
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Cómic
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20 Chs

The Death of a Friend and Heartbreak

After a couple of weeks of helping Gohan and Trunks after their encounters twins. Their begin to bond with each other. I begin to notice a strange feeling from when I am around Gohan. He starts making me feel nervous in a good way and I like being near him. But today was the worst day for Trunks and I. I kept my distance because I was android just like the twin androids who killed Gohan today.

(Earlier Today)

It was a sunny day and I was with Gohan and Trunks who were taking a break from their training and enjoy the peace. But thing went left quickly when 17 & 18 decided to attack city below us, taking so many innocent lives. Gohan decided to act fast to give the survivors a chance to flee and Trunks had his mind set on going with him. After arguing Gohan agreed to have Trunks drop his guard and Gohan chopped the back of his neck, knocking him out.

"You know they are doing this to lure you out," 22 says

"Yeah but I have no choice, I can't leave those people to die," Gohan says looking at 22

"Trunks think highly of you and I been think highly of you. You save our live many times and risk yourself for us I want you to stay behind and look after Trunks for me.," Gohan says

"You know he will be upset and I will too" 22 says and Gohan walks up to him and kiss him on the lips shocking 22 and make him blush.

"I know but it's better this way, please take care of him and I hope to return back to you to explain why I kiss you." Gohan says with a blush before takes off, leaving 22 alone with Trunks.

"Please come back and explain," 22 says with hope for his return.

After a 10 minutes I since Gohan ki faded away. Rain came pouring in as the sky turn dark. Tears begin to pour out of my eyes because of the new emotion I was feeling from Gohan's death. I then sense two figures behind based on the change in air..

"What do you think 22? Mad you didn't join in on the fun?" 18 asked but I didn't respond. 17 notices Trunks beside me laying on his stomach.

"It looks like he has keeping him for his own fun, but I could go for another round," 17 says approaching 22 and Trunks. 22 stand up between Trunks and the twins.

"Back The Fuck Up," 22 yelled at 17 stopping him from approaching him

"What" 17 asked confused until he notices the tears in 22 eyes.

"You care for those Saiyans," 17 asked as he realize those tears was for Gohan.

"When did that happen and did you forget you are an android." 18 says with disgust.

"I am an android that is just my race it doesn't mean I should kill anyone for absolutely no reason at all," 22 says.

"We kill just for the fun, I'm gonna kill that boy and you," 18 says.

"Try it Bitch" 22 says.

I then dash fast head first into 18 making her stagger and grab her leg and swing her into 17. Angry because I damaged them I they begin to follow me in a blind rage. I lead them away from the city to an area in the mountains and do a technique I remember in my database it was called "Solar Flare". I turn around and use Solar Flare Blinding the two and hide in the mountains.

"Come out 22," 17 yelled as he searches for 22.

"Come out so this Bitch can kill you," 18 screams as she looks for 22.

I see where they are and fire a ki blast that explodes and creates a smokescreen. I then pick up an object that looks my size and imbued it with my ki then I throw it hard making it fly fast past the twins and the twins gave chase after it thinking it was me. I twin work my way to the city on foot fast through the rain. I get to Gohan's body to see Trunks hunch over him with golden hair and teal eyes. Trunks notices me and looks at me in anger. Tears begin leaking out and I fly off to search for the Twin's weakness.

Several days later at a secret lab I found and it had a working laptop. I begin looking for any files about androids and find some blueprints about my father he was going to turn himself into an android I saw two file one was for building mechanical body and have 19 implant his brain in it. The second file was to add modifications to his body like what happen to the twins. I printed the file for the second one and hope that this can help Trunks.

The next day I flew to capsule corp and walk to the door to see Trunks stand there. I walk to him and pull out the files handing them to him.

"Here take this," 22 says.

Trunks take them out of curiosity to see numbers and letters.

"What are these" Trunks asked in curious tone.

"This is the file I found it was a design on how to change him or others into the same type of androids that me and the twins are," 22 say.

"Why are you giving this to me," Trunks asked

"I made a promise to Gohan and I want to help you, I hope your mom can put them to good use." 22 says as he turns around to leave.

"Wait! 22! Have you been running from them?" Trunks asked after having a deep thought and 22 nods his head yes.

"Do you… want to stay with us?" Trunks asked and 22 shakes his head no.

"Why" Trunks asked

"To keep you and your mother away from danger I cannot stay with you, I cannot allow them to find your home." 22 says as he walk to Trunks.

I then bend down to Trunks cheek and kiss it and his face turns red.

"Thank you for treating me with humanity, see you when I see you," 22 says.

I dash off back to my secret lab and eat my stored up food out of boredom and cry.

"I like Gohan in a romantic way, but now he is dead" 22 say while crying and eating.

Trunks POV

I look over the files 22 gave me. It shows plans on how to turn a person into an android just like the twins. I run to the kitchen to see my mom cooking.

"Hey Mom I ran into Android 22 just now outside," Trunks say.

Mom drops everything she was doing and run over to him scared and worry.

"Are you okay, Did he hurt you?" Bulma asked

"No... no mom he came here to give me some files for you to look over for a weakness for 17 & 18.," Trunks says and mom looks at him shocked.

"I'll get to work right away," Bulma says while grabbing the papers and go to her lab.

Three weeks later

I walk down to the lab where mom is to check on her. When I get there I see her looking at the computer screen about some Time Machine.

"Do you still plan to create that mom?" Trunks asked while point the computer screen.

"Yes I don't plan on giving up on my dream and hope," Bulma says.

"Mom did you find any flaw or weakness to defeat 17 & 18 from the files I gave you ," Trunks ask.

"The files only give out instruction on how to turn someone into the same type of android like them. So far I don't see any weakness," Bulma says while scratching her head.

"I think we could find something faster if Android 22 joins us here," Trunks thinks to himself.

"Mom I think we could find a weakness if we bring 22 here," Trunks say with serious look on his face.

"Absolutely not I will not allow an android to be here," Bulma say with a terrified look on her face.

"Mom, I know it is hard to trust an android but he is the only ally we have that is alive and willing to fight.," Trunks say.

"Trunks ..." Bulma says

"He gave us the information about the androids and he hiding from the androids to not be destroyed ," Trunks say and his mom went into a thinking mode.

"Do you trust him," Bulma ask

"Yes mom He trust me and Gohan and he has said before he has no interest in eliminating the human race," Trunks says.

I look at Mom to see she had her thinking face on and after a few minutes she looks to me with a serious look and let out a sigh.

"Trunks I can tell that you are worried about that android so you can bring him here," Bulma says with a small smile towards Trunks..

I rush to mom and hug her

"Thank you mom! You're the best," Trunks say.

I then rush off to find him.

Finding Android 22 was a hard task and it has been 3 months since I saw him. I look for him in last known spots I seen him at before

"I guess I will have to wait till he comes on his own," Trunks say and sigh out loud.

Android 22 POV

I have been on the run from the twins because I keep interrupting their "fun" with the humans. I feel damage all over my body. I was now in my secret lab recovering and looking over information about my family before I was turned into an android.

"I know Dr Gero is my father, Gebo is my brother, but I can't find out any information on my mother, and my files are block because I need certain requirements," 22 says out loud to himself.

"Maybe Bulma might know about My Father love life from the old days," 22 thinks to himself.

"I will pay a visit to Capsule corp tomorrow but I need to pack," 22 says.

I pull out two empty capsules and filled one with a wardrobe of all the clothes from the closet and I fill the second one with my refrigerator and freezer. I then went to sleep until it was the next day.

It was daylight and I flew hidden from the twins and landed in front of capsule corp building trunks was at. I knock and wait for someone to come down and with my luck it was Trunks who came to the door.

"22 is that really you I started to lose hope that … you was alive," Trunks say with small tears in his eyes.

"Trunks I told you see you when I see you which means I was going to see you again.," 22 says while wiping Trunks tears away.

"Um 22 do you … I have a question for you would you like to … stay with us and help us out with the files you gave us.," Trunks asked with a nervous tone.

"Sure if your mom and you are willing." 22 says with a smile.

"Alright! I will lead the way," Trunks say.

We walk down to the lab to where Bulma is.