
Hell Sharingan

GodofDeathDragons · Cómic
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36 Chs

Life and death fights

Naruto stood and faced the Grass-nin drawing his katana, settling once again into his previous stance.

The Grass-nin gave Naruto a sneer. "I can see that you killed, I can see it in your eyes. When it comes time for me to deliver your deathblow, I'll make sure to give you the same courtesy."

Naruto activated his Kurashagan then the Darkness Flame swirled around Naruto. Knocking his hood off, and smoke rising from his mask, making him look like Shinigami himself.

"That…kid…what…what are you?!" the man asked in fear.

Instead of answering Naruto rushed at him, but the Grass-nin was ready.

Their swords clashed together, sparks a blazing the area. The nin jumped away, pulled out a few shuriken, threw it at Naruto, did some hand seals, and shouted "Shadow Shuriken Justu." Making three shuriken into sixty.

But Naruto was ready and shouted "Dance of the Crescent Moon!" creating three Shadow Clones and their swords extended, destroying twenty five, with the others missing him.

"Now its my turn Shadow Shuriken Justu!" Naruto shouted sheathing his sword, he threw five shuriken and turning them into five hundred!, shocking the Grass-nin.

The Grass-nin shook out of his confusion, put his hands on the ground saying, "Earth Style: Earth Flip Jutsu!" a huge slab of earth rose from the ground, the whole earth wall got filled with shuriken, while the rest got stuck into the trees.

"Dammit...how did...you learn...my jutsu...are you an...Uchiha?" asked the panting Grass-nin.

"I'm no Uchiha." Naruto spat venomously.

"Really...well it dosn't matter, now die!" he said drawing his katana.

Naruto's sword clashed with the grass-nin's, and produced a few more sparks. Pivoting on his heel, he twirled clockwise around the man, crouching in the process. Using the momentum of his twirl, he brought his sword in a low arc across the man's kneecaps.

The nin jumped, and did an ax-kick to Naruto's head stunning him, he then slashed in a horizontal-arc cutting from his chest to his hip.

He then did some hand seals and shouted, "Earth Style: Mud Dragon Bomb!"

True to form, the man slammed his hands down on the ground and seemed to grasp at the earth. The shape of a dragon's head rose out of the ground, and spat alot of mudballs at Naruto.

Naruto quickly recovered, and did some hand seals, inhaled and yelled out, "Fire Style Fireball Jutsu!" shooting out a fireball the size of his house, the two jutsu's slammed into each other, causing a massive amount of smoke and dust, obscuring every-one's vision.

Except Naruto with his Kurashagan activated, he could see through the dust, and charged at the Grass-nin who was trying to find his way out of the dust.

Unluckily for him, it was too late. Naruto's blade slammed into him, cutting him deeply across his chest. The force of the strike blew the nin into a tree, where he grimaced in pain and slumped over, clutching his chest.

Naruto sighed slightly and began to walk over towards the Grass-nin, readying himself to give the final blow.

Standing only a few meters in front of the heavily injured Grass-nin, Naruto knelt down and brought his katana in front of him.

"You are good...kid...never seen a shinobi like you. I can..." the man coughed a few times, splattering blood onto the ground.

Wiping his mouth, he heaved in a deep breath. "...I can definitely see why I lost. Heh...imagine...me, losing to a kid. It's disgraceful."

Naruto sighed and stood, bringing his hands into a cross grip on his katana, in a typical beheading stance. "Naruto. My name's Naruto Namikaze. You asked earlier...and I figure that you should at least know the name of the person who killed you."

The Grass-nin looked up with a chagrined smile. "Yeah. Kid...listen...make a name for yourself. That way...when I tell everyone down in hell..." he let forth another rattling cough, holding his chest area.

The man breathed a deep sigh again, and looked up with an almost pleading expression. "...When I tell everyone in hell...who killed me, at...least they will...know that I died...from someone powerful, and...not some...dumbass."

A stiff wind blew through the clearing, stirring up a few leaves and ruffling Naruto's blond and black hair.

"Yeah. I will do that. Before I kill you, I would like to know your name. "

The man coughed again, but said, "...My name...is...Raden...Mizuno...of the...Sound."

Naruto then swept his katana in a diagonal arc across the man's neck, separating his head from his torso. The man's body slumped to the side and his head hit the ground with a small thump.

For a moment, everyone present was silent. Naruto released his cross grip on his katana and let his sword-hand rest loosely at his side.

Naruto thought, with a grimace...that if any kill should be considered his first...it was this one. This was his first true shinobi kill. He had pitted his life against another man's life in mortal combat, and come out on top. In the Shinobi world...the one who lost was dead, and the one who won lived.

The strong survived, the weak died. That was how shinobi lived. As much as Naruto hated to admit it, this was the shinobi way.

He sighed and took out a rag, cleaning it of any detritus, before sheathing it on his waist.

Clap clap clap

Naruto turned around looking at the other Grass now turned Sound-nin, clapping for him.

"I must say, I'm quite impressed he was one of our best swordsman. Anyways Orochimaru is always looking for new recruits, why don't join us? If not I Kimimaro Kaguya will be your executioner" said the Sound-nin.

Kimimaro was 5'8 with long white hair, green eyes with red mascara under his eyes, ( which is very weird ) and he had red dots over his eyebrows. He wore a baggy white yukata, black cargo pants, black shinobi sandals, and had that weird purple belt.

"I would never join that pedophile. Besides if I do join he would kill me after I'm all used up. Just like you." replied Naruto.

"Orochimaru-sama would never abandon me!" he then pulled out a bone sword, and charged into battle against Naruto.

With Sasuke and Sakura

"Kukukuku...such fire in those eyes," the androgynous Grass-nin hissed, "you're really are Itachi's little brother."

"How do you know that name!" Sasuke shouted.

The Grass-nin smiled unnaturally wide and shot his...tongue at Sauske. The tongue hit the ground that Sauske had been standing moments before and produced a crater as he jumped onto a branch.

"Sharingan!" Sauske muttered as his eyes turned red and a comma formed in each eye.

The Grass-nin smiled wider, and said, "Sauske-kuun do you want the power to kill you brother? To be the best? I KNOW you do little boy," the ninja cooed as he licked his lips. ( Man he's really gay, am I right everybody? )

Sauske growled knowing it was true as he took out a demon wind shurkien and threw it at the ninja. The Grass-nin laughed as the shuriken flew past him, but stopped when the wire attached to the shuriken bound him to the tree "Triple Windmill Shuriken." Sauske said as he started making hand seals and shouted, "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" as he blew a plume of fire that turned into a dragon made of fire out of his mouth.

The fire followed the wires and incinerated the tree. Creepily, after being hit by three streams of flames, the Grass-nin was unharmed after shedding...snake skin? He did have a tear in his...face though. The ninja laughed creepily and tore the rest of his face off, leaving...umm...a very gay looking guy. Sauske twitched and asked the figure.

"Who are you?"

Instead of answering, the freak to decide to take a bite out of him literally. Now his whole body felt like one big welt, and it wasn't helping that he was suffering from chakra drain due to using two of his most powerful jutsu's in quick succession.

"Kukukuku...not bad Sasuke-kuun," the perverted nin complimented in a disgustingly feminine manner, "I'll be seeing you later." he stated, "Though of course, I doubt there'll be much need for concern."

"What did you do to Sasuke-kun you freak!" Sakura yelled, wincing as the Sannin hurled an annoyed look her way.

"Really, such rude words...what are they teaching young women these days?" Orochimaru muttered, before disappearing from view and delivering a fierce backhand to the girl's skull, "Though judging from your pitifull skills...I really shouldn't be that surprised..."

"My name is Orochimaru, and Sasuke-kun will come to me." he said as he dissapeared into the ground.

Back with Naruto

Naruto and Kimimaro were both panting, they both had some wounds but nothing too serious, he was also taunting Kimimaro saying that Orochimaru abandoned him.

"Orochimaru-sama would never leave me. He cares about me!"

"No he doesn't he is just using you like he did to that man. Once he's done with you he will get rid of you."

"Liar!" Kimimaro then suddenly fell to his knees and started to cough up blood. "Not now, not here."

Naruto slowly walked up to him. "It's some sort of disease isn't it?"

Kimimaro was shocked. "How do you know?"

"I can sense it; you don't have much longer until it completely kills you."

"Orochimaru will."

"Will what cure you? He can't there is no known cure for what you have. And if there was he would just steal your body after you were cured, he is just using you as a tool."

Naruto could see that he was thinking over everything carefully.

"But I can change that." Naruto quickly formed some seals.

"Ninja Art: Feigning Sleep Jutsu." Naruto's palm contacted with Kimimaro's forehead knocking him out cold. Naruto walked up, and stood above the sleeping figure of Kimimaro, and took him to his house.