
Heavenly Harem Sect

There is a sect, not just any normal sect. It's a sect where all Disciples were said to be goddesses of talent and beauty. Whatever you dreamed of, it can be brought to reality. But at what cost? What's the secret to this sect where only females are allowed to be in and what's the motive of the Sect Leader who's a 'bit' pervert? Does he aim for world domination or does he simply wish to conquer beauty? (Contains tags such as Harem, Overpowered Mc, Yandere, Incest, Milfs, Married Woman, and many more to be discovered) (https://discord.gg/yqK3JrS4jX)

ADboy245 · Acción
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280 Chs

First Disciple

[: 3rd POV :]

'If you accept the invitation, please drop blood onto the invitation card'

The girl bit her thumb and she marked the card with her blood.

Few seconds later, a portal appeared.


Shocked by the sudden emergence of the portal, her eyes widened widened.

Now that she was seeing such a phenomenon, her hope had become stronger.v

'Is...this true...? It's not a prank...?'

Her eyes was full of hope and gathering all of her courage, she entered the portal.

On the other hand, Daniel was exploring his newfound sect when the system prompted him to the arrival of his first soon-to-be disciple.

[: The Host's first potential disciple has arrived outside the gate of the sect :]


It only had been a few minutes since he sent the card and now, his disciple had arrived.

At the same time, he was excited about his first disciple and he wonder what would be the outcome out of it.

He walked towards the gate and automatically,

the gates opened by itself.

"How Convenient" He muttered with a smile.

As it finally opened, his first disciple had appeared.

"Welcome to the Heavenly Harem Sect," He greeted with a smile.


She panicked upon seeing a man with white robes on.

When she had arrived outside of the gate, she was overwhelmed by the pressure of the gate.

It was as though, there were hidden beasts were waiting to devour her.

Because of the pressure, she became timid, but her impression of the sect was no less than

those well known sects in the Cities.

However, she didn't know to enter and she had been waiting until Daniel had arrived.

"I assumed you had received the card, young lady?"

From the first look, Daniel could tell that she was timid and perhaps, she lived a life where food was scarce.

Hence, he decided to be gentle with her, afraid that the slightest touch could break her body.

"Y-Yes, I have received the card...but is it true...?"

"Could I become a cultivator if I join this sect...?"

She became tearful now that there's a sect that wishes to accept her.

"Yes, of course, everything is true, and the only requirement you need to do is to pledge your loyalty, heart, mind, and body to me"

"Do you wish to accept it?" He questioned.

The main goal of the system is to create a sect of the harem that is meant for him.

Rather than keeping it a secret, it would be better if he reveals his expectations for his disciples.

They can acquire strength, resources, and treasures.

However, they need to exchange something for it, and it all comes under the idea of a harem.

"You can have anything you want, but the only rule is that you need to devote yourself to me"

"Are you ready to live a life where you must pledge your existence to me? If you're not ready, then, it's not a place for you" He warned.

She listened to his words and despite knowing the requirements, her answer would be the same.

"I accept and pledge my life, body, mind, and heart to the sect"

She grovels on the ground with her forehead.

'Nobody had reached their hands out for me...and if I could change my life...I would gladly let this person have my body' She thought.

For her, there's no shame in exchanging her body to live.

In order to survive, she needs power.

Otherwise, she will be dead.

With strength alone, she could bend the rules to her own.

However, she had no strength and because of that, she had to suffer.

She had no food to eat and whenever there's food it was always stolen by others, and she would oftenly got beaten up just because she was weak.

She hated that and she hated being weak.

If she could become a cultivator, none of this would had happen to her.

Moreover, she doesn't feel any shame in using her body to get her what she wants.

It's a world where people would do anything to gain the slightest chance of being a cultivator.

Moreover, she finds Daniel attractive and being at her lowest point, she has found her savior to whom she had swore her allegiance to.

[: You have accepted the first disciple and have received Seed of World Tree, Immortal Peach Seed, 1 Card of Physique, 1 Card of Bloodline, 1 Card of Spiritual Root, 1 Card of Cultivation Manual, 1 Card of Cultivation Method, Grade 5 Purifying Pill, Grade 2 Restoration Vitamin Pill, Grade 1 Bone Refinement Pill, Grade 3 Cleansing Pill, Grade 4 Body Strengthening Pill, 1 White Disciple Robe and 1 Disciple Token :]

'So, it works like that also. Does that mean, for every disciple I accept will lead to this kind of reward?' He thought.

[: Affirmative :]

Now that there were rewards behind the acceptance of a disciple, he became enthusiastic about recruiting disciples.

Not only will they fill up his fulfill his harem dream but also, it'll make him stronger.

"Raise your head, my disciple"

She raised her head and gaze at his eyes.

"Now that you have become the disciple of this sect, that means, you're my family and my woman"

"Whatever you want, I can give, but first, let's enter the sect together"

Daniel offered his hand to her.

Initially, she was startled and nervous, but seeing his smile, she took his hand and followed him to the inside of the sect.

"Once again, welcome to the Heavenly Harem Sect" He announced to her.

Upon entering the sect, she was mind-blowing by how impressive the sect appeared.

Although she had never cultivated before, she could tell that the atmosphere wasn't something that you can find anywhere.

Moreover, the moment she took a deep breathe, her mind became clearer and she never felt this peaceful before.

"Follow me and I'll show you your dormitory, a place where you will stay from now on"

The girl nodded her head as she followed her master to her dormitory .

As she walked through the path, she was awed by how flourishing the sect looked.

"And this is where you will stay and before you go, take this white robe and the disciple token"

Daniel passed the robe and token to her after stopping in front of a wide tall facility.

Seeing her clueless face, he chuckled before explaining the uses of the items.

"The robe is to determine that you're now a member of my sect while on the other hand, the token is to prove an identity for facilities like this dormitory to use" He explained.

"How about you enter the dormitory first and explore your room, and perhaps, you could wash before we'll start cultivating?" He suggested.

She was still shy about everything, but she still heeded his suggestion and entered the dormitory.

The dormitory was made from high-ranking grades of heavenly materials and ass soon as the girl entered the door of the facility, she was immediately teleported to her room.