
HELL IS A PLACE who can manage the power of darkness,hell is a place

Synopsis A girl was known as hell itself for it was almost impossible killing her Born with the rarest gene of fire and immortality She was birthed with a deathly gene that emits dark aura whenever she's in the midst of her enemies She's poison immune as she has been poisoned somany times She's known as Xabara Rooper The young incredibly beautiful chosen queen of hell Envied by almost everyone especially the female ones At the mention of her name alone demons tremble and fall to their knees begging for mercy But as time goes by, things began to get complicated as the  beautifully handsome Greek God came into the picture Pendr Anya,yes that was his name When she set her eyes on him,she instantly felt a strange connection depicting Death and Affection She yearned for his touch day and night yet wanted to dive her fingers into his chest and take out his heart She wanted to kill him at all cost but she was slowly overshadowed by the affection she had towards him He was said to be her doom and death Pendr wanted her on his bed but they are generational enemies Would Xabara accept her death and doom and probably get stripped off her powers out of affection Will Pendre get to know what happened 115yrs ago which led to the segregation of the two host entities  Will love surface between the two thereby destroying them and as well creation

Light_Madugba · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Good times


A/N: Main character POV

My name is Xabara Rooper

My mom died when I was birthed

I've been to her grave countless times giving her flowers to show my sincere love towards her even in death.

I live with my dad in Los Angelos.

I have only a friend and that's Ariadne

I don't really converse with people except for Aria

I'm what people call a weird introvert and I love just the way I am

I'm in highschool studying music

I love Arts and music is my favorite amongst all because I've got the voice and passion too

Today I didn't go to school

I wanted to rest a little bit

I was putting on a head phone playing my favorite music -bed of lies by Nicki Minaj 

Lost in the world of my music,I dozed off not until a resounding powerful slap jolted me out of my dream world and I sprang up in full force ready to punch the idiot but retreated when I saw it was that crazy,stupid and idiotic friend of mine Aria

"What the hell was the meaning of that Aria, do I hit you that way?"I asked wanting to tear her apart

"Is that even a question?"she asked giving a like I fucking care attitude

"You likewise did the same to me last week so why bantering about this?"she questioned

"But mine wasn't as painful as the one you just did?"I sobbed almost breaking down

"Hey ! hey! hey it's okay, I'm sorry okay,I swear I won't do that again if it hurts this much now pls just stop crying or I'll cry as well pls?"she pleaded while coaxing me to stop crying

I bursted into laughter

I laughed so hard that I almost cried while she watched me in awe

When I stopped,she was already gone

Wait ! What?

I was just joking while would she take it serious

Where the hell did she go to

She can't just disappear like that

I picked up my phone to call her but it kept saying currently not available or switched off

Oh geez ! I feel so bad right now

I climbed down the bird,went to my wardrobe,picked up a pair of  T-shirts and baggy Jean shorts and put on.

That's it,I love dressing like that because I'm a total introverted girl technically and I don't want guys admiring or looking at my backside and curves

I picked up my phone from the bed heading towards the door

 I opened it only to meet dad in the process

"Xabara what kind of prank did you play on Aria this time around?"he asked obviously annoyed

I was tongue-tied because I couldn't process a suitable answer neither could I lie, I'm not good at that

"Look, whatever it is you've done to her,you had better resolve else don't come back to this house"he warned and with that he walked away

I rushed out of the house and boarded a cab which dropped me in front of her house

I went in and pressed the door bell and minutes later the door opened revealing Aria

Seeing it was me,she wanted to close the door but I was quick enough to hold it

She then left it and ran upstairs to her room and I followed suit but before I could go in,she slammed the door closed to my face and locked it

"Aria I'm sorry"I began

"Aria I promise I won't pull pranks on you again just open the damn door"I yelled

"If you don't open the door then I'm going to stay here and sleep on the floor till you do so"I continued yelling yet no reply

I started shedding fake tears to see if she would by chance maybe open to peep then I'll rush in but of course she was my best friend and she knows me more than anyone else that I'm only faking the tears

I did all sorts of things to see if she would open the door but she didn't

Her dad even came to talk to her but no reply so he left and asked me to keep trying

I felt tired and frustrated and I laid on the cold floor as I had no other choice

I wanted sleep to take over me but it wasn't forth coming not until a thought swung right in and I smiled

Perfect ! I said

Let's see if she's going to stay in that room for more than two minutes

I stood up letting out a deep breath

"Listen Aria I wanted to tell you something very important that was why I teased and I'm sorry"I said faked a weary tone

"Since you aren't going to open up,then I would say it here and I hope you're listening?"I asked to see if I would get a reply but nothing was forthcoming

Shit ! My best friend is a total dickhead

Always hard to play when her mind is made up

Gosh ! How did I even end up with her

Well I think destiny wants us as best friends then since we are able to put up with each other and she's probably the only one I'm comfortable sharing my personal life with and strangely she feels thesame way too and that shows how compatible we are as friends

Some of our school mates do envy us though while some wanna become our friends but I personally declined not that they were inferior nor below my standard rather that's just the way I am

But recently Aria started accepting them as our friends and it was somehow irritating for me and when asked,she would always say that I was unknowingly creating loads of enemies  and hate for myself by declining people's friendship in that manner,I had accepted her ordeal and now she's angry with me

"Bestie....I ...I have a boy...friend and we..ki..."before I could finish my statement the door opened and she dragged me in

"And you guys did what?"she questioned,curiosity laced through her voice

I giggled and looked at her questioning face

"Well I don't have any boyfriend yet" I blurted and looked away carelessly

"What did you just say Ria,like are you fucking kidding me right now huh?!"she asked

"Get out" she declared glaring harshly at me 

"I'm not going anywhere,you decided not to open up even after my pleas so I decided to come up with something irresistible for you so I had come up with that Idea and it worked perfectly bestie"I said grinning

Everywhere was silent for some minutes till I decided to say something

"I'm sorry Aria"I pleaded sad all of a sudden

"Do you know the kind of prank you pulled on me,I had thought I hurt you Ria"she cooed

"I'll forgive only on one condition"she suddenly said out of the blue

Her sad face turning into a wicked grin and I knew she was upto some mischief 

"Get a boyfriend within two weeks and I'll forgive you"

"Common you can't ask me to do that ,how can I get a boyfriend in two weeks" I asked frowning

"Okay I'll get a boyfriend but not in two weeks I promise"I said giving her my cute puppy look

"Fine,I accept but it mustn't exceed two months,deal?"she asked bringing out her pinky finger and looked at me

"Deal" I replied having no other option, locking my finger with hers