
Heir to Eternity: The Godless Realms

In the sprawling cosmos of the Seven Realms, each domain is watched over by a divine guardian, with the celestial emperor, Aeonis, reigning supreme from the ethereal heights of the First Realm. But tranquility shatters when Aeonis mysteriously vanishes, leaving behind a realm teetering on the brink of chaos and an arcane prophecy whispered through the ages. In the Seventh Realm—known for its mortal frailty and overlooked by the mighty—rises an unlikely savior, Elian, a mere human with a nondescript life. Unbeknownst to him, he has been chosen as the sole inheritor of Aeonis's omnipotent powers. Thrust into a vortex of inter-realm conspiracies, Elian must navigate his newfound abilities and the complexities of the divine courts. As the balance of power shifts, ancient foes emerge from the shadows, seeking to claim the vacant throne and unleash their dominion over the realms. Amidst this turmoil, Elian's ascension sparks hope and fear alike, as prophecies foretell of a mortal who will either unite the realms or herald their ruin. With allies scarce and enemies on all sides, Elian's journey is fraught with peril, political intrigue, and the daunting task of forging his destiny. As he struggles to embrace his role as the "Heir to Eternity," he must decide whether to follow the path of righteousness or succumb to the darker forces vying for control. "Heir to Eternity: The Godless Realms" explores themes of legacy, power, and the eternal quest for identity against the backdrop of a richly imagined fantasy universe. With each decision, Elian shapes the fate of not just the Seventh Realm, but all of existence.

LJDRLwanen · Fantasía
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9 Chs

The Child Named Zero

The search for the chosen heir spanned the breadth of the Seven Realms, a quest that stirred the cosmos to its very core. Scouts, both celestial and terrestrial, traversed the dimensions, their mission shrouded in secrecy and urgency. The divine decree had come from the highest authority—find the child named Zero.

Meanwhile, far removed from the tumult of the heavenly courts, in the humble expanse of the Seventh Realm, life proceeded with its usual, unremarkable rhythm. In a small village nestled between the whispering forests and gentle hills, the boy known as Zero lived a life markedly different from the destiny that was being woven for him among the stars.

Zero was an orphan, found as an infant at the doorstep of an elderly couple who had long since given up hope of hearing the laughter of children in their home. They named him Zero, for he had come from nothing and had brought infinite possibilities into their lives. With no knowledge of his origins, Zero grew up with the freedom that poverty and obscurity afforded. His days were filled with chores and play, his nights with stories under the starlit sky.

The old man, Joren, taught Zero the ways of the woods—the names of trees, the habits of beasts, and the language of the wind. The old woman, Mira, taught him to read and write, using old books that had been in her family for generations. Their love for him was as boundless as the plains that stretched beyond their village.

Zero was a curious child, with an innate knack for seeing the wonder in the mundane. His questions were often too deep, his thoughts too complex for a boy of his tender age. He wondered about the stars, about the vastness of the universe, and about his place within it all.

"Grandfather, why are the stars so far away?" Zero would ask as Joren tucked him into bed.

"To remind us that there is always something more to reach for," Joren would reply, his voice as gentle as the breeze outside.

"And why am I called Zero?" the boy would persist, his eyes wide with the insatiable curiosity of youth.

"Because, my child, in you, the possibilities are endless. Zero is the beginning of everything," Mira would answer, joining in their nighttime ritual.

One day, as Zero played by the river that wound through the village like a silver snake, a strange feeling overcame him—a sense of being watched. He looked around, expecting to see one of his friends hiding, ready to jump out and startle him. But there was only the rustle of the leaves and the soft murmur of the water.

Unseen to Zero, a celestial scout observed him from the shadows, a wisp of a figure sent by the gods to find the boy foretold by prophecy. The scout watched as Zero knelt by the river, cupping the water in his hands, laughing as a fish tickled his palms.

The scout's report was swift and silent, carried on the wings of the wind back to the heavenly court. "The child has been found. He dwells in innocence, untouched by the weight of his destiny."

Back in the celestial realms, the news of Zero's discovery spread like wildfire. Preparations began to bring the child to the court, to initiate him into the mysteries of his fate.

But as the heavens plotted, Zero continued his simple life, unaware of the storms gathering above. One evening, as he lay gazing at the stars, a comet streaked across the sky—a herald of changes to come.

"Look, Mira! Did you see that?" Zero exclaimed, pointing at the sky.

"Yes, my love," Mira replied, her heart heavy with an unexplained sorrow. "It's a sign of great things to come for you, I think."

Zero pondered her words, feeling a thrill of excitement mixed with a vague apprehension. "Do you think the stars are trying to tell me something?"

"Perhaps," Mira said softly, pulling him close. "The stars speak to those who are meant to listen."

Days turned into weeks, and the moment that the gods had been waiting for drew near. A delegation was chosen to retrieve Zero—a group comprising beings of immense power, yet gentle enough not to frighten the boy. They were to be led by Loritha herself, who had argued vehemently that the child's transition to the realms of the gods should be filled with kindness and understanding.

As Loritha prepared for the journey, she pondered the task ahead. The divine scripts spoke of a great leader rising from humble beginnings, of a mortal who would bridge the gap between humanity and divinity. But as she looked at the scrolls, a different fear gnawed at her—how would a child, raised among humans, react to the revelation that his destiny lay not with his people, but among the stars?

The day of departure arrived, and the celestial caravan set out, clo

aked in veils of shadow and light, moving between the realms unseen. Their destination was the small village in the Seventh Realm, where a boy named Zero played by the river, still innocent of the cosmic role he was born to play.

And so, as the heavens watched and waited, the threads of destiny slowly drew together, weaving a tapestry that would forever alter the fabric of the cosmos. Zero, the child of prophecy, was about to step into a legend that had been written in the stars long before his first breath. The realms held their breath, for the era of the Godless Realms was about to begin.