

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs

Reconciliation of husband and wife

Pei agreed to take Ye Zhen to the hot springs, but had to ask Lu Shiming about this matter. After leaving Ye Zhen, Pei hesitated whether to go to the front yard to find him.

After thinking about it, he decided to ask her: if he didn't want to go, he would take his daughter to stay in Zhuangzi for a few days.

Lu Shiming now also has a separate courtyard in the front yard, adjacent to Lu Lingzhi, so that he can meet with colleagues and handle official business here.

When Pei reached the patio door, he saw Xueliu standing in front of the study with a box of food. She wore a double happiness golden pumpkin pattern all over the place. At night, she looked tall and slim, even though she already had. After Fanghua's age, Pei still has another charming gesture, which makes Pei's mouth go sour.

What a shame! Before reaching the front garden every day in her main room, this woman took the old woman and ran here every day.

"Lady." The young man guarding the outside of the studio saw Pei approach and immediately saluted respectfully.

Xueliu turned around and looked at the third lady in surprise, and slowly blessed her. She didn't expect Pei to take the initiative to search for the third master today. Isn't she self-sufficient and does she despise fighting for favor with herself? Is this a change of mind?

"Ms. San, is she looking for Sanye too? It's a shame Sanye is busy and no one can come in." Xue Liu said pityingly, "I'm afraid I have to wait a bit."

Pei just looked at her slightly, feeling uncomfortable, "Is it? Miss Xueliu is sincere, she waits here every day, but I don't know how long I have to wait to see San Ye."

Xueliu's face turned pale. She came to see San Ye every day, but San Ye never wanted to see her. She thought Pei didn't know. Otherwise, why did Pei's face look so bad these days? She had an awkward relationship. with San Ye. She originally wanted to take advantage of the shock of her husband and her wife to take advantage of the opportunity to enter. Who knew that San Ye ... was not fond of her and did not want to see her.

The young servant who came in to give Lu Shiming's answer came out of the study and whispered to Pei, "Madam San, please come in, Sanye."

Pei nodded slightly, motioned for Haitang to wait outside, and went inside. Xueliu immediately said, "Madam, I made the soup for the third master. Why don't you let me come in and serve the soup with the third master?"

"San Ye's body is fine, but Miss Xueliu is blowing cold wind here every night, I think you just need to make up for it," Pei said with a smile.

Xue Liu's face was ugly and she wanted to enter with him, but Xiao Si and Haitang stopped her, "Miss Xue Liu, San Ye did not let you in."

The study door closed again, Haitang looked at her disdainfully and hummed softly, "Shameless."

Xue Liu glared at Haitang fiercely, and when she got up in the future, she would definitely not let this servant go.

In the studio, Lu Shiming put his arms around Pei's shoulders with a slightly excited smile on her face, "Ma'am, she's finally willing to come to me."

Pei gave him a look, "If I don't go, will you let the outsiders come in and serve you?"

Lu Shiming hastily begged for mercy: "If she wasn't for my mother's sake, how could I allow him to be outside of her? Don't think about it, you ignore me these days, I can't eat well, not even children." I can say. Can you stand it? "

"Of course I carry the heart, your daughter cannot bear it." Pei's mouth smiled and snorted, "Yaoyao wants to go to the hot springs. I remember there is a Zhuangzi near our house. If you can squeeze it for a few days, just come with us. If it doesn't work, I can take Yaoyao and Xiang with me. ' er ".

"I'm afraid I won't have this time for a few days. I'll send you there, spend the night, and come back, and then I'll pick you up," Lu Shiming said quietly. more time with his wife, but now he is a new official. Many things must be busy.

What Pei thought was that she and the boy went to Zhuangzi, so if he was left alone, wouldn't that be an opportunity for Xueliu?

Lu Shiming knew what he was thinking at a glance and said with a smile, "Tomorrow, I will go and tell the old woman that the house rules must be established. Now we are different than before. We can no longer let those who want to enter the front yard, come to the front, then Xueliu won't be able to come in the future. I've been living in this front yard these days. When you come back, I'll come back, right? "

Pei laughed now, "Yaoyao said that he asked Mr. Shan to go to Zhuangzi. He will have an exam in half a month. Even if he goes to the hot springs, he can't do his homework."

Lu Shiming has neglected his son a little to recently, "It doesn't matter if Yaoyao passes the exam. Our daughter is fine anyway."

"Although that is said, none of the girls in the Lu family came from the women's college. I don't want Yaoyao to be worse than them in the future." I think this is the psychology of all mothers and I hope that my daughter will live better, better.

"We Yaoyao, she is so smart, she will definitely be able to pass the exam." Lu Shiming smiled, "I heard Xianger say that Yaoyao has become more and more beautiful. It seems that after arriving in Kyoto, Yaoyao is also a bit feminine .."

Before telling Yaoyao not to go out and go crazy, she was like a wild boy who didn't listen to persuasion. She had no desire to love beauty. Now when she comes to Kyoto, she knows where she needs to improve only after the contrast. Become a real girl.

But Pei's face was a little worried.

When Lu Shiming saw it, she asked what was wrong.

"Do you remember? The person who handed Yaoyao to us at the beginning… has a Kyoto accent, will anyone recognize Yaoyao as her family in the future…" Pei said with red eyes. she gave birth to a son and always wanted to have a daughter. On the way to the border city, there was a woman holding Yaoyao. The woman was seriously ill on the way, and she could only give them the child. , simply saying If there is a possibility in the future, the child's family will find it.

But she now she considers Yaoyao her own daughter, so how can she be willing to give her back to others?

Fifteen years have passed. If it hadn't been for Yaoyao listening to them, she wouldn't know her life experience. However, even though she knows it now, she still treats us as close as before. That's enough.

"After so many years, how can you recognize Yaoyao? Even if you see it from her, you can't recognize it. Don't worry about it," Lu Shiming said.

Pei asked in a low voice, "Didn't you find out ... What child is Yaoyao?"

"Go and find out what is doing this, so that other people do not doubt it. Then she will be counterproductive." Lu Shiming said, "I'll come back to you. Don't overthink it."

Pei thought for a moment, even if someone really wanted to grab her daughter, she wouldn't let him.

The years of love between her mother and her daughter are not so easy to separate.