

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · Historia
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100 Chs


Lu Lingzhi returned to the side room of the upper room. Everyone had already expected it. He smiled and bowed to Ms. Lu, and then sat down next to her. They all bring chopsticks.

"Since her mother is unwell, let her rest well," Mrs. Lu whispered.

"Grandma, I'll invite the doctor to see you tomorrow." Lu Lingzhi nodded.

Lu Jinger suddenly whispered, "Isn't the third aunt a doctor?"

Pei gave Lu Jing'er a weak look, and because her sister-in-law was disgusted with her three rooms, she definitely did not want him to see a doctor, so she did not want to respond to the words. by Lu Jing'er. .

Both Ms. Lu and Lu Lingzhi were also unable to hear them.

"Uncle San, tomorrow I want to take my fourth brother to see Mr. Xu Lao," Lu Lingzhi whispered to Lu Shiming.

"Old Xu?" Lu Shiming was a bit surprised. "He has resigned, is he still willing to accept students?"

The Xu family is a century-old family in Kyoto. There were three prime ministers. Xu Lao resigned half a year ago. At that time, Mo Rongzhan had not ascended to the throne. However, after Mo Rongzhan became the new emperor, he wanted to invite Xu Lao to enter the court. All were rejected.

Lu Lingzhi smiled and said, "Xu Lao accepts the naked eye students, so he always takes his fourth brother to try."

"I'm afraid old man Xu won't like this kid for being too stupid," Lu Shiming said with a smile.

Lu Xiangzhi shouted in protest, "Father, you can't say that to your son."

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly rose, and everyone else regained their smiles, as if they had forgotten the unhappiness that Ms. Lu brought not too long ago.

Lu Jinger's face turned blue and white. He regretted not saying that at this point. She just thought that since the older lady didn't like Sanfang, the older brother wouldn't like him very much. She did not expect that. she would be so completely ignored ... she looked like she was a jumping clown, and everyone was ignoring her.

She felt so embarrassed for the first time.

However, no one cares how she feels right now.

Ye Zhen was sitting next to Lu Jing'er, she didn't care how embarrassed she was on Lu Jing'er's face right now, she alone looked at Lu Xiangzhi thoughtfully.

She knew Elder Xu. When her father was still in the past, he often took her with the Xu family. Elder Xu and his father had a New Years relationship. She guessed that Elder Xu refused to become an official. Most of the reason was that the Ye family was destroyed.

My brother wants to worship Mr. Xu as a teacher, and the chances of success are estimated to be not great.

After she finished the banquet, Ye Zhen looked for an opportunity to wink at Lu Xiangzhi and instructed her not to go back to the front yard so quickly, that she was looking for him if she had anything to do.

Lu Xiangzhi saw the vivid expression on her sister's face, slowed her down with a smile, walked towards her and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Before you go see Old Xu tomorrow, come see me," Ye Zhen said quietly.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Xiangzhi asked amusedly, "Do you want to go together too? That won't work, the older brother won't agree."

"Won't you agree to anything?" Lu Lingzhi walked over and heard Lu Xiangzhi's words.

Ye Zhen curled his lips and shot a calm glance at Lu Xiang.

Lu Xiangzhi smiled and said, "Big brother, sister wants to go with us to see Mr. Xu."

"I did not say that." Ye Zhen really wanted to kick this idiot to death. She wanted to remind him what she had to pay attention to when she met Mr. Xu, she didn't want to follow him to see Mr. Xu.

"Let's go together then" Lu Lingzhi smiled slightly. He looked at Ye Zhen with downcast eyes and saw that she did not seem to be particularly happy. "Yaoyao, are you worried about the entrance exam tomorrow?"

Ye Zhen looked at him, "I don't need to worry at all."

Seeing that she seemed confident, Lu Lingzhi smiled.

"I will go back first," Ye Zhen said. With Lu Lingzhi here, she doesn't have to think about explaining anything to Lu Xiangzhi.

Back in the room, Mr. Shan was waiting for her in the study.

After spending half a month in Zhuangzi, she and Mr. Shan are no longer as strange as before, although they are still not as strange as they were when they were Ye Zhen, at least Mr. Shan will no longer face her coldly.

"Mr. Shan, hasn't it stopped? " Ye Zhen walked in with a smile and was slightly surprised when she saw Mr. Shan in front of the chessboard alone.

"Can you play chess?" Asked Mr. Shan.

Ye Hao smiled sheepishly, "I know a little, I didn't play well."

"Come join me in the next game." Mr. Shan saluted, letting Ye Zhen sit across from her.

This is ... Ye Zhen looked at the chess set on the chessboard, sadness flashed in her eyes, but his voice said forcefully, "Sir, this is a siege game."

Mr. Shan looked at her, "I can see this is a siege, not bad."

How can you not see that this chess game used to like daddy, and daddy's favorite is siege?

"The students can't break Mr.'s siege, they can barely defend him." Ye Zhen holds Baizi in his hand. His chess skills are not bad. If she wants to be serious, this siege can easily break through, but in front of Mr. Shan, she still didn't want to behave too much.

Mr. Shan observed Ye Zhen playing chess in a satisfying way, which was different from the severe impulse of his previous students. She just smiled and said, "I'll go with you tomorrow."

Ye Zhen looked surprised, "What do you mean by Mr.'s words?"

"At first I promised Lingtang that I would teach you how to pass the academy entrance exam. Now that the exam is coming up, I have nothing to teach. So it depends on your luck." I hate Lu Yaoyao. Student, on the contrary, this student is very smart. If she becomes an early trainee instead of wanting to go to women's college at the age of fifteen, maybe her achievements are no worse than those of Ye Zhen.

"Sir, if I can't pass the women's college, can you still be my teacher?" Ye Zhen asked in a low voice. She knew better than anyone. There are so many things Mr. Shan can teach you. I've learned it, but I can't bear to part with her like this.

"Not." Mr. Shan clearly and completely refused. "You can't even pass the college entrance exam. What qualifications do you have to be my student?"

Ye Zhen lowered his head, "Sir said, I will definitely be admitted to the university."

"You don't need to be nervous, you are not taking the women's teaching class, but the medical museum, which is relatively easy to get into."

There are several branches of the College of Women. The most difficult is the teaching class for women. There are three grades in each grade. There are three classes in each grade. Girls can enter school at the age of twelve. In addition to the six arts, they must pass the interview. In the eyes of the master, the most popular is the medical ward. The medical ward is restricted to the age of sixteen. Women who graduated from the medical ward have the opportunity to enter the palace to become a medical officer.

Others, like life skills classes, intensive embroidery classes, these classes are now empty, because the recruited girls are all women from ordinary people's families, or they are widows. I heard that in the era of Queen Xiaoduan, when the women's college was at its peak, all classes are full of talents, and now ...

No woman can have the courage of Qi Yanling, so that every woman in the world can have a place.