
Heir of Shendu "Hiatus"

Okay so ROB came calling and offered a second chance. The catch? I get to be his entertainment so no OP powers and I'm pretty sure he put something in my wish. So where to go what to be. Well lets go to Dan Machi with Shendu powers and a Pan'ku box. Maybe if I get strong enough I can stuff one up his.

Good_Day · Cómic
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44 Chs


It takes a while but I manage to find a road and that means a town can't be too far away, I hope. I mean it's nothing more than a dirt road with what looks like a few ruts from wheels so civilization indeed. Now I'm no tracker but I've read enough to know to look for tracks to see if I can see which direction the closest town is. Okay silly idea I can't read tracks if my life depended on it and I think it might. Well back to the old stick. I'm just glad to be on flat ground; forests can be tough to hike through.

I take a minute to rest now that I have at least some direction to go and hey maybe some people will pass and give me some help. Looking over my wounds they seem to be doing alright. All I could really do was rip a bit off my pants and try to hold the cloth on the wounds till the blood clotted like a shaving cut (Hey! you try doing better without modern medical supplies). Seems to have done the job though.

'Looks like I'm more than just a little bit stronger. Still where's my cheat skill. I hope it's just hidden instead of this being one of those isekai where the MC gets jipped. Well there should be magic of some kind at least since there was a goblin. Hope I can learn magic; gonna be hard to tell if I can with me being an otherworlder and all. Still this is a new body so some hope there. Now that I think about it I didn't have any trouble getting used to it so that means it probably wasn't random. Though that opens a whole nother can of worms like who, how, why, and why can't I remember anything about it.'

'WAIT!' It hits me. 'I can't remember my parents!' I go over everything I can remember my birthday, home, friends, family, job, hobbies. I can remember almost everything, well everything that I normally can, but my parents are a big blank. I don't even get a feeling of sorrow just an empty feeling like I've lost something I should have. I frown at it and do a bit of soul searching.

'I guess this is for the best right now. If my memories are accurate I don't think I would do well with those memories, too much pain, and I remember everything they taught me anyway for some reason. Well if I could be sent to this world then there must be a way to go back. As they say where there's a will there's a way, and with magic doubly so. Only hope I have a will. hasn't been my strong suit in the past.'

'Well daylight's wasting and I don't want to find out what skulks in the night.' Picking myself up I grab my box and stick and start walking hopefully in the right direction.

'Really glad this body is stronger cause I don't think I could have made it to town before dark.' I have finally made it to civilization what seems to be a couple hours before dusk. If I had my old body I think I would have passed out from the pain and struggle somewhere back in the forest. Course I still have to find someone and get some help hope these people are friendly.


"chrip, chirp, chirp"

"Great further to go." I keep walking while occasionally calling out till I get a response.

"Would you pipe down you crazy! Holy! What in the god's names happened to you kid!"

I pause at the sudden yelling and think 'kid?' Turning I see a man coming from the fields on the other side of the fence. He's a good head taller than me and dressed like your typical isekai farmer overalls and all. Looking at myself however I realize I'm dusty from the road, covered in muck from the goblin fight, and have blood all over me from the cuts.

"Oh, well got into a fight with a goblin and separated from my friends."

"Ha, just a goblin got you and your friends. You must either be the weakest adventure wannabes ever or your lying through your teeth so which is it."

'What the where's the 'oh you poor thing here let me help you' cliche' "Um neither sir it was multiple goblins and we screwed up when we chased them. I got separated and cornered by one then couldn't find my group." 'Glad I had some time to think up some stories though that normally never seems to help'

"Hmmm, well if that's your story who am I to question it. Doesn't seem like you'll do much harm with the way you look, specially if a goblin did that." "Ptoo" He turns and makes to go back to the fields.

"Hey wait can you help me out here."

"Help with what. Those wounds may look bad, but if you got here they won't kill you and why should I help you, you gonna pay me."

A little taken aback by the coldness of the man I nearly don't get a response out before he leaves again. "Can you at least tell me where I can get cleaned up and a place to sleep."

"Just go to the village well and use it." The man calls out half-heartedly and walks off.

"Thanks, I guess?" 'Well this is certainly not shaping up like all those stories I've read but hey it could be worse. I mean he didn't kidnap and sell me right. Well tally ho.'