
Heavenly God Technique in Douluo Dalu

A guy die while chewing a chewing gums but luckily because of all the good deeds he does he got a second chance to reincarnate to hi favourite world. Douluo Dalu and TODAG are both not mine and this only a fanfics. Don't read it if u don't like it, it safe ur time and mine too

HeavenlySpaceDrago · Cómic
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102 Chs

Blacksmith Training.

After planning for the future, he walks back home since it's already dark. The sun is already behind the mountain and it will be dark really soon. Nie Long went back and have fun with his family (not in a sexual way) before going to sleep.

The next day, Nie Long walks around and asks the villagers about blacksmiths in the village. He gets to know there is someone who can from Clear Sky (Tang) Family.

"I guess Tang Family already banish him. If not he won't stay in this remote village." thought Nie Long.

Nie Long walk toward the blacksmith forge and began knocking on his door. Not long after the door was open.

Nie Long then greet him with a Good Morning. Then he talks about how he wants to become a blacksmith to make money to support his family.

"Kid if you can pick this 50kg hammer and swings it around, I will make you my disciple and teach everything that I know about Blacksmithing." said the Tang Elder.

Nie Long goes inside and takes the hammer and swings it around like it was a bag of 10kg of rice.

"It is a good hammer," said Nie Long loudly. Tang Elder was shocked because a child in his 6-7 years can swing his 50 kg around like nothing.

"What's your name kid? By the way, my name is Tang Xiu. I got banished because I don't have Clear Sky Hammer as my Spirit Ring. You can call me Master or Teacher after today." said Tang Xiu to Nie Long.

Nie Long falls on his knees and greets him "Nie Long greet Teacher Tang Xiu."

Tang Xiu nodded in satisfaction and began explaining a lot of types of steel and iron that can be made into weapons or farming tools. After a day of recognizing the steel and iron, Nie Long went back home.

Nie Long then tell his parent how he became a Blacksmith Student. His parents just smile and said their congrats. They are happy for him.

The next day, Nie Long went to his Teacher's forge to learn more about Blacksmithing.

While walking Nie Long thought "how about I give Teacher a book about Holy Blacksmith? I guess it is good enough to become Holy Blacksmith."

"Library," said Nie Long and he begin to think about Holy Blacksmith he get a book on how to become Holy Blacksmith.

There are 7 stages of Blacksmith. It is Primary Blacksmith, Intermediate Blacksmith, Advance Blacksmith, Master Blacksmith, Grandmaster Blacksmith, Holy Blacksmith, and finally Divine Blacksmith.

Nie Long already thought about how there is no Divine Blacksmith in this world. They said that there are 3 Divine Rank Blacksmiths but they can't even forge Soul Weapons.

Nie Long shook his head in puzzlement. He thought that if you become a Divine Blacksmith, then you must be someone who can create Soul Weapon.

After arriving at his Teacher's forge, Nie Long knock and wait for his Teacher to open the door. He knew that it is bad to disturb them when they are forging.

After a second of waiting, the door opened and his Teacher tell him to enter. Nie Long entered and waited beside the place where his Teacher forge.

Then Tang Xiu began teaching Nie Long how to make weapons, how to temper the steel, and how to remove impurities inside the steel. How to make it stronger, how to make it sharper.

Tang Xiu teaches Nie Long for 2 hours before giving him the place to forge too.

"The best way to learn is by making it yourself," said Tang Xiu.

Nie Long nodded and take the hammer and begin forging. After 2.5 hours, a crude weapon was produced. Nie Long smiles weirdly while looking at his newly forged weapon.

"It is already good enough you can make the weapon. You have talent in Blacksmith Nie Long" said Tang Xiu.

"Thank you for the praised Teacher. I still have a long way to go," said Nie Long.

After a fulfilling day of forging, Nie Long went home after a tiring day of forging. He goes back to his Teacher the next day. This showed how Nie Long liked forging and having his own goal.

After 1 week of forging, Nie Long become Primary Blacksmith. This achievement of his shocked his Teacher.

There are never been a Primary Blacksmith in 1 week. The fastest person that becomes a Primary Blacksmith is 6 months.