

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs

She's Back

"Yaoyao, are you awake?"

Ye Zhen had a throbbing headache, just to hear a woman next to her calling her name, she tried to open her eyes.

Looking at the woman with unfamiliar eyebrows in front of her, her mind seemed to be digging with a drill, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't remember anything, "Who are you?"

The woman was surprised when she heard this, "Yaoyao, don't you even remember your mother?"

Yaoyao? How could this woman know her nickname? Isn't she already gone? Why are you still here?

Ye Zhen only felt that her limbs were flabby, her head became more and more painful and she suddenly went blank. Many images she had never experienced before flashed through her mind, her face growing paler and paler, and her eyes once black, plunged into darkness again.

When she woke up again, three days had already passed. After three days of falling asleep, Ye Zhen remembered many things.

He looked at the top of the tent with calm eyes, a bit like a dream, but also a bit ridiculous. Actually, she came back to life and became Lu Shiming's adopted daughter.

Lu Shiming is Lu Lingzhi's uncle, and she ... Ye Zhen laughed mockingly, he was actually born again from her twin sister.

He only knew there was a twin sister when his grandmother died. Because the grandmother believed in her fate, she listened to the Taoist priest and said that only one twin sister could live, otherwise the family would be ruined, so the grandmother sent her. sister away.

As for where to go, only Grandma knows. For so many years, her grandmother has been quietly caring for her sister. The sister was sent to the border and adopted by Lu Shiming. Last month, Lu Shiming brought his family back to Kyoto and adopted a daughter. Along the way, she became seriously ill due to the unacceptable water and soil, and was in a coma for half a month. When he woke up, Lu Yaoyao was no longer Lu Yaoyao, but Ye Zhen.

When Ye Zhen learned that she had sent a twin sister, she finally understood why her mother had been indifferent to her for so many years, but now she stole her sister's body and did not even have a chance to meet her sister or even say a word.

However, she knew that her younger sister had a very good life. Apart from later learning that she was a bit sad for her mother who secretly took care of her, Lu Shiming and her wife. they took very good care of her. At least from the memory of his younger sister, Ye Zhenzhuo. All I saw was a happy past, and I suffered no crime.

"Yaoyao, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Ye Zhen recalled his experience with his sister in the past fifteen years, but didn't notice when a seventeen or eighteen year old boy approached him.

Ye Zhen turned his head to look at him weakly. From her sister's memory, she learned that the other part of her was Lu Shiming's son. The two brothers and sisters have had a very good relationship since childhood. They are brothers who are very good to him. sister. Only when he thinks of this level does Ye Zhen smile. "Brother, why are you here?"

Lu Xiangzhi sat by the bed and looked at Ye Zhen with concern, "Yaoyao, are you uncomfortable? I will call my mother."

"No, he's just lying down for a long time, so he's weak and weak. It's not a big deal," Ye Zhen said in a low voice. It's a coincidence. Dad has given her a nickname since she was a child. He didn't expect his sister's name to be too. Her name is Yaoyao.

Is this the natural destiny of her sisters?

"Father and mother have just returned, and there have been guests coming to the door these days. They can't cope. When the guests leave, they will come to see you." Lu Xiangzhi thought that her sister silently cried because her parents did not see her.

This sister of hers is the most sensitive mind, do not look at her optimistic look when she is always running, because she not long ago knew that she was not her biological sister, she has always had some knots.

Ye Zhen said with a smile, "I know my parents have been out of Kyoto for so long, and I must have done a lot of things when I just got back."

Lu Xiangzhi touched his little sister's head and felt that his little sister was really sensible today: "When you get better, the older brother will take you to play. This Kyoto is very different from the border city. It is full of fun and food. delicious, and I don't know how much more prosperous than the border town. "

"It's fine". Ye Zhen nodded with a smile, and was silently told that it was now Lu Yaoyao, not Ye Zhen, how could anyone know that she was familiar with Kyoto?

"Hey, but now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, everything is messed up, I'm afraid it will take a long time to get out." Lu Xiangzhi sighed, much less Yaoyao, incl

use he was kept at home by his parents. and he couldn't get out.

The smile on the corner of Ye Zhen's mouth froze and he asked in surprise, "Is the new emperor on the throne? What new emperor?"

Didn't Mo Rongzhan ascend to the throne two years ago? He remembered that she had been dead for two years. Did someone usurp the throne after his death?

"Yes, King Qin took the throne a few days ago. Three days ago, Prince Qin suddenly entered the water for some reason. Princess Qin and all her servants were burned to death in the palace. By the way, today Shuang'er se established as a noble concubine. All is jubilant ... "

Ye Zhen couldn't hear a word that Lu Xiangzhi was talking about.

Mo Rongzhan is King Qin and she is Princess Qin!

He had just ascended the throne, she died the day he ascended the throne ... how could this be? His soul has been trapped in the palace for two years, how can he be back two years ago?

"Princess Qin ... is it Ye Zhen?" Ye Zhen asked silently, her hands under the quilt trembling slightly.

Lu Xiangzhi nodded, not caring for a moment how Yaoyao knew Princess Qin's last name, Ye, "The Ye family was cut off by the entire gate two days ago, hey, you don't know, the Wumen gate is still full of blood. the rain didn't go away so I took a look and couldn't sleep all night when I got back. "

The Ye family is full of copies ...

How did he forget that when Mo Rong Zhan became the throne, he had already started to liquidate the people who had opposed him before, and the Ye family was one of them?

Ye Zhen gritted his teeth, the pain in his heart when he was given poisoned wine, the resentment at being betrayed by Lu Lingzhi, the unwillingness to be replaced by Lu Shuanger, and Mo Rongzhan's irrelevant judgment ...

He took a deep breath, suppressed the hatred in her heart and looked at everything in front of her calmly, forcing himself to remain calm and composed, so as not to show any strangeness in front of the Lu family.

Mo Rongzhan wanted to kill his uncle. He knew it was inevitable. The Ye family was his uncle as patriarch, and the uncle's patriarchy was in his hands. Over the years, he has killed countless Zhongliang and killed hundreds of people, causing trouble for the entire Jin country. People in China don't make a living, and my father once said that sooner or later the Ye family will be affected by his uncle.

However, it doesn't matter if Mo Rongzhan kills his uncle, he's killing people, what about his father? His father is just a commoner and has never hurt anyone. He has also secretly assisted him in those years, and in fact he ordered a full-blown copy ...

Ye Zhen caught the hatred in his eyes and silently heard the boy next to him speaking enthusiastically. He suddenly felt a little tingling in the palm of his right hand. He raised his hand, before he could see clearly, a flash of fire. he suddenly flashed in front of her. With the light, his palms burned inexplicably, as if that hand was not his, Ye Zhen screamed and fainted again.
