
Twin Bed

"Brother, you can't enter the Big Boss's room on a whim like the others!"

As the midday sun hit the gaps above the moss-covered glass roof, we took the last step of the stairs to the top floor.

"Look, handsome. How many hours have you been walking around with us? Did we make the wrong move? We'll deal with this one way, just like the others!"

Sukrucuk took the words out of my mouth. It was just a word I should have said, but I will not dwell on this critical point. The same plan worked at every record store, but as the raw meatball seller said, Big Boss would be different.

Even though the show department belongs to our tank, planning is my thing, and I have a beautiful scenario in mind. I put my arm on the shoulder of the raw meatball maker, looking at me with an empty tray and taking it under my wing, and then I start giving the poison.

"You enter in a hurry; the others will be surprised as it is an unusual situation, but don't look at them; he started talking right away!"