
Hell's Eternal Parade

A world, which in front of everyone seems normal, a world made up of murder, framing, all sorts of inhumane actions, all for the thirst for a higher power. Well known for this, one can actually call such world a parade of such entertainment to the higher beings, who to them find it as an eternal pleasure that they can’t ever get rid of and to the powerless, it is just hell, thus, the name; “Hell’s Parade”. This story dives deep into the life of a young warrior, Liam, whose whole life is all about protection, survival and sustenance with his loved ones but what fate has for him is way far from his view. Revenge, bloodlust, power thirsty and so on, a life his fate, which was decided by the higher beings, forced him into. Does he join the parade and entertain the higher beings with his hell or does he turn the blade’s tip against fate itself?

L3mon_tal3S · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

The Predator And The Prey.

"Now tell me, what was your goal once again?" the old man asked.

"To slay the War Reaper." Liam answered and this time around, his mood became intense.

"I was quite surprised that someone as young as you knows of the War Reaper and after you told me about the story behind your revenge, I know that this would be a long journey.

I made sure that you have the basics down within you although it still won't be enough to fulfil your goal.

To compare; if you were a palm tree seed, your opponent is a fully grown palm tree that have supplied it's resources for a decade.

To be precise, the training you went through was all about you becoming the seed and sending you to the academy will help me out in getting you planted and your dedication in getting stronger will guide you through in germinating and providing your first set of resources.

Remember, you are not the only parader in this dimension called earth. At least, you are surprised to see a parader who uses magic but there are various classes under being a parader.

Naturally, a parader recognises a fellow parader so you still have to be cautious even in the academy.

Well, I could easily teleport you guys to the academy's gate but your final test is to take the red zone path in this thick forest and down to the academy.

So, in conclusion, I wish you success in achieving your goals." The old man, with a smile on his face, feeling nostalgic, ends his statement wholesomely.

"Thank you mas…" before Liam could finish up his sentence, the old man suddenly cuts him off.

"Huh!? Master!?"

"Sorry…" with a smile, Liam corrected himself and continued his intended previous statement.

"…thank you, father, for all your teachings and care."

"No problem dear…" the old man's wife responds and suddenly let's her hand pass through a portal which suddenly appeared beside her.

She brings out a pouch which obviously was filled with coins due to the sounds of these coins clashing against each other.

She slams it on the table and slides it through in other to get it to Liam.

"…of course we won't be sending you off with empty hands.

In there is a total of twenty gold coins, enough to carry you through a semester or even more."

Th-thank y-you ma'am." Liam was shocked to have that much passed down to him.

The average family won't have any problem living their life for year and half with half of these golf coins.

In comparison; the lowest being bronze, hundred of it gets you a silver coin and a thousand of silver coins gets you a single gold coin.

"Huh!?, Isn't this at least too much!?" the old man complained.

With a sharp glare from his wife, the old man comports himself like a child who surely is guilty for a wrong deed.

Seeing the old man's reaction, she suddenly turn to the kids and presented a heart-warming smile towards them which still sent chills down their spine.


Finally, Liam is seen with his bags, ready to make his trip, alongside Brianna.

The old man and his wife, who were standing close to the tent, stood to see their kids off for the first time in their lives.

The old man's wife of course felt very emotional while the old man himself stood with a smile and stared as the kids wave back at them while walking deeper into the thick forest till they were no longer in sight.

The duo then faced forward to continue on with their journey.

The atmosphere was surely filled with emotions which suddenly changed as Brianna dips her hand into one of her bags and gets out a beer bottle.

"Are you for real?" At this point, Liam is just not surprised but disappointed as well.

"Brianna!!!" the old man's voice can be heard from afar, making it obvious that she actually had stolen the drinks from her father's inventory.


Midnight have arrived and Liam with his partner can be seen around a campfire.

Liam is seen taking advantage of the fishes of the streams and the fruits on the trees while for his partner Brianna, she is just busy with sipping down her beer while relaxing on one of the branches of a tree amongst the many.

Liam suddenly stops his eating as if he felt something was off.

He suddenly had his eyes closed to get a better feel of his surroundings only for him to get interrupted by Brianna.

"Oi!! You freaking log!! You don't need to check once more before trusting your senses!"

"Then!?" Liam asked as he was annoyed by Brianna's carefreeness.

"Just ready your freaking weapon and head towards my left! There! You will see your first prey!"

Liam calmed himself down and had his body glow red. To be exact, the chain tattoo on his body is the cause of the glow.

Strange enough, a long scythe appeared from thin air beside him.

He takes hold of it only for the crackling sound of chains to be made and a visible chain came from his wrist, making a connection with the long red black scythe.

With the other hand, he tries pulling and so did the scythe separate and transform into a chained sickle (kusarigama).

"Straight ahead!!" Brianna exclaims.

With an incredible speed, Liam chases after the uninvited guest while leaving a trail of red flames.

Before his sight was a four limbed, winged and tailed blue beast with horns like a rhinoceros and build like a feline with eyes that are hardly seen if not carefully observed.

"What the hell is that, Az?" Liam asked.

"A pelx. Be careful, although I don't think you need to be.

A waving of their tail spreads poison in air while their horns casts out water related magic and at times, it can even go as far as five encircled magic.

Don't go for the head because it is more sturdy than your average steel but instead, go for the torso." A voice speaks inside Liam's head.

With full confidence, Liam easily slashed the pelx in perfect half as it bleeds out a blue blood.

Just as Liam was about to put back his weapon, a pack of these creatures slowly stepped out from the dark background but surprisingly they were red instead of blue.

These pelxes slowly began to surround him but as for Liam, he lets out a maniacal grin and went on to slash each and every single pelx in that area, including the ones in hiding and not amongst the pack.

"Oi!!, Mind if I go for a walk!?" Liam asked loudly while showing some hint that he is excited.

"Uhm, do I look like your mum? Just do whatever suits you but please, don't come back here while smelling like those creatures nor grinning like a maniac, what a turn off." Brianna nagged.

"Alright, take care then!" Liam replied as he runs off against other monsters in the forest like a child who is about to join his friends to play.

An hour passes by and Liam slowly walks up to where the campfire is at.

"Are you back from your journey?" Brianna asked while still having her eyes closed.

"Wow, you do have your father's senses."

"As it should be. More importantly, you did wash yourself and you are now in a composed mind but what's with the thoroughly washed meat?"

"You requested that I do not smell while I'm back."

"Nice!" Brianna exclaims as she hops off the tree.

She then prepares some kind of portal beside Liam which he dumps all his meat in.

"Now, you did have your fun don't you think it's my turn now?" Brianna asks as she licks her lips while approaching Liam.

"Oh come on, I'm worn out, can't I have some rest?" Liam nagged as his facial expression changed to that of one who just saw something horrific.

"You do know I can easily cast simple healing magic, especially if it has to concern your stamina."

"Till when are we going to be done?" he asks out of concern for his life.

"Till daybreak, what do you say?" she asks as she shows off a creepy smirk.

"What do I say!? Like what I say matters!? And I do know that your daybreak means noon!" Liam whines just like a child.

"Sheesh, you do know me well, I'm flattered." Brianna giggled.

"Oh d-dear l-lord." Says Liam as he is terrified seeing that she has closed the distance between them.

"Come here, you monster cookie." Says Brianna as she draws him close to her and plants a kiss on his lips and so does Liam's terror takes place.


"So, you're saying that the names are Liam Falls and Brianna Ranford?" the registrar asked.

"Absolutely!" Liam and Brianna replied in harmony as they show off their teeth while their faces are covered in blood.

"Uhm… okay? So, the registration costs fifty bronze coins." The registrar who was actually concerned of the view in front of her before deciding to just ignore it, goes on with charging them for registration.

Brianna creates a portal once more, sticks in her left hand and brings out a pouch and from it, a silver coin was brought out and placed on the table in front of the registrar.

"I will be paying for us both." Says Brianna as she puts back her pouch into the portal and closes up the portal.

"Good, here's your participating card." The registrar says as she hands a card each to the both.

"Now, have a good time in your admission tests." Once again, the registrar says with a smile and snaps her finger and the two disappeared in thin air.

Will be using the word parader as a term in this Nobel's vocabulary, so do permit me, please.

As well as not forgetting to post your reviews and tell me what you think about my work. Thank you !!(⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)

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