

The golden fruit which Eris was carrying, looked like an apple. The magical fog which covered the whole land of Jeza was being emitted from the hole of that apple. When Zhao approached her, she attacked Zhao with the magical fog. Zhao was a little surprised, but didn't backed off. She rivaled the fog with her fire magic.

Zhao brought her hand forward and attacked the fog by the fire wave which was being released from the magic circle formed atop of her palm. When the fire collided with the fog, it diverged into numerous rays. Each ray looked like a pointed arrow. It diverged into numerous directions and reflected when it touched the surface of an object. The biggest challenge for Zhao against these arrows was that after reflecting, these arrows aimed the same target, which was Zhao.

Zhao was almost surrounded by the countless arrows formed by Eris's magical fog. This time, Zhao raised her hands upwards and recited,

"The great fire inside mine body, will divide and burn the enemy!

Agni irzhaveto shwante kharzagyavi aarethalenzo, vriyazrishtha!"

The total amount of fire inside her body started dividing and reforming into small fire rays. These rays emitted from her fingernails into the shape of arrows, or more like fire arrows, and diverged into all the directions of the fog arrows. When the fog arrows collided with the fire arrows, they both vanished into the thin air.

Schwartz got curious by this scene because if the fog would collide with the fire, then obviously the fire would win by eliminating the fog. But, this was different. They both vanished like there was nothing before. He turned in awe and asked Eris,

"How did you do that?!"

She turned her neck towards his direction to look at him. She smiled slowly and said,

"Did you really thought that the fog which I created using the golden apple, is just a normal fog? Of course it's overflowed with dark force, or what you all might say, dark Gi!"

As he earned his answer, he didn't stood their doing nothing. He decided to help Zhao, even though he cannot fly.

He rushed towards Zhao while creating tens of spiritual swords using his divine Gi. He also made his divine Gi flow into his hands and feet which allowed him to increase his speed, precision, force and power.

While Zhao kept on destroying Eris's fog arrows with her fire arrows, she started getting low on her Divine Gi level. She knew that soon enough, she won't be able to create even a single fire arrow. Eris's fog arrows started getting faster, or so it seemed to Zhao, since she was the one who was getting slower.

Some fog arrows were about to reach Zhao, but at the most crucial moment, Schwartz threw one of his spiritual swords towards the direction of the fog arrows.

Schwartz's aim had always been excellent. When he was young, he practiced archery. He also recieved the title of 'master archer' by the mayor of the city, when he participated in an archery competition.

The sword which he threw, clashed with Eris's fog arrow. Since he had the blood of gods flowing in his veins, his divine Gi was much better than others.

After clashing with the fog arrow, his spiritual sword destroyed Eris's fog arrow and lost only half of its maximum power. After destroying the first fog arrow, it headed for the next. When it clashed with the next fog arrow, it was destroyed along with the fog arrow.

Zhao got overjoyed by the sight that Schwartz was risking his life to protect her, but, she was also sad since she did not wanted Schwartz to risk his life for her. She was not sure herself. She did not know what she wanted herself. Then, she heard Schwartz's voice, which made her blush. She thought that it was too good to be true since Schwartz is too dense. He said,

"Zhao! Don't worry, I'm going to protect you with my life! Because... Because I need you!"

He used his spiritual swords as a support floor in the mid air and was jumping on them one by one. When he nearly reached Zhao, he whispered slowly,

"I need you to use your fire magic to create a shield bellow me. A strong one so that I can cover a large distance by jumping on it!"

When she heard her words, "I need you to use..." she came to her senses. She was bursting with anger. She decided to convert that anger into the fire shield which Schwartz had asked her to create. She brought her hands forward and shouted, "Aaaaaaaaaaah!!!" as the magic circle at her palm got bigger and created the fire shield just a little below from Schwartz.

When Schwartz descended a little downwards as he wanted to use the shield, Eris attacked him with a dark Gi wave of fog. While he was standing on the fire shield, he protected himself from the shield's fire by covering his body with an energy barrier created with the help of his divine Gi. When Eris attacked him, that barrier was about to burst. While defending himself from her dark fog wave attack, he took a look at her. Her lips were widened and her monster like fangs and teeth were visible.

"I-I-I-I do not want to see you both being so chummy with each other! This-This-This hurts my spine! Eat this!"

She shouted as she gazed at him murderously.

Schwartz knew that she was going to do this. She considered the possibility that she might change her target from Zhao to Schwartz. He turned back and looked down to find that Zhao had descended towards the lowest level of the tower. She had lost all of her divine Gi and was lying their unconsciously. But, the most important thing was that she was not harmed.

After assessing the current situation, Schwartz put most of his divine Gi in his legs and leapt high from the fire shield. As he was heading directly towards Eris, he pointed a long and huge sword which he created by his divine Gi. She changed the trajectory of her dark fog wave attack as he was reaching for her. She started consuming her dark Gi very quickly. Schwartz was reaching towards her by defending himself from her attack using half of his divine Gi to create an energy shield. He used a little bit less than half of his divine Gi to create a strong looking huge spiritual sword to attack her.

When she was at her wits end, she decided to defend her instead of attacking Schwartz. She covered herself by using all of her magical fog. Once she used all of her fog, her golden fruit which looked like an apple, started rotting. She used all of her dark Gi as she created another layer of protection above the magical fog. Schwartz had already reached her. He crashed his shield formed from divine Gi to her dark shield, which destroyed her dark barrier. After that, he used his sword to pierce her fog shield by striking it continuously for multiple times. After it got destroyed, he slayed off her head. While his sword was reaching for her head, she had only one expression, anger, because she lost to a petty men. She had one feeling, which was regret, because she was not able to fulfill her duty which was assigned to her by her Lord Navert.

As Schwartz's sword slayed off her head, brain material fell on the ground from her head and enormous blood sprayed off on his face as he went down the floors.