Tomorrow, a new chapter in his life would open, but God closed the cover of the book. When he opened his eyes on the First Floor of Hell, he had to face off a whole new reality. All the rules were being rewritten, and he had to pick up the pen if he wanted to get out of here. He had to find those like him and play the role of leadership he had escaped all his life.
"I don't know. Those who don't look like this shouldn't breathe!"
"When you see me, your girlfriend won't give you bread!"
Since we entered the Twitter tunnel, the wind has not stopped, we are walking against the hurricane.
"Max nephew, what wind is this?"
"Wind of lies, Sukrucuk, the wind of lies!"
It doesn't end. Tired of seeing people fighting with each other. The funniest are the others who talk to experts in their fields. Don't get me wrong, I'm as angry with the tradespeople who talk to the economists and the white-collar people who teach the tradespeople, but now it's come this far.
"Guys, let's kill them all because this is hell on earth. Be careful, don't get into arguments. You fight with someone you don't know before you understand what's going on.
We have just taken Toraman from the hands of a group that has spoken against the villagers, using violence. Let's clean up like I'll close my eyes and do my duty!"