

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs

I Don't Owe You

In the room, Ms. Lu was sitting with a gloomy expression, and Lu Shiming and his wife were by her side.

"When your older brother left, he still remembered you. He couldn't get your forgiveness and refused to close his eyes. Finally, he put off to tell him that you never blamed him and gave him all the ginseng medicinal materials you sent him. she swallowed her last breath ... "Ms. Lu's voice was very low.

Lu Shiming lowered his head. He didn't know about this. When she first learned of the death of her older brother, she rushed back as soon as possible, but she still hadn't had time to see him one last time. , "Mother, I have not complained about the older brother."

"I know that your relationship with your older brother is always the best. Your imperial test is that your older brother cannot help you. You don't want him to see you sad when you leave." Ms. Lu sighed slightly. , "Your sister-in-law. It's too sad, don't take her words seriously."

Lu Shiming whispered, "Mother, I didn't blame the sister-in-law, I knew it was unintentional."

"Your husband and wife have been gone from Kyoto for a long time, and now they have finally come back. I hope the family is clean and tidy and that they don't get separated anymore," Ms. Lu said as she looked at Pei.

Pei said with a smile: "Mother, if you kicked us out, we won't leave."

Only then was Ms. Lu relieved: "If you leave, it will be even sadder if you put it off."

"Mother, we know," Pei said quietly.

"Since your older brother passed away, Liu has stayed in the house. Fortunately, he still knew he had a couple of children, so it wasn't with your older brother. It's not easy to put it off. Even if your sister-in-law said it later. .. If you listen to your ears, you can bear it, just because of my old woman. "The old woman sighed," I live to this age, and now I just want to see the family reunion, when I die, you think you can divide it anyway, I can't see it. anyway ".

"Mother ..." Lu Shiming knelt before Ms. Lu, "I'm not filial! I shouldn't have been outside for so many years, and I can't help with family matters."

Ms. Lu helped him up, "Get up! You sacrificed your fame for the family, you've already helped a lot."

"Mother, this is not about the relatives, he is for me ..." Pei was quick to take responsibility.

"Okay, these are all things of the past." Ms. Lu interrupted Pei's words, "Let's go, it's late, let's go out to dinner, the kids should be scared."

Pei thought that his daughter was unaware of the complaints between Dafang and the three rooms in the past, but she was afraid of being scared.

When they got to the Pian Ting, the children sat to one side and no one was eating, everyone was waiting for Ms. Lu.

"Zanzhi, go see if your older brother and your second brother are here," Ms. Lu ordered, not mentioning Ms. Lu at all.

Lu Lingzhi and Lu Tingzhi sent Ms. Lu back to the house. Ms. Lu did not reconcile and took the hands of the two children and shouted, "I cannot swallow this breath. Your father did not even have his life for the Lu family. Why do they sit and enjoy? Yanzhi, Tingzhi, you are my children, don't you understand what your mother is thinking? "

"Mother, we all know, but that's the third uncle," Lu Tingzhi said. He has been by his father's side since he was a child, and he is also clear about what happened back then. She does not believe that his father has done something wrong, but he also feels that the third uncle has no regrets. Fang, to be honest, it was actually the third guy who was wronged.

Ms. Lu cried and cursed, "Are you going to help the outsiders now?"

"Tingzhi, go to the old woman's side first, don't make Grandma too sad." Lu Lingzhi sat on the chair and sent her brother away.

Only his mother and his son are left in the room.

"Mother, what do you think the third uncle owes us?" Lu Lingzhi asked in a low voice as he looked at his mother.

Mrs. Lu looked at her most important son of hers and asked through tears: "What benefits have those three rooms given you again, do you want to help them like this? The Lu family has today, what did you and your father do ? " What are they doing, why do they get the benefits when they come back? "

"If it weren't for the third uncle who sacrificed his fame, our Lu family would have parted ways a long time ago. The third uncle might have been a high-ranking official. He gave up for this family. Mother, my father has done a lot, no Just for me, in order for everyone in the Lu family to live a better life, the third uncle also considered the Lu family back then, so he didn't tell the story about the exam change. " Lu Lingzhi said in a deep voice.

Ms. Lu said bitterly, "I'm just not reconciled ..."

"Mother, why haven't you reconciled? Are you complaining about father's refusal to see you before he died? Father hid the whole family and considered that selling the exams to others was his responsibility. Even the old woman still doesn't. "" I know you're the one who killed all three. Uncle, why do you hate Third Uncle? "Lu Lingzhi asked in a low voice.

Ms. Lu's face changed, and she looked at her son in shock, "How do you know?"

"I suppose it is impossible for your older brother to treat your third uncle like that. In the first place, you did not sell your third uncle for the Lu family. You only do it for personal gain. You are afraid that the third uncle will pass the exam and that the third room is better than the big room, mother, third uncle. He owes us nothing, "Lu Lingzhi said in a low voice.

"You ... have to be like your father, do you blame me as a mother for snubbing outsiders?" Ms. Lu's shoulders shook and her face turned pale with anger.

Lu Lingzhi said, "I won't do this to you mother, I just hope you don't vent your complaints to others."

"What benefit does Sanfang offer you?" Mrs. Lu asked sharply.

"Before my father dies, he asked me to help the third uncle, mother." Lu Lingzhi looked at her, "If mother wants to take advantage of this matter and regain the stewardship of the old woman, the son will not agree with you. Okay, there are two aunts and a third aunt at home, so you must take care of your illness! "

Ms. Lu stared at him and asked angrily, "Do you want to put me under house arrest?"

"The son does not dare. I just want to ask my mother to take care of the illness and wait until she is cured," Lu Lingzhi said. Given the mother's current situation, if she is the butler, the Lu family will leave sooner or later.

"I really don't know what benefits Sanfang offers your father and son ..." Ms. Lu cried out in tears, "I am your mother. Your father has left me in the cold for over ten years for Sanfang. Do you want to do this too? ? "

Ever since Lu Shiming left Kyoto, Master Lu has completely ignored the older lady, and even she didn't go any further in her house. How could she not hate Sanfang? Isn't she all that she did for them? Why couldn't he be considerate of his intentions? .

Lu Lingzhi stood up and said in a low voice: "I will not do this to you, mother, Grandma is still waiting for me, have a good rest, I will see you tomorrow."