
trapping of weasels

I grew up at the age of five listening to my grandfather's stories and accompanying a coffin, and I couldn't think of anything less than great guts.

I just haven't practiced what my grandfather taught me, but I've never doubted it.

Just now, I fought off Yellow Seven again, at this moment I am much more confident.

So when I felt stared at by that female corpse again, I was not afraid during the day. So I climbed directly to the bed, lying inside and female corpse next to sleep.

After all, this house, the cleanest is this bed.

People are lying, but my heart is not lying.

Rambling for a while, in the case that I did not pay attention to, the corpse fragrance in the house has become thicker again.

I inhaled some, the fragrance gradually formed a hot stream, constantly scattered to the limbs and bones.

Noticing that something was wrong, when I wanted to roll over and get up, I was shocked to find that my body could not move.

Not only that, my eyelids were so heavy that I couldn't even lift them.

But I wasn't sleepy, on the contrary, my mind had never been clearer.

The aroma of the corpse was getting stronger and stronger, and it was like there was a fire burning in my belly.

What's worse is the rustling around, as if the female corpse climbed up.

I'm scared even if I'm bold.

Secretly regret, what not good, have to lie with her.

This scourge of a swindle, will be sucked me into dryness.

As the saying goes, what you are afraid of comes to you, just when I was thinking this way, I felt that there was a face coming to the front of my neck.

In an instant, my whole body tensed, goose bumps layer by layer out.

When I was panicking, my mouth was covered with something cold and soft.

Not biting the neck to suck blood, biting the mouth?

I was a bit puzzled.

The cool icy feeling was nice though, it all made me forget about being scared.

Unfortunately it was only a few seconds before those cold lips left my mouth.

I was a bit unfulfilled and wanted to raise my head to chase after it, but my body couldn't move, leaving me with empty regrets.

In the rustling sound, the female corpse seemed to lie back again.

Not bite me?

Is it because she was married?

Does she also miss men?

I thought wildly, my brain is getting heavy, unknowingly fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up with a jolt and sat up from the bed at once.

Taking a few deep breaths, the first thing I did was to look towards the female corpse.

She was still lying on the bed, covered with a black cloth, and didn't seem to have moved.

But getting out of bed I realized that she had moved.

Moved out a little, away from me, feeling like she resented me.

I drew in a cold breath.

It was hard to believe she wasn't dead.

Thinking back to when I carried her up the mountain, all her limbs were soft, and indeed she didn't look like a dead body.

After hesitating for a moment, I felt it was necessary to confirm whether she had a heartbeat or not.

Through her clothes, her body was a bit cold.

But it was soft.

I was afraid that the result would be inaccurate, so I touched her for a while.

After ten minutes, to determine that she indeed has no heartbeat, I was not satisfied with my hand out (her breasts feel pretty good to the touch).

A hand left a fragrance.

I was a little embarrassed, my face burning hot.

Feeling that I had done something bad, I didn't dare to linger, remembering the book under her before leaving.

I found an excuse, "I'm not trying to touch you on purpose oh, just don't get it right, I'm afraid I'll set you on fire. Now I have to get something else!"

With that, I ran my hand under her and the book was still there.

When I came out of the old house, I felt a little weak for having done something unseemly, and I always felt that there was someone behind me staring at me.

However, after walking two steps, I realized that it was not a ghost in my heart, but there was really a pair of eyes staring at myself.

There was a little yellow skinned creature that kept following.

I pretended not to see it.

When I returned home, my mom was chopping pigweed in the yard and asked me what I had gone to do.

I said I went to play with Fatty, she wanted to say something, but in the end she just told me to be careful and tell my family if there was anything wrong

I let out a "hmmm", hid in my room, and took out the old book.

At first I didn't care much, I was just curious, there was no words on the cover of the old book, but when I opened the first page, I was shocked.

This book is the next volume of the book in my grandfather's hand.

After the shock, there is a deep confusion.

Grandpa and the coffin, there is a connection?

Or was this book hidden by grandpa?

The coffin had been in his house for so many years, he had this opportunity.

But after scanning the whole book, I concluded that it was impossible for grandpa to hide this book.

Because in the lower volume, it talks about a qi refining method.

Only with qi in the body would the things in the upper volume be useful.

Grandpa had been a half-assed person all his life, precisely because of the lack of this qi in his body.

With his obsession with the upper scrolls, if he had the lower scrolls in his hands, it would be impossible to hide them.

Is it possible that grandpa has entered the 100,000 mountains, before he ran into the female corpse, or the female corpse's clan members, and got the upper scroll from their hands?

It's a pity that he's already in the ground and can't get the answer.

I read the next volume again, originally beyond the common people's outlook, once again was subverted.

Even suspected that grandpa was a glimpse of the corner of the next volume, and became so crazy.

Because the content of this volume is enough to make a normal person become abnormal.

Unfortunately, I read it for half a day and didn't figure out what it said.

At lunchtime, I didn't see my eldest uncle, worried that he had gone back to the old mansion, and asked.

My dad said that uncle has returned to the city, left me an address before leaving, let me have something to find him.

Grandpa said, beasts are beasts, even if they become fine, their brains are not enough.

A weasel, I didn't think anything could happen, so I put away my eldest's address.

I didn't know much about Big Uncle.

I only know that he went to the city a long time ago, and he would come back to see my grandfather two or three times a year, and every time he would bring me some good food.

It's said that it's thanks to my uncle that I was able to finish junior high school.

Otherwise, after finishing elementary school, my father would have been ready to let me go home to carry on the family line.

After breakfast, while the adults were working in the field. I ran to the chicken coop and grabbed a big rooster, took my mom's twine for shoe soles, and touched back to the old house.

Along the way, there was still a weasel following me.

I carried the rooster in my hand, secretly pleased.

It is said that there is no man under the sky who doesn't steal fish, and there is no weasel who doesn't steal chickens.

When I entered the yard, the smell of corpses could no longer be smelled.

However, the fragrance seems to be a burst of up, the night will certainly still emit out.

That woman, always a scourge, sooner or later will attract a more powerful character than Huang Qi.

I slaughtered the big rooster in the yard and deliberately spilled blood all over the yard.

Smelling the chicken blood, the eyes of the weasels spying on me from afar were glowing, but I didn't want to catch just a small one, instead I planned to kill them all.

Otherwise, hitting the snake will cause endless trouble.

After dealing with the large rooster, I used the Luo pot in the old mansion to stew a whole one.

Then sat in front of the female corpse's bed and knotted a few sets of buckles.

This kind of buckle is very simple, but used to strangle small animals, it is a set of one.

Get the buckle, the chicken also stewed a half-raw, the fire is just right.

I tore off the chicken's butt, pretended to dislike it, and threw it into the woods.

The weasel that was staring at me took one look at it and couldn't resist seeking it out in no time.

As soon as it was gone, I hastily staked buckles on both the window and the door.

In China, weasels can be cultivated into powerful gods, and people generally do not actively provoke them.

Thank you for your collection

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