
Heavenly God Technique in Douluo Dalu

A guy die while chewing a chewing gums but luckily because of all the good deeds he does he got a second chance to reincarnate to hi favourite world. Douluo Dalu and TODAG are both not mine and this only a fanfics. Don't read it if u don't like it, it safe ur time and mine too

HeavenlySpaceDrago · Cómic
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102 Chs

Excalibur in Making

Nie Long stands up from his bed and walks out of his room. He saw his father seating on the couch and look like he doesn't have any intention to go to work.

"Today your holiday father?" asked Nie Long and his father just nodded his head while reading the newspaper.

Nie Long always got this kind of reaction from him, if he is reading the newspaper. What so fun reading a newspaper about Spirit Master. They have Spirit Lord/King as their son. But, they never excited or talk about it.

Nie Long shrugged his shoulder and walk to the diner table. He is waiting for breakfast. He wakes up late since he doesn't have to train today. He wants to make Excalibur today and make Spirit Ring in 2 weeks' time.

He then will join Spirit Hall since he already become Spirit King. He doesn't want to join an insignificant team or family since he has the potential to become a god. He might become God King or above it in the future.

After waiting for a while, breakfast was served and they eat it together. After eating breakfast and finishing taking a bath, Nie Long walks downstairs to his Forge Room.

"Today will be the first time Soul Weapon is created in Douluo Dalu World. I will make a mark in the timeline of Douluo Dalu," thought Nie Long.

Nie Long then prepared all the ingredients he need in a number arrangement. He set which one he need to the last of the item he needed. He then arranges his tool to make Soul Weapon.

He uses all his money in buying 100 thousand years old Spirit Beast Blood. This Spirit Beast Blood is needed to make Array for the Soul Weapon.

This is what Blacksmith in this world doesn't know. The Array. Since the array is needed in creating the Soul Weapon. If they know array, they can mass produce Soul Weapon.

But this might cause Spirit Beast to become extinct since the mass hunting of them for their Spirit Ring.

This is why Nie Long never teach anyone about the array and alchemy since alchemy also needed Spirit Beast Blood for making pills. There are some recipes that needed Spirit Beast Blood to make them.

Nie Long takes a long breath and meditates for a minute before opening his eyes. He has already in the 'zone'. His super focus is what differentiates him and other Spirit Masters.

He can be "super focus" in cultivating. If other Spirit Master cultivates, they don't even focus on their surrounding that much. Nie Long 'super focus' make him focus on his surrounding, which in return make him focus on the Spirit Energy in the air.

He can communicate with them and take them inside his body. In turn, this makes him cultivate faster, and he can cultivate everywhere since he focuses on the surrounding.

He can cultivate in the open, and if someone tries to disturb him, he will know and stop cultivating.

"First I need Meteorite Ores since this ore will be inside the furnace till the end. This Ore is the strongest and hardest metal in the world," said Nie Long to no one. Nie Long always does this since he wants to remember the step. He doesn't want to do any mistakes in the making of Excalibur.

Nie Long then throws myriad metals inside the furnace. He continue using the furnace for around 6 hours before a rough sword came out. Nie Long used his hammer and tempered it till all the impurities came out.

He put the sword back in the furnace and heat it up more than the last time. He heats the sword for 3 hours before taking it out. He hammered it down again and again till the impurities come out.

Nie long continue this way till it was 12 at night. After his last time tempering and entering the furnace. A brilliant sword came out of the furnace and Nie Long began making a lot of array on the sword.

" This is what differentiates Divine Blacksmith from the Holy Blacksmith. They don't know how to make an array on the weapon," said Nie Long again to no one.

"Tomorrow Morning will be the birth of the first Soul Weapon on Douluo Dalu land," thought Nie Long and this time inside his heart.

He continues making arrays on the body of the sword. The array he making is Spirit Boost, Spirit Strengthening, Spirit Merging, Light Elemental Array and Connecting Array. Since he wants to make both the sword and the scabbard the same entity.