
Heavens Decree

Heavenly Dao is supreme; it is above all else and below no one. To tamper with it is a taboo, enough to warrant certain death. But Wu Xing would beg to differ, for he had seen the Heavens bow before a man—the very same man who took everything from him. Now just a mere fragment of a soul trapped in a cauldron, Wu Xing would have to navigate through the dangerous world of cultivation back to the top. Fortunately for him, this isn't his first time. --- [Book - 1 Mortal Shepherding Volume I - Soulful Guidance (13/13) (20k words) Volume ll - Chaotic Guidance (11/On-going) (??) Volume lll - ??? (???) (???) ] … [The Cover image is Female Main Lead] #Tags: Action | Adventure | Xainxia | Cultivation | High Fantasy | Male Lead | Romantic Subplot | No-harem | Bloodline | Non-human lead | Age-regression Chapter length - 1.5k(+) words Metric System Weight: 1 Jin = 0.5 Kg = 500 grams Volume: 1 Sheng = 1 Litre 1 ge = 1/10 Sheng = 1/10 Litre = 100 millimetre Length: 1 Li = 0.5 Kilometre = 500 meter

Drifting_Embers · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

3 - Scream

[Chaotic Sky World] was a small planet in [Black Star Field]. Here humans dominated the Eastern continent and in this very continent was the mountain range known as Rising Wind Mountains.

Deep within the cave of a Mountain, a golden cauldron lay on the ground gathering dust. The Cauldron was about 30 cm (12" ~aprox) in height with a circumference of 65 cm (25" ~aprox). This cauldron was engraved with Dragon like markings all around it.

Suddenly the cauldron shook, and a dim glow shone around the cold exterior of the vessel. Then a scream. A bloodcurdling scream that would have one's hair stand on end sounded from deep within the cave.

A whimper. A cry. Then the soft sobbing of a soul that was a mere fragment of what it used to be. It cried in agony, one so deep seethed that made him want to raze the Heavens to the ground.

After an unknown amount of time, Wu Xing finally calmed down. Once the glorious Ancestor of Truth now reduced to a mere fragment of his past. But the resentment did not come from this, no.

He had lost the one he loved more than himself. He had lost his beloved and now all that was left was just a desire. A desire for revenge. A desire to destroy the one who has taken everything from him. And he swore that he would kill that bastard, no matter what.

Wu Xing felt for his self and found that he was trapped inside a cauldron.

"The [Cosmos Refining Cauldron]." He calmly assessed his vessel that had saved his life, no his wife had saved his life for this cauldron belonged to her.

He remembered even if only vaguely that she transferred this to his soul when they were in the void.

'Don't Resist.'

Her voice still echoed inside his head and another pang of sorrow assaulted his soul.

"Where am I?" He spread out his senses and found that he was in a cave but that was the extent to which his senses could extend. His soul was no different from a mortal now, and it was only thanks to the cauldron that enhanced his senses a bit.

Wu Xing frowned and contemplated his course of action.

Currently, he was but a mere soul fragment. He lacked the physical body and his lacking soul force severely rendered him immobile.

The ideal path in front of him was to cultivate his soul to Soul Alter Realm that would give him enough leverage to move and leave this Cauldron to take possession of anything he could.

But the problem in this situation was the time. The time it would take for him breakthrough to the [Soul Alter Realm] was at the very least 1000 years and that was when factoring in his experience, his techniques, and the help from the Cauldron.

The Cultivation was classified into three groups; Essence/Body, Energy, and Soul.

In the entire history of this universe, only three had managed to reach the top in all three.

The Ancestor of Genesis who specialized in Energy Cultivation.

The Ancestor of Divine who was at the top in Body/Essence Cultivation.

And The Ancestor of Order who had Cultivated his Soul to the highest.

Wu Xing was given the moniker of Ancestor of Truth and Order and was the only being in the entirety of this universe who had Cultivated his Soul to the peak.

His achievements in comprehending the laws and truths of this universe had earned him the title of genius. Of course, he still failed to realize the betrayal of his best friend even though his wife had somehow managed to find out.

Shaking the thoughts out of his head he focused and considered his best option. Just then an idea struck him. He glanced at the spirit of Cauldron which was heavily damaged and smiled. This might just work.

After that, he metaphorically sat down and started to meditate.

The reason why Wu Xing speculated that it would take him thousand years to achieve [Soul Alter Realm] was because he lacked the resources. Unlike [Energy Gathering], [Soul Cultivation] had an extensive need for resources. As for [Body Refining], it was impossible to progress unless one has tons loads of resources.

What Wu Xing Cultivated was [Thousand Reincarnation Dream Art]. It was his self-created Cultivation method that suited his Soul and Bloodline as he was of the [Celestial Dream Fox] race.

Every single breakthrough resulted in him experiencing a thousand reincarnations that tempered his soul and molded in accordance with the technique.

Wu Xing calmly cultivated within the cauldron and simultaneously tried to connect with the broken spirit of this cauldron.

Time continued its merciless march.


Laughing, jeering, and mocking, they pointed their fingers at the boy who lay slumped on the floor of the battle arena. His opponent pointed his sword at him with a smug face and eyes filled with disdain.

Xuan Wen felt his face redden at the shame and humiliation but more than that, he felt anger. Anger at those laughing at him, anger at his clansmen, anger at his siblings, and most of all anger at his father.

Xuan Wen might not have the talent that his brothers and sisters had but he worked every bit as hard as they did if not more. Never did a day go by when his training dummy wasn't fed his fresh blood. Even now his hands were covered in white cloth strips.

And yet despite all the effort, his father never paid him any attention, never helped him like he did his other children, and never even showed a bit of care for him.

Why? Why was the world so unfair? Xuan Wen felt incensed at his fate and his life.

For a brief moment, the thought to leave everything and run away from here, from his life and as a martial artist appeared in his mind but he affirmed his resolve and held tight his blade, and left the arena under the mocking gazes of the audience.

As he showed complete disregard towards his audience they soon lost their motivation and waited for the next battle to begin.

Meanwhile, Xuan Wen left the training grounds and found his way to the mountains in the back. His mood was heavy and somber, he pondered on the best course of action.

They said with risks come great opportunities, and Xuan Wen who was fond of reading biographies of famous heroes couldn't agree more. But the boy knew that he was no hero of some story, his luck only amounted to little, so would he bet his chances on his luck?

He didn't realize it but Xuan Wen was already standing in front of the tall mountain cliff. This has been his ideal location where he could train in peace without others bothering him, for him this place held value more than this little thatched hut.

He gripped the cold jagged stone of the cliff and pulled, his feet left the ground and Xuan Wen found calm and concentration that put him in a rhythm as he made his way to the top.

Climbing, climbing, and climbing...

"Wait, was there a cave here?" Xuan Wen stopped and mumbled with uncertainty. This mountain had been his playground since young and to this day he didn't recall seeing the alcove.

Confused and with a bit of apprehension, Xuan Wen slid along the walls, putting extra care in where he put his feet till he finally made it to the mysterious alcove.

Peeking inside he found the space within rather small, only enough for a grown-up man to stand while hunched. Aside from the rocks and weeds growing from the crevices, there was nothing el—

"Oh wait, what's that!"

Right in the middle of the alcove, a cauldron covered in mud lay inverted. If not for the engravings he would have missed it entirely.

Xuan Wen cautiously made his way inside and was about to pick it up when suddenly a voice sounded inside his head.

–"You are a lucky one, aren't you."

Startled Xuan Wen sprang from his squatting position and looked behind him.

No one. To his right, then to his left, again no one.

"Who are you? Where are you hiding?"

The voice came again and this time Xuan Wen managed to pinpoint the location of where the voice came from.

–"You don't need to look so surprised all right, I am right in front of you."

'It's coming from my head!' Xuan Wen managed to keep calm but his voice sounded a bit more subservient this time.

"Senior, I apologize for my rudeness but I am afraid I cannot see you."

–"Heh heh, weren't you about to pick me up, what happened?"

The voice that sounded a bit mischievous surprised the boy. He glanced at the muddy cauldron and realization dawned on him.

Xuan Wen knew that only extreme cultivators who had a certain level of strength could talk telepathically. Now he suddenly found that a Cauldron was capable of such might, the boy was left dumbfounded.

As much as Xuan Wen was fond of cultivation he managed his studies even more strictly. Not a day would go by when he didn't visit the library.

There the boy had learned of the legend, a unique artifact capable of growth. The book mentioned that the artifact was alive and that it would choose its wielder by itself.

'Is this what they call a life changing opportunity, am I seeing the Legendary Unique artifact!'

But the book never mentioned the artifact was capable of intelligent thought, but then again the books available to a lowly member like himself only amounted to so much.

–"Why are standing still boy, do you not have anything to say?"

Xuan Wen was startled out of his thought when he heard the artifact talk again. A bit apprehensive he asked, "Senior, pardon my ignorance but this is the first time I saw this cave here, and consequently found you, I would like to ask what your intentions are for reaching out to me."

The reply didn't come for a while and Xuan Wen grew anxious, worried that he might have messed up.

But the boy was aware of his capabilities. And while he frequented the place more than others, some other clansmen would visit from time to time. To him it made no sense to choose him over others; was it because he was weak and thus the artifact choose to show itself to him?

–"You ignorant boy, how dare you doubt this almighty master. I have calculated the fate and detected the karma with you would lead to better and prosperous results, thus the initiative."

"Forgive my ignorance senior."

–"Good, I like your attitude. Now I will present to you an opportunity."

"An opportunity?"

–"Yes. According to my former master's will, I will grant unto the chance to claim this treasure for yourself. Full fill two conditions and this cauldron will be yours."

Xuan Wen startled at how fast the matter was progressing and found it hard to catch up, but the prospect of his newfound wealth tingled his Cultivator sense in frenzy, so without so much as a thought he answered, "I am willing to accept, please inform me of the conditions I ought to fulfill."

–"Good, it's rather easy actually. My former master was an Alchemist. According to their will, to claim ownership of this Cauldron one must be a capable Alchemist and to show your worth, you have to refine two special pills. One is [Soul Rejuvenation Pill] and the other a [Serene Calamity Pallet]."

Xuan Wen listened with rapt attention, but his face soon turned a grim shade as the 'Cauldron' continued speaking.

"Um... Senior, I am sorry to say this to you this but I am no Alchemist, I barely have any knowledge aside from the fact they use a cauldron and herbs to concoct Pills and brew Elixirs and Poisons."

–"That I can see boy, you are barely in Muscle refinement, how can you be an Alchemist? But everyone has to start from somewhere, and this is your cue to take on the destiny you are meant to have."

Xuan Wen felt his heart beat in excitement. Previously he would have considered the notion to be no different from mocking himself, but now...now he had a Legendary artifact with sentience. Xuan Wen felt—no, he knew that this was his path, his destiny finally shining upon him.

"I understand senior, I promise that I would work hard, harder than before, and break through to the Energy Cloud Formation realm and start on Alchemy studies, then I will come back and claim this artifact for myself."

–"Wait, what do you mean 'you will come back'?"

"Oh, forgive this junior but currently I am too weak, not just in strength but even status. If perchance I was caught sneaking around with a suspicious cauldron, I would land myself in serious trouble, so it's better that senior wait for me here until I grow strong enough to thwart anything that comes my way."

There was a pause and Xuan Wen took that his clue to leave the cave. Even if the Cauldron hadn't mentioned it, how could he not notice it himself?

It was injured and weak.

Maybe that was why it had chosen him, for he was the weakest member who came here and Cauldron thought it likely to win him over. But whatever the case, Xuan Wen understood that it was his chance.

If Cauldron's intentions had been unclear he would have hesitated but as long as he know its desires and weakness he was confident that he could make use of it, even if that meant being used himself. Such was a world of cultivation and such was his 'destiny'.

As Xuan Wen was about to leave he felt a slight shudder behind him and a voice message came to him.

–"Wait, you cannot leave like this."

"Is something that matters, senior?"

–"Yes, I am sorry to say this but if you leave like this, it is unlikely for you to ever make a breakthrough, your talent is just that weak."

Ugh... Xuan Wen winced at the words but the truth always hurt more than you would expect. He asked back, "Then senior, could it be that you have a way for me to progress faster?"

There was another pause before the Cauldron spoke again.

–"Yes, but for that you have to take this Cauldron with you, and don't worry I have a way to help you hide it."

"Then I will do as you wish senior."

And so Xuan Wen left the cave with a miniaturized Cauldron in his breast pocket with a newfound confidence, he thought the Sun was exceptionally pleasant that day.