
Chapter 3

**Axl's POV**

I pull up to the college and stand in the quad looking for Kenzi, I know she's here because of her car but I don't see her anywhere. I decide to be on time for class for a change plus I can't wait to see her. I walk in and spot Kenzi I sit right beside her.

Axl- Hey Fairchild!

I poke her side playing and she basically cries out in pain silently.

Kenzi- Umm Ouch!

Axl- You okay Fairchild?

Kenzi- Yes just not feeling good sorry!

Axl- Why are you apologizing to me? You didn't do anything wrong!

Kenzi- Yeah your right!

Kenzi fakes a smile and remains silent for most of our classes I can tell her breathing is uneven. Which is probably means her ribs are cracked or broken trust me I know how that feels. After classes are over for the day I walk her out to her car when I see a guy on his shitty bike staring at us. i know it's one of her brother's guys.

Axl- Hey Fairchild you going to be okay?

Kenzi- Yeah I just have to get home sorry I can't stay and chat, I really do miss you Axl.

Axl- I know I'll see you tomorrow!

Kenzi- Okay see you tomorrow, later Axl!

She gets in her car and leaves I quickly get into my car and follow this dude who's following Kenzi and dial my boss.

*Phone Conversation*

Ring. Ring

Jax- Axl is everything okay?

Axl- Not really I think Kenzi has cracked or broken ribs she was breathing unevenly and in alot of pain today. She barely spoke i'm just calling to inform you I'm following her home.

Jax- Alright watch out for her i'm going to send you a guy just for backup so send me the address.

Axl- Alright boss sounds good.

*Call ends*

I send the address to Jax and drive.

**Kenzi' Fairchild's POV**

I get to the house and unlocked the front door walk in, I go to close the door when one of my brother's friends pushes his way inside the house.

Kenzi- What are you doing?

Brad- Coming in what does it look like slut!

Kenzi- Jason's not home yet so you can leave!

Brad- Bitch who the hell do you think your talking to?

Next thing I know he is punching my face then he holds me down on the ground tearing my pants off and then my underwear. He's about to **** me I try screaming, crying, kicking and wiggling trying to get away but it'a useless.

Brad- Stupid bitch stop moving!

The next thing I know he's choking me and I pass out.

**Axl's POV**

I see Kenzi opening up the door and walking inside then that fucking dude pushing his way in, then the door closes and I get out of the car walking towards the house. Right away I see that Jax sent James to back me up. We both hear screaming and rush to the door then there's no sound, so I kick in the fucking door and what I see next makes my blood boil. I'm officially seeing red this bastard is about to **** Kenzi and she's unconscious. I pull his ass off her and start beating him to a pulp while James gets Kenzi out and puts her in my car! I look at this dude on the ground and bend down over him and say " If you ever come near her again I'll put a bulet in your head!" I walk out of the house while calling Jax.

*Phone Conversation**

Jax- Hello?

Axl- Can you call the doctor to come to the house, we're on the way Kenzi's hurt!

Jax- I'll make the call now ya'll get back here safely.

*Call ends*

We get back to the house and I carry Kenzi in and take her up to the medical room so the doctor can check her out. I lay Kenzi down on the bed she's pale and her face is pretty messed up. The doctor comes in a few moments late and I leave so Dr. Grey can do her job.

**Dr. Grey's POV**

This poor girl she has years of broken bones that never healed right, she has scars on the back of her head. The scarring tells me she's had glass beer bottles smashed to her head. I open the door to let Jax and Axl know what I've found.

Dr. Grey- Okay so she has cracked ribs, a head injury and from everything I saw this girl has endured years of beatings and abuse.

Jax- Okay thank you Dr. Grey so what can we do for her?

Dr. Grey- She needs a lot of rest and time to heal! Will you do me a favor Jax?

Jax- What?

Dr. Grey- Take care of this girl please!

Axl- Trust me we will!

Dr. Grey- Okay well if you need me just give me a call i'll see you two later.

**Kenzi's POV**

I wake up in so much pain and immediately look around realizing I have no clue where I am. Then I hear a knock on the door and I jump because I don't know who's about to walk in until I head Axl's voice.

Axl- Kenzi it's me Axl can I come in?

Kenzi- Yeah (I shout)

Axl- How are you feeling?

I answer him feeling ashamed knowing he must know what's been going on with me.

Axl- Fairchild don't you ever be ashamed, your strong and a beautiful person.

Kenzi- Did he **** me Axl?

Axl- No I got to you in time!

Kenzi- O thank god! Thank you so much Axl!

Axl- Hey what are friends for?

Kenzi- Your the best you know that right?

Axl- Yeah now come here! ( he hugs me) Wanna lay down and watch a movie while I cuddle with you?

I giggle and say " O god yes!"

Axl puts in a movie and within five minutes i'm cuddled up with my best friend falling asleep.