
Helheim Untold

"If only I were stronger..." These words, uttered by the nameless, the worthless, and the weak, echo in the minds of countless souls. She is one such soul, clinging to this foolish wish as if it were a lifeline. Yet, beneath the surface of her despair, a flame rages, hotter than the hell she endures. Her name is Zaria, and her story is not one of ascent but of descent. A descent into the abyss so profound that it will shatter the very foundations of the world.

Taleweaverai · Fantasía
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12 Chs


"You look like you've seen a ghost, and what took you so long?" Keldorna's voice, slurred and thick with ale, boomed across the tavern. She waved her cup carelessly, splashing the amber liquid onto the worn wooden table – a clear testament to her inebriated state.

But that was no excuse. Zaria stood frozen by the tavern entrance, her fists clenched so tightly her knuckles shone white, her expression a mask of barely suppressed fury. Her jaw worked as she gritted her teeth, the muscles in her neck straining. She began a slow, menacing approach towards the table, Athenis trailing behind, his brow furrowed with worry and confusion, followed by Lily, whose gaze was fixed on the floor, her shoulders slumped with a palpable sense of dread.

As the trio neared the group, they saw Max methodically tearing into a roast boar, washing each bite down with hearty gulps of ale. Anna delicately picked at a steamed fish, her brow smooth and relaxed. Felix, leaning against the wall, nursed a cup of mead, his face an impassive mask. Valor, sensing the brewing storm, rose to his feet and held up a hand, silently urging Zaria to halt her advance.

"Zaria," he said, his voice calm but firm, "before you start a fight, you need to understand that Keldorna has reasons for what she said. Drunk or not, you need to hear them for yourself." He gently guided the newcomers to empty seats around the table, his hand a comforting presence on Zaria's tense back. Felix watched, his dark eyes narrowed, his silence adding to the tension that crackled in the air.

As the group settled, Keldorna, with a drunken flourish, beckoned the tavern owner for more beer. The woman, her face etched with a mix of apprehension and annoyance, hurried over, placing three frothy mugs before the trio before retreating, clearly eager to distance herself from the impending confrontation.

"Oi, Zaria," Keldorna blurted, her voice loud and unsteady. "I don't care if you hate me, but I have an issue with trust, so let me tell you why!"

Zaria opened her mouth to retort, but Valor silenced her with a sharp look.

Keldorna slumped back in her chair, her face suddenly etched with a deep sadness. "You know I once had a brother? That kid was a damn fool!" she exclaimed, slamming her fist on the table, causing the mugs to rattle.

"His name was Kai," she continued, her voice softening. "He was one of us, in our adventuring party. A one-of-a-kind… His weapon was a long spear. Brave as a wild Wyvern, always the first to jump at any monster that dared to ambush us during dungeon raids." Max, Anna, and Valor listened intently, their faces reflecting their own fond memories of Kai.

"He was kind too, that boy," Keldorna went on, a faint smile flickering across her lips. "Every coin he earned, he spent it on orphans and struggling farmers we met on our journeys." The smile faded, replaced by a look of bitter anguish.

"Then one day, we met her. Delia. A struggling adventurer who asked to join our party. Strange one, she was, but Kai took a liking to her…" Keldorna's voice cracked, the words catching in her throat. "He fell head over heels, that idiot. Every day we travelled together, he fell deeper… Then, one day, Delia decided to leave the party. And Kai – that damned fool – followed her." Tears welled up in Keldorna's eyes, her voice thick with unshed grief.

Valor sat shaking his head, his face etched with sorrow. The entire tavern had fallen silent, even the barmaid, who had been bustling about attending to patrons, stood still, her attention riveted on Keldorna's heart-wrenching tale.

"That damned idiot ran away with that wench," Keldorna choked out, her voice barely a whisper. "He left me a note, saying how he wanted to venture the world with his newly found purpose, with the love of his life…" She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms.

"And not a few days later, we found him. His mutilated corpse in a ditch, in one of the city's alleys. Opened up like a wild beast, all his organs gone, ripped out… I could tell his last moments were spent in pure agony, a scream petrified on his face, his eyes wide open, piercing at mine as if he was still alive… I could tell she, or whoever did that to him, did it while he was still breathing. And a couple of weeks later, we discovered Delia was a wanted succubus, seducing and harvesting organs for vampires." Keldorna's voice trailed off, her head dropping onto the table, her body wracked with sobs.

A heavy silence blanketed the tavern. No one dared to speak, to break the spell of Keldorna's grief.

Keldorna knew she was wrong, but the fear of losing Zaria, of history repeating itself, had driven her to desperate measures. The weight of her actions and the unresolved pain of her brother's death threatened to drown her in a sea of despair.

Suddenly, a gentle hand touched her shoulder.

"Come on, Zaria, you don't need to comfort me," Keldorna mumbled, wiping away her tears and looking up.

But it wasn't Zaria. It was Lily.

Keldorna froze, surprise momentarily eclipsing her grief.

Lily leaned closer and embraced Keldorna tightly.

"It's going to be okay," she whispered, her voice soft and soothing. "I'm so sorry about your brother. Thank you for caring so much for Zaria, even if it meant having me killed. It shows your resolve as a leader, and I respect that." Lily released Keldorna and turned to leave, heading for the tavern exit.

"Wait!" Keldorna cried, scrambling to her feet. "Why don't you hate me? You could have died today because of me! Don't you have a single ounce of anger in you?"

Lily paused and turned back, her head bowed, her fingers toying with the necklace at her throat. "Keldorna," she said quietly, "honestly, all I knew was hatred. My own family, my own village, sacrificed my sister and me to a false god. The pope turned us into these homunculi, weapons to be wielded. My sister, the Battle Maiden, and I, the Strategist…" Her voice trembled slightly as she continued, her fingers tightening around the necklace.

"…All I've known is hatred. With these very hands, I killed my own parents, slaughtered my entire village. I have no right to beg for forgiveness, to get angry when I'm not needed. Rejection was the first emotion I knew, so I'm used to it, Keldorna. I understand."

Lily turned again and continued towards the exit. Zaria started to rise, but Keldorna was faster.

She rushed to Lily and embraced her from behind, startling the homunculus. Keldorna pulled Lily down playfully, grabbing her in a headlock and ruffling her long, silver hair.

"Come on, don't get too emotional, okay? Jeez, let's have something to drink!" Keldorna said with a wide grin, dragging a bewildered Lily back to the table.

Zaria, visibly relieved, leaned back in her chair, a small smile playing on her lips. The tension in the tavern dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie. Felix, observing the scene, simply nodded and gestured to the tavern owner for more beer.

As Keldorna sat down, Lily beside her, Anna graciously offering her seat and moving to sit next to Athenis, who she found surprisingly attractive, the tavern owner arrived with a tray laden with fresh mugs of ale.

"Keldorna!" Zaria shouted. Everyone turned to her, a hint of apprehension flickering in their eyes.

Zaria leaned forward, snatched a mug of ale, and slid it towards Keldorna, who caught it instinctively, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Zaria met her gaze, a playful challenge in her eyes. "Let's settle this, Keldorna. I'm still mad at you, so let's settle this with a wager. Whoever can drink the most wins, and the loser pays for today's meals and ale."

Without hesitation, Keldorna slammed her mug on the table, lifted it high, and began chugging the ale with gusto. Zaria, not to be outdone, followed suit.

Athenis, the only sober one at the table, shook his head in mock disapproval. Anna smiled reassuringly at him and struck up a conversation, her voice melodic and her laughter infectious.

Max and Valor, roaring with laughter at the two women's competitive spirit, joined in the drinking game, even passing a mug to Lily, who accepted it with a graceful nod.

Felix, seeing that the crisis had been averted and replaced by a sense of boisterous friendship, waved goodbye and slipped out of the tavern into the night.

The mood in the tavern was warm, the air filled with laughter and the clinking of mugs.


Hours later, the group stumbled out of the tavern, their arms linked, their steps unsteady.

Athenis, the only one who had remained sober, carried a slumbering Anna on his back. Despite her petite frame, she was surprisingly heavy. He walked beside Zaria, who was similarly burdened with a sleeping Lily. They exchanged a tired but amused look, the irony of the situation not lost on them.

Max and Valor staggered ahead, their arms slung around each other's shoulders, bellowing a bawdy drinking song as they swayed from side to side. Keldorna, her dwarven stature preventing her from reaching their shoulders, held onto their waists, joining in the off-key singing with passion.

As they weaved through the city streets, Lily stirred and asked to walk on her own. She was wobbly and unsteady, but Zaria kept a supportive arm around her.

The city, though quieter than before, was still alive with activity. Merchants were packing up their wares, the enticing aroma of street food lingered in the air. The group, despite their inebriated state, took it all in, enjoying the cool night air and the camaraderie. Suddenly, Lily bumped into someone, losing her balance and falling backward. Zaria caught her instantly.

The man Lily had collided with was dressed in expensive clothes, accompanied by two rough-looking men who seemed to be his guards.

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't see you there. I apologize for my mistake," Lily said respectfully, bowing her head.

The man simply spat on the ground in disgust and walked away with his entourage. Zaria and Athenis exchanged a look of frustration. It was clear the man was a nobleman, and there was nothing they could do about his arrogance. They helped Lily regain her composure and rejoined the rest of the group.

Finally, they reached the barracks and tumbled into their respective beds. Athenis, after tucking Anna into hers, waved goodnight to Lily and Zaria and headed to his side of the barracks.

Lily now had a bed opposite Zaria. It seemed Avaris had kept his word.

Zaria was fast asleep, her breathing deep and even. Lily rose from her bed and walked over, a gentle smile gracing her lips. She stood beside Zaria, her fingers lightly stroking the warrior's short, messy hair.

"Thank you so much, Zaria," she whispered, bending down to kiss Zaria's forehead.

Lily tiptoed to the door, careful not to wake the others, and slipped out into the hallway. The barracks were still bustling with activity, even at this late hour. Knights chatted and laughed, some argued in their rooms.

She made her way to the courtyard and sat on a bench, leaning back and letting her head fall against the cool stone. She gazed up at the star-studded sky, a sense of peace washing over her as the cool night breeze caressed her face.

This moment of tranquility was shattered by the sound of approaching footsteps. A knight clad in full plate armor stepped into her field of vision, his expression grim. Lily sat up, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Excuse me, ma'am," the knight said, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. "You have been accused of physical assault against a nobleman."

"I did no such thing!" Lily exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief and fear.

"Did you not have a confrontation with a man this evening in the city streets?" the knight pressed, his gaze unwavering.

"I did, but I only bumped into him! I didn't assault anyone!" Lily's voice cracked, her fear growing.

"Then come with me," the knight commanded, grabbing her arm roughly.

Lily knew it was pointless to argue. She had used her Magic Eye Skill and appraised the knight. He was B-rank, far stronger than her. She allowed herself to be led away, her mind racing with fear and confusion.

The knight marched her through the now deserted city streets, his grip on her arm like a vise.

"Where are you taking me?" Lily asked, her voice trembling.

The knight's lips curled into a sinister grin, sending a shiver down Lily's spine.

"You are one of the dumbest people I have met in my life…" he chuckled, his other hand rising to cover his mouth as if to contain his sadistic glee.

Lily tried to pull her arm free, but he tightened his grip, yanking her closer.

She looked at him, her eyes wide with terror.

He licked his lips, his eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger.

"This is the worst, and the last, mistake you have made in your life," he hissed, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure.

"Now, do your best and show me true despair!" He burst into a maniacal laughter, his hand still covering his mouth, streaks of drool escaping between his fingers, making him look like a wild rabid animal.

"True friendship is a shadowy bond , where trust is a double edged sword , cutting deepest when it breaks, leaving scars in places no light can reach" - The TaleWeaver

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