
Heavenly God Technique in Douluo Dalu

A guy die while chewing a chewing gums but luckily because of all the good deeds he does he got a second chance to reincarnate to hi favourite world. Douluo Dalu and TODAG are both not mine and this only a fanfics. Don't read it if u don't like it, it safe ur time and mine too

HeavenlySpaceDrago · Cómic
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102 Chs

9 Months Later

"After making Charlotte's Spirit Ring, I will become Rank 57 since I am already close to Rank 56. The cultivation right now become much harder since I become ranked 50. I also need at least 9 months to cultivate from Rank 57 to Rank 60," thought Nie Long while planning for his future.

Nie Long cultivate to condense Charlotte's Spirit Ring and he finished it in 1 month. He finished making the Spirit Ring and continue cultivating it till he become the Rank 60 Spirit Emperor.

9 Months, Nie Long opens up his eyes from his sleep and he already become half Step Spirit Emperor. He needs a new Spirit Ring to become Rank 61 and become a true Martial Emperor.

Nie Long open his eyes and saw Charlotte and Lucy beside him. Next to his right side is Charlotte as usual hugging him tightly and to his left side is Lucy sleeping curly.

Nie Long untied himself from Charlotte's hug and walk to the bathroom. He take a bath before walking to the living room and saw his father there. Nie Long sat beside his father and keep quiet.

His father knows there must be something he wants to tell them, so he ignored him for now. Nie Long saw that his father ignoring him, he just sighed before walking back to his room.

After entering his room, he saw Charlotte hugging Lucy right now. Charlotte really has a bad habit of hugging someone or something when sleeping. Nie Long always becomes the victim of her bad sleep habit.

Even though he enjoys it, he doesn't enjoy the feeling of meat in front of his eyes but he can't bite it or eat it.

"How much longer will it takes for me to become an adult? I don't want to do something to her with this shota body, even though I am bigger than normal kids my age," thought Nie Long.

Nie Long shook Charlotte and Lucy to wake them up. After both of them were awake, Charlotte went to the bathroom to wash her face but Lucy yawned and went inside him and sleep again.

"This Fox is seriously lazy. How can she sleep for the rest of the day and still feels asleep? I don't even know what she does to make her that sleepy," thought Nie Long.

Nie Long shook his head and walk to the diner table waiting for breakfast. He doesn't need to train today since he already become Rank 60 and will begin his journey to Spirit City to join Spirit Hall Academy.

After waiting for 30 minutes, the breakfast was served hot. Nie Long eats till there is no droplet of oil on the plate.

"Father, Mother, I will begin my journey to Spirit City next week since I need to arrive there before their examination," said Nie Long.

Both his parent sighed because they knew that he will say this to them. They both nodded their head in agreement since they knew he can't be late for the examination.

"Please be careful on the road and take care of yourself. Please remember we both are waiting here for you. Don't do anything reckless and don't do anything dangerous," said his mother full of worry.

"I will grant your wish but you need to think first before acting. Please remember us before you do anything," said his father.

This is the most effective way to stop Nie Long from doing something stupid since when he remembers his parents, he will think first before reacting. He doesn't want to leave them behind.

Before leaving, Nie Long thought about his parent's Martial Soul and think about how to make them stronger. He can just make his parents release their Martial Soul before merging them with their respective types.

Nie Long needs to find Spirit Beast at least 10,000 years old since both Metal Fang Lion and Rainbow Coloured Sparrow are Good Potentials and their max level is 10,000 years old.

After thinking about this, Nie Long walk out of the house and runs to the forest. Nie Long begins hunting for Avant-type 10,+++ years Spirit Beasts and Lion-type 10,+++ years Spirit Beast.

He spends 2 hours before running back home. Luckily, today his father is on holiday. He then calls his mother and sits down beside his father. He told them to release their respective Martial Souls and Nie Long merge them with the other dead Spirit Beast he catch.