
Heavenly Equinox

A story of the Main Character Kaida, who has been [Re]introduced into the world of magic and chaos, but having to deal with monsters and even traveling across universes [Again], She decides to change how the world changes, changing it for the better or the worse. Note --> The MC has NO Facial features shown, you can imagine how she looks like yourself

Estora · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Spiritual Energy + Japan

Now, What to do? I'll wait for them to finish fighting, which Astral will probably make him rest, and then continue fighting while resting herself. So, to make sure she doesn't cause any considerable damage to him on accident, I left a barrier around him, which protects him from severe damage that could be dealt to him by Astral; now, Speaking of Which, I need to see what this so-called Spiritual Energy was. I went through the system looking for something involving spiritual energy or anything that could explain what it does. However, I knew it wasn't higher than Mana because Mana was the basis of everything, and beyond that was only Mathematics. Or they call Mathematics Spiritual Energy... No, never mind. Ana told me that it wasn't as it was called something else.

"This Spiritual Energy... It seems Fascinating."

I began grinning from ear to ear, staring at a wall. I noticed movement close as I heard footsteps and returned to a neutral expression. I walked towards the footsteps but on the other side of the hallway so I didn't bump into them. I'll take a look at Spiritual Energy now.

["What assistance do you require, Master"]

"Could you give a brief rundown on what Spiritual Energy is?"

Seeing as the person walking here wasn't going to the hallway, I stopped as they watched me. Because of this, I wanted to give a spook, but not a harmful one.

["Spiritual Energy is an enhanced version of Mana; it can easily be achieved by anyone and is used to create elements within the planet and make it so qi can flow through the air."]

So it's just a way to create Qi in the air; now I see why people cultivate it, but I need to know what created Qi. Oh wait, never mind, I heard of a higher realm than this one. Come to think of it, while Tori's fighting Astral, though I think they've finished, I'll go in my human-looking form to join another School Because At least these ones let me have fun while I'm there. I looked into the Pocket Dimension and saw both of them cultivating. I closed it once more and disappeared into the sky right above. When I looked down, I could see I was in China, so why not go to Japan instead? I disappeared and reappeared in the middle of the streets of what seemed to look somewhat like a futuristic Tokyo; I could see there were some sort of teleporters here for people, though it obviously cost coins, which they thought was better since the paper money people, used would be ripped apart easily. These coins were made of gold and infused with mana because the gold was created by Qi and was inside the earth or around the world.

On the other hand, paper was more tearable and effortless to destroy. Because of this, I created gold coins within a separate dimension using 『Void of Space』, a skill I had given my name, too, since it was technically just a void of nothingness. It had infinite space, and time didn't flow there because time was a lower dimension, as this Pocket Dimension was beyond it. Meaning it was the fifth dimension.

"God, this reminds me of those fans of the monkey guy who turns his hair into different colors, making him seem stronger than he actually is."

I just shook it off as I walked to the Teleporter and looked at how much was required to teleport a certain distance. Seeing as there were also locations, I looked through it and saw an Academy. Or I could call it a Sect.

[Heavenly Sky Sect]

A Japanese school was just now opening its entrance exam, as the Japanese had ruled over China. From what I overheard while I walked to the Teleporter, they were discussing politics outdoors, which was weird. However, this place was more powerful and had heavier requirements. I clicked on the name and dropped fifty gold coins onto the shute. As it took in the gold coins, Mana and Qi made it teleport me to the Academy or well before it; I should probably use this more so I don't spook people when I teleport. As I looked ahead at the Academy, I could see it was a School that looked precisely like a School in an Anime. The uniform was also stereotypical, and so were the women's and men's figures being exaggerated; it was so annoying when I looked like the oddball here being flatchested, Though it's not like I minded that. Oh, I forgot to change my body. 『Shapeshifting』My body had returned to the shorter black-haired woman with a water-like dress reaching the ground but not covering my feet. I looked ahead and reached the entrance to see what seemed to be guards at this school. This shows that this place has more prestige than the other schools or Academies.

"Stop; we need to know why you are here, your cultivation realm, your name and Age, and your date of birth. We remind you that the Requirement for entering the Academy is Foundation Establishment, which is for Touring, and the Requirement to take the Entrance Exam is Soul Condensing."

"I'm here to take the Exam. My name is Kaida Omikami. I'm 19 and was born on 8/22/123XX; I'm at Soul Condensing II."

They looked at me and examined me. Once they heard what realm I was in and my Age, they were shocked and felt somewhat defeated, probably because I reached the Soul Condensing realm in 15 or fewer years, counting the time it took me to become conscious.

"If you feel bad, just know I got help from someone who can create Mana or Qi so they could just create a core inside my body, a foundation, and even more."

They looked more relieved but were still bummed that I was helped by someone of that level, which was basically a cheat.

"Alright, go in. You can enter the building, go to the end of the hallway, and turn right to the outside court where the Exam will take place."

I entered the building and walked through the halls, seeing its interior design and appearance. It differed from the normal ones; the classrooms were similar to Tiangong Academy. This time, the Exterior looked smaller than the interior. There were even classrooms with that entire lab and something probably made for Alchemy. Was there another cauldron or a furnace? It could be for those who wanted to learn how to make weapons. Once I reached the end of the hallway, I turned right, went down the corridor, and came outside. The door seemed small, but once I went through, it became almost triple the size of the inside area. The place was filled with people, about tens of thousands of people. I teleported to the back of the crowd and looked, seeing that a person was at the front of the Academy on an elevated wooden platform. 

"Welcome to the Heavenly Sky Sect, I am the Principal Tsukiyomi"

A Bunch of Notifications popped up as a new tab was unlocked. I looked at the system and noticed a tab called [Quests]. I clicked on it, as it presented some information and gave me a Quest related to this world; while I could follow it, I'd rather not.

["You have unlocked Quests. A tutorial Quest will be given to you as you progress in this world; quests are Given by Gods who wish to see people grow; if one cannot fulfill the Quest, they are told if they still take the risk, then it is their fault. Quests are not required; along with this, Streaming and the ability for Gods to talk with you have been unlocked."]

Great, it's gonna be this type of system. Fucking hell, this is going to be annoying to deal with.

[Realities True Emperor Watches over Kaida with a smile.]

Oh great, Him again; I wonder what's gonna happen next; his daughter or something will give me a quest?

[Quest Unlocked]

[Enter the Heavenly Sky Sect and defeat an Inner Disciple without Magic]

[Difficulty: Medium]

[Reward: Going up two Minor Realms.]

I'll do this later; I need to listen to the speech.

"The Entrance Exam will consist of three different parts, the First Part is a Physical Exam, the Second is Mental, and the Third is your ability to fight a beast within a facility; the Beast will be adjusted to your level so you will not have a hard time dealing with it, though you can request one of a higher realm if you are confident if anything goes wrong, there will be guards who will stop the Beast and save you. Let us begin with the First Part, the Physical Exam."

This was somewhat boring, but I noticed spiritual energy leaking from the Principal's aura. Because of this, I got closer while making sure I didn't seem suspicious, as if I were following the giant number of people within this place trying to enter the Sect. I got closer, and just as I was close enough but not too close, I began absorbing some of the Spiritual Energy; my face was like the others excited to enter the Sect, and the smile and happiness seemed genuine; as I absorbed it, the Principal looked back and tried to see who it was that was absorbing his spiritual energy. But of course, he couldn't see who it was because I couldn't sense spiritual energy; I stored it inside a pocket dimension every time I absorbed it. As we reached the Exam, they had begun as everyone would test their speed, physical Strength, and durability. As everyone went through, their Strength and durability were tested. Strength was surprising; instead of being the standard and generic stone that contains power, it was the Principal, who obviously wouldn't get hurt but could gauge one's energy and potential from being hit by them. He had used this method to take in disciples.

"Now let us begin with Kaida Omikami, Who is at the Soul Condensing Realm."

I approached him, and he looked at me as I readied my attack. Pulling the punch back to hit with full force, I enhanced my arm with the Divine Body I had gotten from Qi. I had punched him directly in the stomach, which obviously caused no damage, but he smiled.

"Attack strength is at the level of a peak Soul Condensing Realm Person. Now stand still, and I will check your potential."

I stood there looking at him with a blank and expressionless face as his hand touched my head; a cold sensation went through my body as his body was rejected as he was forced to stumble back. I looked at him as he was intrigued.

"A vast potential that not even infinity could contain such an inconceivable number. I have met those with an Infinite Potential, yet you are one with something even beyond that; you have the potential to become a God... Because of that, I shall protect you."

I looked at him as he said this: While yes, my past lives were of high status in multiple different ways, I didn't expect this life to be unique enough to have the potential to grow beyond the conceivable and inconceivable infinities. I'll have to think of this later; I need the tests to finish to learn something.

I waited as everyone else took the physical test, which went towards the durability test. I wasn't first, and I had to wait for the others as I watched them get knocked out from the attacks, which was a failing mark; at least a few of them were able to survive the attacks, though they sustained a lot of damage while the other ones had taken no damage. Finally, it had become my turn; it was an attack at the level of a peak Soul Condensing Realm Person because that was how strong I was Physically, so If I couldn't handle this, then I wouldn't be able to pass entirely. As the attack hit me, I was somewhat hurt by it, but I didn't pass out like most of the participants.

Sorry for the sudden change in format I just thought the old one was kinda inconvinent Also I'm sorry for being late when writing these and publishing them I haven't had much motivation

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