
Hell's Eternal Parade

A world, which in front of everyone seems normal, a world made up of murder, framing, all sorts of inhumane actions, all for the thirst for a higher power. Well known for this, one can actually call such world a parade of such entertainment to the higher beings, who to them find it as an eternal pleasure that they can’t ever get rid of and to the powerless, it is just hell, thus, the name; “Hell’s Parade”. This story dives deep into the life of a young warrior, Liam, whose whole life is all about protection, survival and sustenance with his loved ones but what fate has for him is way far from his view. Revenge, bloodlust, power thirsty and so on, a life his fate, which was decided by the higher beings, forced him into. Does he join the parade and entertain the higher beings with his hell or does he turn the blade’s tip against fate itself?

L3mon_tal3S · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Beast In Human Clothing.

Days seemed to have passed, as for the environment, it has the vibe of "the middle of nowhere" as it was a vast but empty desert.

Quite cool and chilly unlike the hot deserts. Again, the desert's time seemed to be still as it was and still is forever night.

Liam can be sighted, still naked after the encounter with the millipede like monster and up till now, he hasn't meet a fellow human.

His body is all covered up in blood and behind him is an unending trail of blood.

Liam has spent his days killing monsters non-stop, to the point he is already on a two day streak.

At this point, he is in search of anymore predator or monster in order to have a wild fight with it. It seemed to have been an addiction for Liam as his eyes are wild awake as to not miss a single sign or movement of anymore beasts.

While moving forward non-stop, his bloodthirstiness seemed to be leaking out of his body to the point that metres away from him, the beasts that sniff on it or take notice of it make sure they avoid the incoming danger before them.

As for the greater beasts, despite being in enimity against all other greater beast, this time around, they paid no mind at each other but rather, it seemed that they all had one thing in mind.

They all wanted to have a go at the delicious aura that was leaking out. To the smaller beast, it's like a living nightmare, but to the greater beasts? That is their chance to get stronger and flex their capabilities against all other competitors.

Their stomps got louder and louder as they all were closing the distance between they and their treasure.

Of course, the beast's of the air were far ahead of them all, so are the beasts that travel through burrowing.

At the sight of these beasts, Liam got really excited... literally.

He couldn't wait anymore on their arrival and ran onto them, stack naked, covered in all colours of blood, with a maniacal smirk, widened eyes out of excitement and then his two chained sickles.

At the sight of the first beast of the air, Liam did not hesitate to act and swung his sickle at it.

It was a large bird, large enough for it size to be compared to that of the wyvern Brianna caught.

Uniquely, the bird was all covered in brown scales and had wings similar to that of a dragon.

The right sickle's chain wrapped around the large bird's neck and caught in flames.

Compared to that of the one used on the millipede-like monster, the flame is much more intense as it started to melt off the large bird's scale easily.

The bird noticing what was happening increased its pace in order to get the chain off him but rather, Liam took the opportunity, lightened his weight and let the bird to swing him around.

As the bird swung him around, Liam manages to find himself in mid-air.

He observed his surroundings and took notice for another beast of the air.

He did not hesitate to swing his other sickle's chain, which wrapped around its neck while simultaneously catching in flames.

This new air beast had two spiked tentacles on its cheeks and its tail is also spiked as well.

Its head is nothing but just a wild mouth that kept on drooling a brown liquid.

As for the beast's sound, it screams, loud enough to get the other beast's ears to burst, which they all experienced except for the ones burrowing.

Seeing that the two chains hugged the two beasts' neck quite well and tight, he applied weight on himself, thereby, dragging the two beasts of the air down.

As Liam hits the ground, just as the two air beasts were to follow suit, Liam quickly swung the two around against the oncoming land beasts.

Liam swung them so hard that the blazing chains passed through the beasts' necks and decapitated them both.

A land beast that easily resisted the impact of the two air beast, a bear that looks like it's on steroids.

Two of its front fangs took its growth seriously like a sabretooth tiger and spikes lined up from the back of its head, down to its tail as well as surrounding every of its joints.

This savage bear is on an insane speed that Liam is actually surprised and stayed on a stance as he has already recalled on his chained sickles.

Just as the bear hopped to launch its attack on Liam only for Liam to be in a funny situation.

Below him, the ground opened up and some thorny vines wrapped all over him, keeping him inert as he observes the bear in front of him open its mouth wide.

With a smirk, Liam lets the action take place and as the bear's teeth came in contact with Liam's head to close up, the teeth broke apart like a fragile object hitting hard on a hard surface, both his two fangs and its other teeth.

Now, Liam's head is inside a bear's bloodied mouth.

He quickly get himself in flames, burning both the bear and the vines.

The bear growled in pain as it is literally being cooked at the moment and as for the vines, it already has been burnt to ashes.

Right at the bear's mid section, with the sickles' blades, Liam sliced the poor bear in half, grabbing the upper half and getting Its mouth off his head.

Before Liam's very own eyes, a cobra with legs and an actual tale, just like a lizard, was rushing up onto him.

He sighs out of disappointment and swings his sickle at it only for the serpent to quickly dodge it.

"That must be a one time luck… right?" Liam thought to himself as he was surprised by the serpent's action.

Liam gave it a go once more and the serpent easily dodges the oncoming sickle again and easily.

Now, Liam's expression took a drastic turn as to realize that he might have met up with a troublesome opponent.

Just as he was about to launch at the serpent, another set of vine springs out from the ground and have itself wrap around Liam's waist with the attempt to immobilize him.

Liam quickly responds by holding onto those vines and quickly drags it out.

Lo and behold, a vine beast is uprooted from the ground and without any hesitation, Liam flings it at the oncoming serpent.

This time around, he had a plan formulated in a quick second, up his sleeve.

Just as he flings the vine monster at the serpent beast, he swings his right sickle after as a surprise counter if another dodge is to be made once again.

To increase the rate of success, he swings forth the left sickle after the right.

He was actually right as the serpent easily dodges the vine beast, nearly for the right sickle but got stabbed by the left sickle.

Liam didn't hesitate to set it ablaze and pull the serpent towards him but his decision was quite hasty.

As a means of fighting back, the serpent let itself to get close to Liam before letting out a poisonous gas.

The serpent was at least satisfied with its action and ready to pass on as he is being burnt alive from the inside but first, it wants to see how its counter attack turned out.

As its eyes was locked on the poisonous gas, it widened and terror could been seen in its face.

Before the serpent's face was Liam's maniacal facial expression as if he has just been turned on.

Liam, just like the savage bear, opened his mouth wide and waited for the serpent's head gets into the mouth.

As soon as it did, he closed down his mouth, chopping off its head.

With widened eyes that screams out that he is actually in a mood of maniacal excitement, he breathes in the poisonous gas and breathes out aggressively, making the gas to leak out from his nose and ears in a rush while saying the word, "delish!!" out loud.

At the sight of what just happened, the other greater beasts took to their heels in other to save their delicate souls.

Seeing their course of action, Liam runs after the poor fellas, slicing off anyone of them that he catches up to, totally not letting anyone of them alive.


"Come out, I can sense your presence and perceive your murderous aura, it stinks."

Brianna calls out as she was busy dealing with her lunch which turns out to be the last batch of the wyvern meat that she obtained.

"Quite sharp senses, I dare say, lay Brianna Longford, daughter of Maximus Longford, head of the magic defence force of the Hartz Empire."

The uninvited guest taunts as he creeps out from his hiding spot.

"Should I give you a reward for doing your research right? What a cliché, which parader sent you?"

Brianna responded as she sighs out of being annoyed.

"Well, there is no need to keep it a secret. The parader of the spear knight class, Collins Henz." The guest quickly responded while giggling with pride.

"Well done, you've won yourself a few minutes of me hearing you out." Said Brianna as she drops whatever she had, stood up and turns to the guest.

"There's nothing much to say, other than wanting to know your last words as I go back to report to my employer after killing you off."