Tomorrow, a new chapter in his life would open, but God closed the cover of the book. When he opened his eyes on the First Floor of Hell, he had to face off a whole new reality. All the rules were being rewritten, and he had to pick up the pen if he wanted to get out of here. He had to find those like him and play the role of leadership he had escaped all his life.
"Are we going to jump down from here?"
Cocoa was staring at me and the endless pit. Her head turned to the pump handle.
"Yes. What is it? Are you scared?"
"No, I wasn't scared, but it felt a little weird!"
"We're going to tackle the Second Floor today, which means we entered the First Floor this way yesterday."
Members of the sub-party lined up like beads, plunging into the depths with most of their body weight above the ground. Big mistake!
"Come on, lions, down!"
Sukrucuk slapped the back of the double tanks with both hands. The cries are dancing in the vast space. Does Toraman stop when he starts? He threw down the rest with his big stick. There was no stopping.
I opened my arms and closed my eyes. The wind licks my face and my hair resists leaving my body. The trip took twice as long, reminding me not to jump head over heels again. I'm back to the old pop star who just got a facelift.