
Hell's Fate

Why should Luca care? This world never accepted him in the first place! He was simply outcast by society and all realms whether it be a demon, human or heavenly realm! And so he decided to forge his own fate. So he changed. From Human to Spirit. From Spirit to Demon. He had many forms along the way, many names along the way, many relationships along the way. But no matter what he tried to sever it all. Thread by thread he sliced apart all connections so all that remained was nothing. And so they had nothing but fear. Fear of the fate that 'it' wanted to create.

Eldaweirdo · Fantasía
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23 Chs


"That's right, stay calm, stay calm no matter how angry you are. Getting angry won't help.", he continued clenching his fist until his breathing finally returned to normal.

He closed his eyes momentarily to calm down then opened them back up.

But something had changed, the boulders were in a different form now, not only that it felt as if something was breathing down his neck, the pressure was almost suffocating.


Shattering one of the boulders he picked up some more rocks and threw 10 in the air on by one.


They all disappeared, nothing remained, not even dust.

All 10 disappeared all at once.

"Is this even possible...", a look of disbelief swept over his previously calm face.

"No it should be possible.", no matter how impossible it seemed he had to have faith in his abilities, once he had lost his way there was no going back, he had to stay rational even in the most irrational of times.

Laying down his scythe he picked up rocks with both hands this time, he began throwing them one by one, this time he made sure to pay attention to the lights.


A crashing sound echoed throughout the room rupturing the room, the shockwave sent him flying backwards ramming him into a boulder.

He picked himself up with his small arm and slowly sat up, "Fuck.", he flinched slightly but he could feel his body quickly recovering.

Two lights, that was caused by two lights colliding whilst they were in the middle of destroying 10 rocks each, not only that both lights were 10 times their previous size.

"I have to get used to dealing with these new lights now.", he was barely able to deal with the weaker lights, if he had to deal with two of these strengthened lights then he would die immediately.

He picked up his scythe once again and 10 rocks with his left.

Throwing the rocks he stood up straight after them triggering a second light, his feet stood apart as he braced himself, holding his scythe tightly he swung out as the light approached his head.

'It's too fast.'

His scythe struck the light.


A vast volume of force battered his body, his right hand split open as every bone within was immediately shattered.

His body was sent flying like a rag doll before he could even react.


It finally came to a stop, his consciousness drifted away without any extra thoughts.


Inside a small hut sat a man with bulky arms with a rough scarred chest who wore old tribal-like clothing. On the side lay a sturdy bow and a dagger sheathed in a makeshift leather sheathe.

He tapped the table beside him whilst he wandered into his thoughts, "This is the first Arriver after 5 years of waiting, if he can survive then we'll have enough to compete..."


"Sigh... I broke another table.", the table he was tapping shattered before he could stop himself, standing up he left the hut with an axe in his right hand.

"Break another one?", a voice came from his left.


The voice belonged to an old woman holding onto a crutch, her back was shrivelled up like dried kale.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!", bending over blood came out of her mouth.

An ancient sigh left her tongue, "I don't have much time left, how long until it starts again?"

"That kid has already been gone for more than a month, so half a year."

"He's going to die if we compete."

"That's right, but considering how long it's been he's probably dead already.", the man uttered without any sympathy.

She gazed at him momentarily before sighing once again, lifting her crutch she turned her back to him and walked away towards the village.

But her pace made it look like she was running away.

He lifted his axe and threw it.


A tree in front of him snapped in half.

"What the fuck do you want from me.", the agony within his eyes was clear for all to see.


One day later Neil was awake again, the pain remained within his right arm but it was almost fully healed at this point, he had realised something by now.

"I can't handle these lights currently, it may take another few months before I can even clear this section.", reality had already settled, he would die at this rate. He looked down at his stomach and felt the immense pain, he was starving and his throat was as dry as a desert.

Opening up the Fate Store he purchased one jerky and water, he ate it all up and a notification popped up stating that his hunger and thirst had been satiated.

He only had 22 Fate Coins remaining.

"I'm only going to be able to last a week at this rate before I simply starve to death. I have to figure something out before then, Hahaha... I wonder how Lil'Nee would react if she saw me like this.", a warm smile appeared on his face.

Looking around the room he recognised that the room had gotten larger and that the number of boulders had increased.

"I was planning on painting the boulder locations on the ground with my blood but I guess that idea is out of the park.", yes, he could still use that plan, but that was if that wall didn't exist.

It was some sort of vibrating clear wall, the immense pressure was emanating from that wall so he couldn't carry out his plan anymore, he would be stupid if he couldn't recognise the danger after making so many mistakes.

"Only one path remaining, time to train again."



Rocks flew everywhere while his body went crashing past many boulders.

"It still injures me but not as much as before.", he sat up whilst wiping the dirt off of his face, all of the blood had stained his shirt and some pebbles had stuck on.


Neil Levinski

Sex - Male

Species - Spirit, ???

Age - 16

Fate- Hell's Fall, [Second Gate Test]

??? Attributes:

Core Being - 25

Celestial - 0.1%

Fate Coins - 12

Gates - [First Passed]

- [Second Unlocked]


"Two days until I'm basically fucked.", it was finally time for him to map out the boulders.

With 10 rocks in hand, he prepared his body, "I only have one second, I have to use the momentum from the second light to push myself downward to prevent myself from getting attacked by another one."

He had improved a lot faster in the past 5 days than he expected, his previous predictions had been shattered.

Thinking back he felt naive, he said all of that about wanting to get revenge, about being willing to take down the entire planet just for revenge. But if he couldn't beat a simple light, then how in hell, was he going to do that.


Pushing off the floor he made his way into the sky, with a swing of his hand the rocks flew above him.

'I don't have much time.', looking down he tried his hardest to memorise the pattern, but he was only able to memorise a quarter before he sensed a light flying towards his heart.


The scythe began singing as he swung upwards and collided with the light, the force sent him flying towards the ground however he had an idea in mind, turning his body towards the ground he swung again.


A metallic sound echoed forth and the force of the impact was stopped slightly.

With a quiet thud he landed on the ground but he didn't feel much, just a slight ache. "I can do it like this.", a slight grin made its way on to his face.

Picking up another 10 rocks he repeated the process until he had the pattern memorised.

"Break.", that was the word that was spelt out, but for some reason, each letter was distanced from the other in a sort of zig-zag pattern.

3 letters outside the wall and 2 letters within.

"Nevermind, let's move on.", he closed his eyes and waited.

One minute later he opened them back up.

"No change...", he had a slight worry at the bottom of his heart that things wouldn't go to plan plus he really needed to pass or else he would die.

"I don't have time to panic, just what am I missing."

"What am I missing..."

"What am I missing..."


He muttered to himself for hours in addition to that he also had figured out one possible reason why he hadn't passed yet, he didn't want to accept it though, that was the worst viable option he could imagine.

"I have to bring those boulders in don't I."

That was the only solution his puny brain could think of but it was also the most probable solution seeing that this is Impossible difficulty.



"Are you having fun yet?!?!? Are you!!"'

This voice rang out within a desolate void, it was lonely yet powerful.

"Come on!"

"Show me more!"

"Give me more!"

An enormous blue screen appeared in the midst of this void, on the screen stood Neil in front of an invisible vibrating wall.

The voice turned demented.

"Walk into it boy... Entertain me some more..."

But then the voice went silent.


A colossal golden arrow broke through the screen.


Shockwaves rang out within the void.

"That's enough isn't it."