

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs

Women's Academy

When he reached the upper room, the old woman's laughter came out of the room.

Seeing Ye Zhen's arrival, the maid on the steps opened the curtain with a smile, "The third lady is here."

Ye Zhen smiled and nodded to the girl, bowed his head and walked in, a sweet smile on her face, "Grandma, Yaoyao is here to greet you."

Miss Lu Si was already in the house, she was sitting on Mrs. Lu's left hand. Miss Lu Er was holding a fan and smiling as she covered her face, but her smile was somewhat reluctant. She actually smiled when she saw Ye Zhen enter. . Our three girls are here, and the third sister's appearance is improving. "

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "That shows that our Lu family mansion has aura and supports people."

Ms. Lu was amused, and pulled Ye Zhen up and down and probably gave him a look, "Well, the complexion is better, but it's still too thin, so you have to put more makeup on her body."

"Don't worry Grandma, I must have grown up white and fat," Ye Zhen said with a smile, "I just walked in and heard you smile, but is there anything that makes you happy?"

"She was the fourth sister to talk about college. A lady from a famous family despised our Lu family and wanted to fight with her sister, but she ended up crying," said Lu Er.

I'm afraid not many families in Kyoto can appreciate the Lu family. With the girl Lu Si's temperament, it is normal for her to be looked down upon in the academy. "It seems like the academy is quite fun."

"Sister sister, where is your university? Where can you play casually? You can't say this outside, so as not to make a joke," Lu Si said with a sneer.

Ye Zhen seemed naive and ignorant, "I haven't been to college, so naturally I don't know what it's like. Next time my fourth sister takes me for a look, I'll know."

Ms. Lu nodded and said, "Yaoyao definitely didn't have a women's college in the border city before. Now your older brother has some status. Let him take care of you and let you go to college to study. . Not so. No matter how much he learns, at least he has a reputation. "

Aired for a hundred years, the Women's College has lost the original intent of Qi Yanling when it was founded. Originally, the Women's College was founded to allow these lonely and helpless women to learn skills for a living. Later, as the university the reputation grew, a hundred years later. Except for girls from famous families who can get into college, girls from ordinary people's families don't even want to get into college unless they have to be superior in literary talent and pass all six exams.

Contempt crossed Miss Lu Si's face. If it weren't for Mrs. Lu's presence here, she would have scoffed. This Lu San girl really dares to say anything. She grew up in the border town, let alone on the piano. I have been playing chess, calligraphy, and painting. I don't even know some important people. I still dare to say that I am going to the academy. Even if I trusted my older brother's relationship, they would haunt me outside on the first day.

"Old woman, even if there is an older brother as a guarantee, the third sister should be able to pass the exam, and now the third sister is fifteen years old, I am afraid it is too late," Lu Si said.

Lu Er said, "The third sister may not be able to pass the exam. I see that my sister is a smart person, it will not be difficult."

"The university does not stipulate that you cannot enroll at fifteen. Also, we do not learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting with those eleven or twelve year old girls. We can learn something else" Yaoyao, I heard you used to. Your mother has studied medicine, do you want to go to the university medical museum to study art? "Ms Lu asked.

Originally, the practice of medicine was an unknown profession, but because Empress Duanhui was a famous genius doctor, she founded Renhetang, the world's first medical museum, so when the women's university was opened, a medical Center. Have a chance to become a female medical officer at the palace

Ye Zhen's eyelids are drooping. If she becomes a medical officer, will she have a chance for revenge? If she wants revenge, she must find strong backing. Looking at all of Kyoto, there is only one endorsement she can find.

That was the queen mother of the dynasty, Mo Rongzhan's mother.

When she was Princess Qin, her queen mother treated her quite well, but the Ye family did not like her.

"Grandma, I want to go!" No matter what method I use, she will enter the palace. Only when she enters the palace will she have a chance for revenge. Only when

enter the palace you can get the power you want. .

Not only did she want to become a medical officer, she also wanted to use the position of the Lujiahou Mansion to fight for more things that would benefit her.

Lu Lingzhi was able to use her by pretending earlier, can't she now she use him as her cousin?

The enemy is in the light and I am in the dark! Ye Zhen wants to rule her body with her rule over others. She didn't know what kind of person Lu Lingzhi was before, but she now she knows, whether it was Lu Lingzhi who poisoned her or took away her identity. Lu Shuang'er, how they treated her, she would answer them.

Next time, when she meets Lu Lingzhi, she will not be nervous, much less scared, she will consider herself her cousin and she will forget Ye Zhen's identity.

Lu Lingzhi, Lu Shuang'er, I'm back, are you ready?..