
Heavenly God Technique in Douluo Dalu

A guy die while chewing a chewing gums but luckily because of all the good deeds he does he got a second chance to reincarnate to hi favourite world. Douluo Dalu and TODAG are both not mine and this only a fanfics. Don't read it if u don't like it, it safe ur time and mine too

HeavenlySpaceDrago · Cómic
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102 Chs

Giving name

She has wavy waist-length blue hair (which has a mist-like look to them) that is tied up in a ponytail with a chest-length hair strand hanging on the left side, red reptilian eyes and a curvaceous figure.

Finally, Nie Long knows where he saw her. "I saw her in anime in my past life. She is Tomoe from Tsukimichi. Damn, why did this troublemaker come to me?"

Nie Long sighed and look at her again. This time she tilted her head to the left side because of her confusion. "Why did Nie Long sigh after looking at my face?"

"Maybe her personality is not the same as Tomoe from Tsukimichi. I can try her though." thought Nie Long.

"Mirage Dragon, can you read my memory right now?" said Nie Long.

Mirage Dragon nodded and read Nie Long's memory for 5 minutes. After reading Nie Long's memory, Mirage Dragon adopts heroic looks on her face. Nie Long saw Mirage Dragon's face and sighed again.

Nie Long just gives Mirage Dragon a glimpse of what Japanese Historical Drama is inside his head and she already wants to become a samurai. Nie Long knows that this Mirage Dragon is the same Mirage Dragon from Tsukimichi.

"Why did god give me this troublemaker dragon? There are more MIrage Dragons outside there and he gives me this troublemaker dragon." thought Nie Long.

Before Nie Long can think more, Mirage Dragon kneels on 1 knee and said "Master, please give me a name as cool and heroic as those you show me."

Nie Long looks at her for a moment and said "Tomoe, from now on your name will be Tomoe. It is the name of the most valiant female samurai that I know. I hope you like your name"

She looks so happy with her new name. She already sees a glimpse of Japanese History Drama from Nie Long and she wants to see more. Nie Long knows what she is thinking and knows that she will become like Tomoe from another Reality.

"She will make so much trouble, I hope she can compensate for it with her power through. Seriously I want a cute little dragon-like Kanna. Why did this troublesome Samurai Dragon come?" thought Nie Long. Since he still can't get over it.

"We will go back to Spirit Halls now. My wedding with Bibi Dong is in 1 month. I need to be there and help her out. In this flight back to Spirit Halls, I will use Martial Tru Body of Tomoe and use Spatial Manipulation to make us arrive there faster." said Nie Long.

The other nodded since in 1 month Nie Long will get married, so he wants to be there as fast as he can, even though it only takes 5 hours to fly using Aurora.

Nie Long takes everyone inside his Inner space and merges with Tomoe. He then uses Martial True Body. He changes his normal human form to dragon form and flies back to Spirit Hall.

He keeps using Spatial Manipulation and keeps teleporting back to Spirit Hall. He can't teleport back to Spirit Hall because Tomoe has never been there. If she has ever been there, she can teleport there.

Nie Long arrives in 2 hours. He keeps spamming Spatial Manipulation and he keeps shrinking the space between his flies. That's why he only takes 2 hours to arrive at Spirit Halls.

He arrived at Spirit City and deactivates his Martial True Body since he doesn't want to scare the people inside the city. He then uses Aurora and flies back to Spirit Hall Academy.

He then arrived at Spirit Hall Academy and flies straight to Bibi Dong's Worships Hall but she is not there. He then flies to the Great Worship Hall and saw every single worshiper inside the Hall. There are discussing the problem inside the Spirit Hall.

Right now Spirit Hall is the manipulator of the Economy, so they are the controller of the world. If they decide to stop selling what they made, the economy of the empire or kingdom will be down, and they will be destroyed not long after.

It is because people in the world all benefits from what Spirit Halls made. They all want more, but if Spirit Hall stops selling things, people might riot against their government and civil war might happen and destroying the said kingdom is very easy. This is what Nie Long tells Bibi Dong. Since then, she stop everyone from infiltrating other countries and making them goes to civil war.