
Heavenly God Technique in Douluo Dalu

A guy die while chewing a chewing gums but luckily because of all the good deeds he does he got a second chance to reincarnate to hi favourite world. Douluo Dalu and TODAG are both not mine and this only a fanfics. Don't read it if u don't like it, it safe ur time and mine too

HeavenlySpaceDrago · Cómic
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102 Chs

Making Cruel Sun.

Nie Long goes out to train and on the way, he leaves the city. His first stop was the forest, where he planned to conduct some experiments. Within a short period of time, he already has an idea about how to be stronger.

He thought about making new magic by compressing his Spirit Energy when he use Five-Element Control. He can already use Five-Element Control so he can do it easily.

"Now I will try to compress a fireball till its limit and make its temperature hotter. This way I can remake "Cruel Sun" on Douluo Dalu." Nie Long thought while smiling.

He always loves to see Escanor use the "Cruel Sun" move. He looks so badass and heroic at the same time. The fight he does when he is fighting against Estarossa is still on his mind.

Nie Long reminisces about "Seven Deadly Sins" for a few minutes, snap out of his daze and meditates for a second since to make "Cruel Sun" he needs to be super focused.

For his first try to make the "Cruel sun", the fireball he make and compress exploded on his face. He never thought that the compression of his Spirit Energy will explode.

Nie Long rest for a moment before trying for the second time. This time he slowly compress the fireball on his hand and slowly but surely, the fireball kept becoming smaller.

The fireball the size of a football (soccer) became smaller than a ping-pong ball. Nie Long adds more Spirit Energy again and continues compressing and making his Fireball size become a normal football-size fireball.

The fireball colour from bright light orange-red colour became a dark orange-red coloured fireball. Nie Long feels that if he throws this fireball at something, a big explosion will happen.

Nie Long still doesn't feel satisfied with his "Cruel Sun" so he adds more Spirit Energy to make it hotter. After making his "Cruel Sun" much hotter, he saw that the trees around him burned to ashes.

"This Cruel Sun might have a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius. It still can't compete against the real sun, but it can compete with the "Cruel Sun" of Escanor." said Nie Long excitedly.

"What will happen when I compress all my Spirit Energy and try to do what the other Cultivator from other Cultivation World did?" Nie Long thought about other Cultivation World systems where they keep compressing their Spirit Power to break through.

"I will try this first, if it works, I will have more power and more Spirit Energy than normal people on the same Rank." Nie Long thought for a moment before doing what he is thinking off.

Nie Long is in the lotus position and begins compressing all the Spirit Energy inside his body. At first, he had difficulties in compressing them, but after a long time, he did it, but very slowly.

Nie Long keeps compressing and compressing that he doesn't even realise how much time he used. Nie Long stop his cultivation and thought that he can make this other world Cultivation works in this world too.

"I already compress about 50% of my Spirit Energy, tonight after my fight in the colosseum, I will continue Compressing my Spirit Energy." thought Nie Long while walking back home.

It is already time for his breakfast with his parents before his father goes out to his work. After eating his food, Nie Long went out again and this time he saw Big Sister Charlotte walking on the street.

"Hey Big Sister Charlotte, where are you going?" asked Nie Long because he is bored and doesn't have anything to do.

"I just want to do some shopping today, since my clothes became a bit tight around my chest this past month," said Charlotte in her teasing tone.

Nie Long unconsciously look at her chest and gulped a mouthful of saliva. Charlotte saw this and said "where are you looking, you pervert kid," and Nie Long look away instantly. His face blushes since he gets teased by this big sister.

Nie Long, as an orphan on Earth and a kid in Douluo Dalu, never interacts with a woman like Charlotte. Nie Long then dodge the topic of looking at her chest and said " can I follow you since I don't have anything to do."

Big Sister Charlotte smiles and takes his hand and drags him to the market. She then asked, "did you have no fight at the colosseum today?" "What fight are you talking about Big Sister Charlotte?" said Nie Long trying to feign ignorance.

"You don't have to lie to me, everyone already knew that you are Kurama. How long did you think that people won't notice that shining gold hair and red ruby eyes?" said Charlotte.