
Hell's Eternal Parade

A world, which in front of everyone seems normal, a world made up of murder, framing, all sorts of inhumane actions, all for the thirst for a higher power. Well known for this, one can actually call such world a parade of such entertainment to the higher beings, who to them find it as an eternal pleasure that they can’t ever get rid of and to the powerless, it is just hell, thus, the name; “Hell’s Parade”. This story dives deep into the life of a young warrior, Liam, whose whole life is all about protection, survival and sustenance with his loved ones but what fate has for him is way far from his view. Revenge, bloodlust, power thirsty and so on, a life his fate, which was decided by the higher beings, forced him into. Does he join the parade and entertain the higher beings with his hell or does he turn the blade’s tip against fate itself?

L3mon_tal3S · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs


"Mr. Palco, do you care to explain what you just did during the little orientation?" a voice was heard amongst some crews seated in a roundtable.

Due to the setting of the room, it was kind of dark and the light that came through the window was positioned that it illuminates the pathway from the head's seat and straight up to the door.

The crew head's position was directly before the window, thereby, making it a bit hard to see him.

Placo himself is positioned between the crew head and the room's door while standing in the midst of the illuminated part, thereby, making him easily visible to all.

"My actions stand on nothing but discipline, sire."

"Discipline? What utter nonsense. Sire, I pledge my life on the line that this was all part of the nonsensical revolution against the great beings." Another member of the board protests.

"Indeed air but I would love to remind you that my stand is to not create a situation where we all rise against the great beings but will absolutely join if there is already a revolution on the move."

"Oh save me the trouble Palco and just kill yourself with your dreams.

Haven't the Falls done enough? They gathered the biggest combat mage, elemental mage, cosmic and sorcerer?

Let's not forget about the greatest swordsmen, the death reaper from the east and then, the angel of death.

What happened to them all? Oh, I know… they all failed and were mercilessly beheaded.

Who suffered for their sins? Our fathers, our mothers! Our people! Our ancestors!

Up to this day, no one will ever forget the day the wielder of the death scythe, the crimson reaper and the berserk of damnation.

Three were sent all over the whole continent to kill every single soul that has reached the maestro level upwards.

A historical event that happened for two good months before these very three soulless orbs took their own life.

Do you want that to happen again? The tears of the victims that filled up the whole world? The deaths of the young children all because those three have nothing else to feed on except for that?

Don't be ridiculous Palco, for I won't live to see you uphold your foolish ideals!!" another protested.

"Silence everyone…" the crew head ordered and no one objects his order.

"…now listen Palco, she does have some valid point. We know that the egos assigned to paraders can get out of control and cause all sort of undesirable situations, not just for the parader but to us all.

It has caused some wars, pandemics, famine and all sort of unforgivable atrocious actions but what good does going against the higher beings who assigned these paraders their egos going to bring to us all?"

"With all due respect sir, the two months of judgement that happened to the past was all due to many paraders and exceptional figures of the world refused to provide even with the littlest support…"

"What utter nonsense do you speak of!?" another cuts in our of rage before Palco finish up with his statement.

"Professor, conduct yourself." The board head ordered and the protester immediately backed down.

"Now go on Palco." The board head gives Palco the okay to go on with his answer.

"Thank you sire. As I was saying, the unforgettable disaster was due to the lack of unity amongst every single parader and unordinary figures all because almost every one of them were greedy with their goals and wants.

According to the records, they were able to take down two great beings with them before their demise.

Now, do you see how much of a difference it will result if all had their hands on deck. What's the point of you don't join the revolution just because you fear for your life but still loose it?

That's my point sire, we can still do it once more and the rest of the five can be easily dethroned.

At least, sire, you indeed are reliable as you already have the records of slaying six paraders who went astray."

"Hmm, you as well have a valid point but I believe that this institution was built up to guide the lads to their desirable lane in life and discipline them to never ever go astray, isn't that correct Mr. Palco?" the board head enquired.

"Of course sire." Palco answered sas he gives a bow.

"Now, everyone of you, don't force your ideals on the lads and guide them through it. That's it and nothing else.

Also Mr. Palco, as for the compensation that is to be sent to the victim's family, that would be your whole salary for the month. Have I made a fair judgement?"

"Absolutely, sire." Placo bowed as he responded.

"Again, what is with calling out the paraders present in this year's application? What are you expecting to happen?"

"May I sure?" one of the board member asked.

"Go on, Fredrick." The board head permitted.

"Although he might have done to keep data of this year's paraders to know who to convince into his delusions or who will seem like a trouble and eliminate before any further unfortunate parade.

But, I will like to say that it is as well a great idea to figure out those who's egos are taking over their mental fortitude, thereby, leading to their manipulation and loss of control over themselves.

This way, it will be easier to find easier ways to help them fight back against the mental takeovers by these evil egos.

You of course sure, being one who have put down six diverse paraders which three out of these six are on maestro level and higher.

Again, I stand for fun of course. I would love to experience the fights between two paraders and study how their egos manifest during a battle, thereby, making progress in the fields of these egos."

"Just like he said sure, to fish out the future problems and eliminate them all on time and nothing else." Palco added.

"Hmm…" the board leader thought for a while before giving his decision.

"…indeed, it will be said that at the look of things, I would have already made plans of stopping the paraders from meeting each other, knowing quite well how dangerous a battle between two paraders are and how seventy of their duels lead to death and so on.

But after hearing what the two of you have to say on this matter. I will allow this but only to an extent.

We don't want a scenario whereby their fight causes death onto other participants in this exam.

Again, if they seem strong enough to disrupt the existence of the very realm I created, I will obviously step in and force their stoppage."

"Wise words from you sire." Fredrick praised as he is excited about being able to research more on the egos of these paraders.

"Now, Placo, you are dismissed."

With a bow, Placo marched out of the door.


Now, I get that no questions will be asked, so... be gone lads." With another snap of his fingers, every single participant disappeared.

"Bruh, back in the thick forest?" Brianna complained as she sees herself in a similar thick green rainforest just like where she travelled through in order to get to the academy.

At that moment, a huge beast with large wings flies past Brianna as it overshadows every area it passes, thereby, getting Brianna's interest.

"I guess I might be quite hungry after all the journey." She says to herself as she rushes, following the air beast's shadow.

As she gets close to it, she summons her warhammer and slams it on the ground with both of her hands, thereby, sending her against the flying beast.

As she gets close to the beast, with a shout, "eureka!!" she slams the warhammer on the flying beast this time around, thereby, sending it down into the thick forest.

The beast growled as it hits the ground, making an impact as well as felling some trees.

Brianna expels her warhammer as it lands on the beast's back, creating another wave and growling from it.

She gets off it and goes round to its face, gets hold of its neck to observe the beast's face.

The beast appears to be somewhat like a wyvern but to be more accurate, it looks more like a wyvern in a fashion show.

It has a colourful wings of both red and a touch of green like a tropical parrot.

From its tail to the back of its head, it was all green and instead of the normal wings, it is abnormally covered in feathers.

"A fake wyvern?" Brianna seemed to be in confusion as she identifies the beast.

The feathered wyvern growled as loud as it can, causing a sound wave than was enough to push Brianna away with some trees to a far distance.

Seeing the result of its action, the feathered wyvern felt relieved and slowly rose up, flexed its wings as it gets ready to take flight.

Just at that moment, the feathered wyvern heard loud stomps coming its way.

The feathered wyvern being distracted by the loud stomps cared to take a closer look at whatever was coming its way and at the sight of the cause, it growled in fear as it hurries up with its flight preparation.

"Why don't you just be a good big bird and become my meal for the day!!?"

Unfortunately for the feathered wyvern, Brianna easily caught up with it and with her warhammer summoned, with it, she slams the beast's head onto the ground, totally smashing it and creating a huge wave, enough to disperse the surrounding trees.

"Hehehehe, breakfast is served." Brianna maniacally laughs out loud.

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