
Heavenly Feeling

Asura, a genius kid with a talent in anything he’d try, is filled with the endless boredom of his “reality”. The gods and powerful beings in his universe have chosen to spice things up, rather then existing in their life of solitude and boredom. Throughout the cosmos, beings of all kind are granted true blessings and some even chosen as champions. Asuras life of boredom was now changed. As he’s blessed with many chances and opportunities to have the thrill he’d searched for. I’m new to this whole writing scene, so I’m just writing what I feel like. I’d love to be better, if there’s anyone out there with some good criticism, please give it.

Aizo_sen · Cómic
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5 Chs


Life in the modern era is nice and peaceful, people are free to go to school and follow their dreams as long as they have currency. Some love this kind of life, some hate it, and others don't really care and go with the flow of things.

In the heart of Texas, there's a kid who doesn't really care for the world, he gave up on life years ago after thinking about the meaning of death.

Asura, a 17 year old kid in his third year of high school, who hardly ever tried in school... yet still only got nearly perfect scores. Surprising, seeing as he always seems to be sleeping in classes.

Asura has pitch black disheveled hair, lighter skin then those around him even though he's not ethnically white, dark blue irises, and a 6ft tall lean body with high metabolism.

He never saw the point in working out and studying, his body never let him get any extra fat while his mind worked accurately fast. Asura was a talented genius that could probably do anything.

The problem was, he didn't care to enter any part of the world.


Asura lay on his bed on a Monday morning, rewatching high school of the dead. It was an edgy anime, but he couldn't help but imagine how he'd fair in such scenario and with such sexy women by his side.

Getting up from bed and getting ready in his plain room with the only decoration

being a poster of one of his favorite anime

Code Geass. He threw on his cargo pants with a belt, black steal toe boots, a white V-neck shirt and an open black hoodie while buttoning up to his chest. He never carried a back pack because he never had homework to take home. He'd rather finish all school/home work at school.

In the past, Asura had Dorrahn, his guardian and cousin who took care of him for as long as he could remember but when he turned 16, Dorrahn left without a word. Now he has the principal of Nexus high school as his benefactor. Principal Tinka arranged a studio for Asura for as long as he stayed in school.

Once he gets to school, the first thing he does is go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Then goes about his school day.

No one talks to or bothers him since they all know that he's always been the quiet guy who sits in the back of the class alone but new year means new students. So every year he gets approached by some classmates/teachers and every year he pushes them away with his silence.

He goes to class, eats lunch in an empty classroom, goes to more classes which he may sleep through, then goes home and either watches anime or reads manga. Then goes to sleep.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Every weekend he spends it walking the streets when the moon comes up. Going to parks or abandoned buildings, looking for something that catches his eye. Or maybe he's looking for trouble, even he doesn't know the answer.


'If I were in an fantasy world... what would I do? Would I find myself lost with no purpose like in this world? Could I be a King? A knight? A Hero? A Villain?'

He remembered a question a teacher asked in class some time ago. "If you could have any power, what would it be?"

It was easy for Asura, 'If I could have any power, I'd have immortality. They say, you can die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. Wouldn't a villain have the most fun? They can do whatever they want, and even fight the hero.'

An evil smirk appeared on Asuras face, 'The rush of fighting a hero must be unbelievable.'

Asura remembered the time a thug tried to rob him at knife point at 16. The thug had a face of pure terror when Asura plunged the knife straight through his own hand with a smile and grit teeth, while proceeding to break the the thugs arms and legs. The rush he had at the time was exactly what he wanted to spice his life up, but that kind of situation never came his way again.

He'd thought of doing the same to all the bullies in his school, but after the first one, he realized how weak and pitiful his classmates were. There's no rush in beating nobody's.

Day by day, Asura thinks about what he wants to do in life. No answers ever come to him.

Asura sits in a graveyard of an abandoned church and looks at the crescent moon.

"If there are gods, they'd have to see that I'm not fit for this kind of world. They have to give me a chance in a better world, or I'm better off dead, honestly." Asura says as he looks at the cross that sits above the church with an open circle in the middle and a snake coiling around it.

Closing his eyes and laying down in the middle of a grave yard. Some time passes.

Asura feels strange, then faintly feels and sees a pair of pink eyes in his subconscious.

Startled, he quickly gets up and looks around before looking to the stars.

"Those eyes... who's are they?"

I’m not very good with this, but I’ll post as much as I can/want. If I see comments or more people interested in this I’ll be more inclined to post.

I have a bit of confidence in my grammar but I’ve never written a story like the novels I’ve read here.

I want to draw and write, I’d also like to have or be in a community and meet more people.

Aizo_sencreators' thoughts