
Kenzi Fairchild's POV

My name Is Kenzi Fairchild i'm 21 years old, my parents were killed when I was 15 that's when my brother Jason took me in. Jason has become mentally and physically abusive to me over the last few years. It's Monday morning and it's my first day of college, I of course tried to get a dorm but my brother was not going to let that happen. So i'll be commuting back and fourth.

Suddenly there's banging on my bedroom door Jason shouting "GET UP!" I walk to the door swinging it open to come face to face with him.

Kenzi- I'm up damn.

Jason- Don't you dare talk to me like that you ungrateful bitch!

Jason opens his hand and swings smacking me hard against the face. I hold my face while i try to hold back my silent tears.

Kenzi- Sorry! Look I've got to get going or i'll be late on my first day of college.

Jason just stands in my doorway blocking my way and finally speaks "You better bring your fat ass home right after school understood?"

Kenzi- Yeah Jason I understand.

He finally moves out of my way and I leave my house and head to college. My car is ugly but it's all I could afford considering Jason makes me pay rent plus takes any money I make at work! I have just enough every month to pay for gas and car insurance. I'm finally at college walking in and i'm so excited well that's until I see the popular rich mean girls staring at me.

Ashley- O my god she's a cow haha ( Makes Moo sounds towards me)

Carla- O my god you just Moo'ed at her haha!

I just keep walking ignoring them because this is the one place I don't wont any fucking trouble. It's like the one place I can go to escape being abused and bullied.

Ashley- NEW GIRL! (Shouts)

Damn now everyone is looking now. FUCK! I turn to the girls and say "Did you say something?"

Ashley- Yeah I said new girl you should skip lunch or you'll be mistaken for a cow.

I look her right in the eyes and say " You know you really need some new jokes because that one was weak, like a third graders horrible joke you have to pretend to laugh at. BYE! " I wave at her as I head to my first class. Holy shit I never stand up for myself but I've always been sarcastic, my best friend Axl was the only one who understood me but when my parents were killed I had to move away. Finding a chair I get settled and wait for class to begin and guess who walks in. Those damn rich girls! Great! The professor walks in.

Professor- Hello class welcome to Bio 101, this class is hard only the strong will make it past the first two weeks! Be prepared you'll be spending your time studying or trust me you will fail.

As the professor talks this guys walks in the class an hour late I might add, but he looks so familiar to me. Excuse me young man, whats your name the professor asks. It's Axl the guy replies.

Professor- Your late I wouldn't let it happen again if you want to pass!

This guy nods and walks right up to me and asks if the seats taken. I look up and holy shit it's him. Axl my long lost best friend.

Axl- I be damned is that you Kenzi?

Kenzi- Yeah! (smiling)

The professor speaks loudly "Excuse me you two are disturbing my class!" We both apologize and Axl takes a seat right beside me. Axl whispers to me "Pshh How you been Kenzi?" I ask him if he wants the truth and of course he says "Always Fairchild!"

Kenzi- Like shit but you know I always get through it.

Professor- Alright class I need to step out for a few minutes continue working on your assignments.

As the professor leaves I turn to Axl when she walks up.

Ashley- Hello handsome the names Ashley. ( reaches hand out with a flashy smile)

Axl- Sup ( he doesn't shake her hand)

Ashley- Why don't you come sit with us cool people, you really shouldn't be seen talking to the new girl who looks like a cow.

Axl- Nah i'm good, stuck up's not really my type sorry. Actually no i'm not.

Ashley crosses her arms over her chest and lifts her eyebrows and says "Seriously?"

We just ignore her and she finally walks away then one of her basketball dudes comes over and throws the ball right at my face. They don't know Axl like I do, he catches the ball right before it hits me.

Axl- Hey fucker you lost something.

Axl throws it back and hits the jocks face. I couldn't help but laugh.

Kenzi- Hahaha haha Holy shit!

Axl- Haha damn Kenzi I've missed your ass!

Suddenly his phone starts ringing he looks at me at says "Sorry Kenzi I've gotta take this, catch up with you later Fairchild?" Of course bye I reply and without another word Axl gets up and walks out of class. The rest of the day goes by pretty fast and now it's time to go back to my personal hell.

**AXL's POV**

Classes are over for the day and I see Kenzi walking to her car I shout out to her "Hey Fairchild wait up!" I jog up to her and she says hey and continues walking.

Axl- Where are you headed?

Kenzi- O home

Somethings off and now she's looking around the parking lot and suddenly she seems to have spotted someone.

Kenzi- Hey Axl i'll see you tomorrow, I gotta go i'm already late!

Kenzi runs off she seems like a scared kitten which is definitely not her or it didn't use to be. I decide to get in my car and follow her while I call my boss and let him know i'll be late.

*Phone conversation*

The phone rings a few time then I hear my boss speak.


Axl- Hey boss I just wanted to let you know i'm going to be late.

Alright is there anything I need to know about?

Axl- Nah I don't think so at least not yet but it's nothing to do with business.

Okay man see you in a little bit.

The boss hangs up

*Call Ends*

Kenzi finally parks and I stop and watch her get out and head to her porch when I see her brother Jason. This fucker is in her face yelling at her and suddenly pulls her inside the house.

**Kenzi Fairchild's POV**

I get home park and head inside when I spot Jason and man he looks furious. Sorry I'm late the professor wanted to talk to me after class I say.

Jason- You think i'm stupid? (shouting)

Kenzi- No i'm telling the truth I promise!

He yanks my arm and pulls me inside the house, I wish someone could save me but nobody knows. I have no friends because he scared everyone off. When Jason shuts the front door that's the moment I feel a fist in my side. Then another punch right to my ribs knocking the breathe out of me and i fall to the ground. Jason please stop! I beg and every time I ask he just continues to kick my ribs so I just lay there trying to hide the painful moans and the tears. Finally the beating stops and I slowly get up and head off to my room to study and sleep, in extreme pain might I add.

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