
Heavenly Feeling

Asura, a genius kid with a talent in anything he’d try, is filled with the endless boredom of his “reality”. The gods and powerful beings in his universe have chosen to spice things up, rather then existing in their life of solitude and boredom. Throughout the cosmos, beings of all kind are granted true blessings and some even chosen as champions. Asuras life of boredom was now changed. As he’s blessed with many chances and opportunities to have the thrill he’d searched for. I’m new to this whole writing scene, so I’m just writing what I feel like. I’d love to be better, if there’s anyone out there with some good criticism, please give it.

Aizo_sen · Cómic
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I don't think I have the knowledge that I need to make the story I want, I have a lot of reading to do.

I will pick this back up in the future or remake it in a different way. This story was gonna go into different gods, demons and spirits...

But I don't really have the knowledge to back up where I want it to go right now.

I'll be working on a different series with more determination and try not to reach to far.