

There were three vampires with glaring red eyes staring at me. A large male that looked like a fighter, a small blonde girl with a viscious look and then another male who looked more average.

A voice rang out from the female. "Who are you?"

"Special agent Ryan Steele hired by Macusa to investigate reported murders by unknown individual or individuals in the area and apprehend them for trial." I reply pulling out my guns and wand.

"This is volturi business human you have no rights here." The big one snarls at me.

"Technically if you got the news I have rights everywhere according to the council. Or do the volturi think they are above the magical council?" I ask them and they look confused.

"Magical council? Never heard of it." The girl says with a smile.

Well shit there goes those negotiations.

I feel some pressure on my occulmency shields. Apparently the little girl tried to mind attack me. A good sneak attack.

A special bullet to her face knocking her out is what greets her. This is what happens when you get overconfident in your abilities. When you fail to use them to any decent effect your usually stunned by what to do next.

As she drops to the ground the other two rush me. I apparate a few feet back raising up my wand.

"Avada kedavra." A jet of green light spews out of my wand point towards the big one. In a surprising move of brilliance he grabs the other vampire near him and uses him as a shield to rush at me.

The light connects with his unfortunate partner killing him off easily. Well would you look at that vampires do have souls. Avada kedavra is used to extinguish the souls of those it hits. I always wanted to test it out on a vampire.

I dodge the dead vampire who is now being used as a weapon by the bigger vampire. I must say it's a very effective shield. All my spells or bullets hit the dead body. His quick reaction time and training making him a worthy foe.

"You are testing my patience." I say popping out of the way again to avoid snow he had kicked at me for a distraction. All you can hear are gunshots and the sound of the vampires body whooshing through the air with hard metallic clangs as my bullets impact it. Soon however I'm out of ammo.

"I really didn't want to have to do this but you've forced my hand!" I raise my wand up. "Fiendfyre!"

The vampires eyes widen in shock as a massive snakelike flame explodes from my wand point devouring the body. I quickly pop over towards my tied up prisoners and the girl and pop them into my trunk before popping back to try and control the raging demonic flame.

Fiendfyre has a mind of its own and doesn't want to be controlled by anything. I really do need to get that ritual to become fireproof done I lament as the flame lick away at my clothes. The ground and surrounding plants have been scorched to nothing.

After about ten minutes and several shocked looks from the watching wolves and vampires later I finally get the raging flame down. I have burns and singes everywhere. But I have other things to do as I start spraying water to prevent the massive forest fire.

"Really I can't just have a single plan go as expected." I sigh aiming the jet of water towards the burning trees.

Lucky for me I'm not naked. My clothes managed to survive with only a bunch of burned holes. The cullens start to assist me by kicking swathes of snow onto the fires.

"What happened?" Carlisle asks me as the fires start to dim down.

"Volturi vampires attacked me while you were dealing with the others. I killed them." I tell the man.

He takes on a serious look. "They won't like that you've killed off their people and will most likely send reinforcements. Can you tell me what the ones who attacked you looked like?" He asks me.

As I give him the descriptions he names them off. "Felix, Jane and Demetri. You've killed off their best fighter, tracker and weapon they are really going to be displeased."

I don't correct the fact that I've captured Jane cause that's going to be a little secret. I have plans for her.

"What about the others?" He ask me.

"I've caught eleven of them. They are in holding cells. What about the leader and the other one?" I ask.

"Victoria has been burned but her second in command." At this point one of the wolves drops a head at my feet. It's glaring and snapping it fangs.

"Fantastic. Are there other pieces of him?" Some other wolves drop off some vampire chunks which are still moving.

I pull out a box and toss the pieces and head in it before sealing it up with runes and goblin wire.

"This should be enough for them." Of course I'm talking about the American wizards "I'll also try to swap the blame onto the volturi and get them warned so you guys should be safe. They will know I killed off their people and probably blame me instead of you guys."

"Isn't that going to cause you problems?" He asks me.

"Technically it's going to make me look better killing off three vampire elites and capturing eleven and a half newborns. I might just get a raise." I say with a smile.

He just chuckles wryly.

"If you wish to head back and change we can handle the rest of the fire." Carlisle says looking at my scorched appearance.

"Much appreciated I do need to change and get some burn ointment. Magical fire burns are nasty stuff." I say looking at my blistered hands and smaller blisters from sparks.

Fiendfyre is some nasty nasty stuff.

I also have to check if any of my gear is damaged and inspect the prisoners and make sure they are properly restrained. I also have to do paperwork. I hate paperwork.