh, but quickly shrugged it off as just his emotions going out of whack.

One Week Later

A week passed by since the invasion on Konoha and the death of the Third Hokage, so thing were starting to get back to normal. Sasuke went back to his usual mood, but with some strangeness to it though, Sakura went back to asking out the avenger 24/7, but not as much for some reason, Kakashi went to back to reading his smut, but he started to pay more attention to Naruto now. And Naruto moved into the Uchiha compound, along with his guests.


"Kimimaro, Kin are you two in here?" Naruto asked, only to receive no answer.

He then opened the door to see an interesting sight, Kin was sleeping on Kimimaro's lap, her head was laying on his chest. Kimimaro's arms were wrapped around her waist, and his chin was resting on her head.

They both woke up with a jolt after hearing a clicking sound, only to see Naruto with a camera.

"Naruto! What the hell are you doing?!" Kin shouted.

"I should be asking you the same thing, so spill it."

"Fine it started..."

Flashback ( flashback with a flashback weird )

A young Kin was surrounded by other students of The Hidden Sound Village ninja academy being picked on because of her long hair. The head of these tormentors was none other than Mia, who was vindictively pulling Kin's hair.

"Why is someone as untalented and hard on the eyes as you gifted with hair that is better than mine!?"

Mia was often considered Kin's rival, but she was mostly jealous of Kin's ability to grow her hair long. Mia had tried but it often became frayed at the ends, this was what led her harassing Kin about her hair.

The girl continued to yank on Kin's hair laughing while she did it, she completely ignored the fact that Kin was crying. The group snapped to attention when they heardthe clacking of sandals approaching, they all froze when they felt a massive killing intent.

"You know I really hate it, when people make fun of others...they remind me of my life before Orochimaru-sama found me..." Kimimaro began as he stepped out of the shadows, his eyes focused on Mia.

He glared darkly at her as he activated level one of his Cursed Seal rip-like patters appeared over his face and chest area. He pulled a bone-like sword out of his shoulder, and pointed it a the students.

"Leave now!" he commanded.

The students all left in a rush, and once they were all Kimimaro knelt down in front of Kin and smiled genuinely at her as he deactivated the Cursed Seal's first level. He hugged her softly and calmed her down, and once she calmed down he tied her hair back in a ribbon and smiled at her.

"If they pick on you again. Just tell them you're with me, I won't let them pick on you anymore and I will make them suffer next time." Kimimaro smiled softly as he helped Kin to her feet. And from that day Kin was always with Kimimaro.

Flashback Ends

"And we have been together ever since." she finished.

"Wow I can't lie, but that was really romantic...in a weird kind of way."

"Yea, now what did you want?"

"I got us a new house, come on let's get ready to move." Naruto said.

Flashback Ends

They moved and the house was pretty much the same as their old house, the only difference was it had more rooms and it was kind of worn down from years of not being used. But a few days after fixing it up, Naruto went shopping.

Naruto was walking along after finishing his shopping, but was trying to ignore the glares and whispers from the villagers. Here are a few of them.

"So the demon brat is still alive."

"I can't believe he has the Sharingan, he's disgracing the Uchiha bloodline."

"I heard he moved into the Uchiha compound."

"Yea and he has two other people and a fox living with him."

"Oh yea I heard the Demon of the Mist moved in with him."

"Figures a demon living with a demon."

"I also heard he has the Hyuuga heiress, and some ice slut living with him."

"Demon whores."

After ignoring the whispers he ran into Haku and Hinata, and they looked pissed. ( uh ho )

"Naruto-kun we need to talk." they both said in a union.

Naruto's House

"Okay Naruto-kun why are you dating her?" they both said, pointing at each other.

"I can explain." he said.

"Well what is it?" they said radiating killing intent.

"Okay I'm almost and the last of my clan, and if Sasuke can get his stick out of his ass, the clan might be reborn. I'm the only Namikaze left. And before old man Hokage died, he said I have to practice polygamy to revive the clan. You two are my first I swear, please don't kill me." he answered.


"Saved by the door." Naruto sighed in relief.

Naruto opened the door to reveal Jiraiya. He was surprised to see the toad hermit here.


"Ero-sennin?" Haku repeated; she then looked at the man Naruto called a pervert. When the old man looked at her and Hinata, he then grew a lecherous grin on his face.

"Oh, and who might you be lovely ladies be?" his voice just screamed pervert to the girls and started to hide behind Naruto. Getting the hint, Naruto glares right at the old hermit.

"Look here Jiraiya-sensei, if I find out that you have taken notes about these two, or try any way to take a peek, even a smidge, I swear I'm gonna take any dignity you have as a man and throw them into a fire fueled by your books."

He then pointed right at the old hermits crotch so he gets the hint. Jiraiya knew to take his student seriously when he uses his name with sensei in it, because if you don't, you have just dug your own funeral.

"Anyways, I've come to take you on one of my 'research trips'." Jiraiya then proceed into Naruto's house to talk.

"Why? Why do I have to go on a research trip with you, Ero-sennin?" Naruto really didn't like the sound of it and it would cut the time on him training.

"Now listen, this is no ordinary research trip." he paused for a bit as Naruto raises an eyebrow at.

"There is a woman I want to ask some question, so I have to find her."

"Look here, I ain't got time to do some perverted stuff with you, and besides if you haven't noticed." the blond points back with his thumb showing to rising red chakra auras coming from the two girls.

"If you keep up with that act of yours, your going to be missing a head, if you know what I mean." Jiraiya then shuddered at the thought. Quickly thinking of a plan, he play on his students weakness, new jutsu's.

"Well, there is this one move that I know and I believe you can master it." Naruto whipped his head so hard to the old hermit, the girls believed he could have gotten whiplash.

"I see that's gotten your attention." Jiraiya said with a grin.

Deciding over his original training plans, he concedes defeat, the old perv knew how to push his button.

"Alright when do we go and, this technique better be powerful."

"Oh, trust me brat, this jutsu is more powerful than the Chidori, and as for when, right now, meet me at the northern gate tomorrow at 11:00." he said before he left.

That made Naruto get a grin on his face, he'll show up Sasuke again.

"So you're leaving?" Haku asked.

"Yea tomorrow, but right now I'll introduce you to Kimimaro."

"Who's Kimimaro?"

Naruto then told Hinata and Haku about Kimimaro about his past, him freeing him from Orochimaru's grasp, his disease, his girlfriend Kin, and all that other good stuff.

Kimimaro/Kin's Room

Naruto and the girls came into Kimimaro's room. He introduced them and they started talking.

"So you are the girls Naruto has been talking about." Kimimaro said.

"He has?" they both said surprised.

"Yep he said, you two are the most beautiful girls he's ever seen." making the two girls blush.

"Kimimaro I told you that, because you said you wouldn't tell!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I guess this is what you call a burn."

"Yea that was a good burn." Kin said

Then Ami came in, making all the girls yell "Cute!" and pet her like there was no tomorrow.

Later that Night

The villagers who insulted Naruto's girls, walked out of a bar totally drunk.

Naruto then jumped off a building and landed on a villagers head, knocking him out. He then kicked another in the knee cap, making him scream out in pain. Naruto kneed him in the stomach, and karate chopped kis neck rendering him unconscious. After that he then gave a hard kick to the last villager in the groin, making him scream like a little girl knocking him out. Naruto then created two Shadow Clones and beat the unconscious villagers, into an inch of their life's.

The Next Day

Naruto woke up on the floor, packed, and made breakfast. After eating he talked to the girls.

"Haku, Hinata when I'm gone I need you to take care of Kimimaro and Ami when I'm gone."

"Okay Naruto-kun." said Haku.

"And girls, please make a decision about the polygamy thing. It's your decision not mine."

Before they answered he kissed them goodbye.

Northern Gate 10:55

Naruto made it to the northern gate, only to see Sanosuke.

"Hey Sanosuke what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Did you think I would let you go anywhere by your self, especially with that pervert?"

"But Ero-sennin said-"

"Aw who cares what he thinks, I'm coming no matter what." Sanosuke cut him off.

Five minutes later the super pervert arrived.

"Hey Naruto who's the brat?" Jiraiya asked.

"I'm Sanosuke, I'm from Snow Country."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm coming with you, can't let you turn Naruto into a pervert."

Knowing he couldn't win Jiraiya agreed.