

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs

Silver is a good thing

Seeing Gao Xueping's bad appearance, Sun Wen and Chen Jinru looked at each other, not knowing what she wanted to do again.

"Lu Yaoyao!" Gao Xueping gritted his teeth and called Ye Zhen.

"Girl Gao, what's the matter?" Ye Zhen asked politely. Seeing Princess Liuhua accompanied by Gao Xueping, the corner of her mouth was smiling, still calm and calm.

Gao Xueping pointed at Ye Zhen and cursed angrily, "You mean! Shameless! You used this method to let me move out, Lu Yaoyao, you deceived people too much."

Ye Zhen looked innocent, "Miss Gao, obviously you said you didn't want to live in the same room with me, and you asked me to find a way. I can only think of such a way."

"Sure enough, he is from a merchant background. Even in the college, he is used to working with money. This princess really has a new knowledge of the Lu family girl." Liu Hua smiled contemptuously and looked at Ye Zhen mockingly.

There was also Xu Huiru standing next to Liuhua.They just happened to meet Gao Xueping to come to Ye Zhen to settle accounts, and they followed together.

Nowadays, the person who hates Ye Zhen the most is Liuhua.If someone finds Ye Zhen's trouble, she will definitely come to cheer.

"Silver is indeed a good thing." Ye Hao pursed his lips and asked softly, "Since we can solve the problem with silver, why not use silver? Is it only our Lu family that silver is vulgar, and you look particularly noble after spending silver. ?"

Gao Xueping blushed. Although she is from a famous family, she is not really beautiful because of a famous family. The Gao family is only good-looking now. In fact, she can't make ends meet, otherwise she would not want to be admitted to medicine. The museum only hopes to become a female medical officer in the future and bring some glory to the family.

It's not that I have never thought of entering the palace in another way, but Liuhua Princess is in front, she can only step back, thinking that she will not lose to Liuhua based on her looks and talents, and will be a female medical officer in the future. Entering the palace, you will also have the opportunity to let the emperor pay attention to her.

What she didn't expect was that Lu Yaoyao would be admitted to the medical center at the same time as her. The first time she saw Lu Yaoyao, she felt threatened. This person... looks too dazzling. When she stands together, she will lose her sense of existence by comparison.

"You just said clearly that you would find a way to move out, how can you go back?" Gao Xueping asked angrily, only feeling that this Lu Yaoyao became more unpleasant.

"Did I say that?" Ye Zhen looked surprised. "I think the house is pretty good. You don't want to live with me. I have to give some more money to live by myself. Anyway... I just happened to be the other day. Win some silver, just use it."

Liuhua's face changed. Of course she knew where the silver that Ye Zhen said was won. It was their family's silver. She looked at Ye Zhen coldly, "Lu Yaoyao, you really don't know how to live or die. Today, do you still think you can be blessed by the Lu Family? Does the slap that was beaten in the palace yesterday still hurt?"

The people around heard that Ye Zhen was beaten in the palace, and they all looked at her face curiously.

"Thank you for the princess's concern. I accidentally hurt my face yesterday. However, with the snow lotus ointment given by the empress mother, I don't feel any pain today." Ye Zhen said lightly.

Liu Hua slightly squinted at Ye Zhen's face. As expected, there was no redness and swelling that she saw yesterday. It seems that the queen mother really gave her the snow lotus ointment. She felt jealous and complained that the queen mother was too partial. I thought you could bully others in the college through your noble concubine," Liu Hua scolded.

"Princess, how could I bully others? If Miss Gao wants to live alone, you can return the money I gave Aunt Wen, and I will move out." Ye Zhen said.

Gao Xueping hummed, "Okay, how much did you give?"

"One thousand taels." Ye Zhen said with a smile. If Gao Xueping can get this silver, she will definitely make a little too.

"You..." Gao Xueping's face turned pale. The school she lived in between the two only cost a few dozen taels, but Ye Zhen actually used a thousand taels!

Liu Hua said to Gao Xueping next to him, "Give her money and let her move out!"

Gao Xueping's expression changed, how could she get one thousand taels! Even if she could get it, Aunt Wen might not be willing to accept it. She didn't know the origin of the woman before, and didn't see her in her eyes at all, just treating her as a woman. The servant ordered, only to see that Liuhua was polite to her, and she knew what mistake she had made earlier.

"Anyway, the most important thing Princess Liuhua lacks is silver, so it's better for the princess to give this silver for Girl Gao," Ye Zhen said with a smile.

Liuhua gave Ye Zhen a fierce look.Early this morning, her mother asked him to take 20,000 vehicles back to the little prince. She didn't want the little prince to say that she would leave her silver as a dowry. There were no tens of thousands of taels of silver in her.Today she saw her mother's face and she was so frightened that she didn't dare to show it.

Gao Xueping saw that Liuhua would only encourage her to fight against Lu Yaoyao. When it was a critical juncture, but did not help her, she suddenly felt a sense of shame, "Why should I be as vulgar and low as you? Does money do things?"

Ye Zhen looked at her with clear eyes, "Isn't it good to be able to solve things with silver?"

Gao Xueping glanced at Ye Zhen coldly, then turned and left angrily.

Princess Liuhua took two steps forward, looked at Ye Zhen's face with some vicious eyes, and suddenly gloated, "Lu Yaoyao, don't think how long you can be arrogant here. What kind of person is Lu Shuang'er? Not sure, right?"

Ye Zhen looked at her lightly, she knew what Liuhua was going to say.

"Wait, see how your noble concubine sister treats you." Liu Hua said with a smile.

"Princess, are you so afraid of the imperial concubine empress?" Ye Zhen asked suspiciously. She knew what kind of person Lu Shuang'er was, but she must not say anything bad about Lu Shuang'er outside.

Liuhua's face sank, "Why should I be afraid of her?"

Ye Zhen whispered, "You are not afraid of her, why do you slander the concubine empress again and again? The empress is kind and gentle, and smiles dearly to anyone. As her younger sister, I don't know how proud of it. , What is your purpose for invoking our sister's feelings like this?"

Liuhua was angrily laughed, "If you are so flattering with Lu Shuang'er, will Lu Shuang'er let you into the palace?"

"It was the imperial concubine empress who let me enter the palace last time." Ye Zhen said with a smile.

This smile looked in Liuhua's eyes, as if showing off.Liuhua thought about the fact that the emperor had not made an order for her to enter the palace, and the more he felt that Ye Zhen looked very disgusted.

"You wait and see, this princess will not let you go." Liu Hua hummed.