
lit.corpse-scented paper doll

I looked at the villagers who were attracted by the scent and looked at the doorstep of my house with their heads up to see the rarity, and my heart was in a mess.

Now, I don't dare to hide it, and told what my grandfather had secretly done all these years in my head.

My father honest all his life, after hearing also can not help, in the grandfather's mortuary floor angrily kicked two feet.

At this time, the second uncle, who had been out in the world for many years, was the first to calm down and asked me how many skills I had learned from my grandfather over the years.

I truthfully said, "I've basically learned everything."

The second uncle did not care whether grandpa's stuff was reliable or not, looked at me and asked, "What now?"


What to do?

I froze, but since I promised Grandpa, I had to come up with an idea no matter what happened.

Calm down, I looked toward the female corpse lying flat on the bed, like a sleeping woman, the mood is a little complicated.

Now this situation, a fire is undoubtedly the best choice.

But for so many years, in the grandfather constantly instill and brainwashing, open the coffin of the moment, I heart more than some indefinable sentiment.

But a three-year-old child knows that a dead man can't be a wife.

I clenched my teeth, crossed my heart, just wanted to say that while my grandfather was buried, the female corpse was carried out and burned, but then suddenly remembered that my grandfather had said that the fragrance of the corpse was the fragrance of the dan.

In other words, the female corpse has already refined the inner elixir, I'm afraid that there is a great deal, can not be burned.

Over the past ten years, Grandpa has taught me a variety of things, but many of them have a head but no tail.

For a while, my words were stuck in my throat, and my heart was more confused.

My mom slowed down at this time, looked at the second uncle worriedly asked: "The child his uncle, his grandfather has been unreliable, how do you let Yang Yang a child to deal with?"

My father also looked at the second uncle with a worried face.

Second uncle looked at my mom and then at my dad, and asked with a gloomy face, "So what do you guys think we should do about this?"

My dad and my mom were dumbfounded at once.

Second Uncle looked at me again.

I took a deep breath.

Grandpa said that someone would come to rob me, but not necessarily today.

We still had time to make preparations.

I thought about it and said, "Second Uncle, I want to move the female corpse to the old mansion."

Our family's old mansion was on the hillside, far away from the village, and it was given to Second Uncle when the family was divided, and it had been empty since he went to the city.

Second Uncle hesitated and agreed.

My father dismissed the village townspeople who were watching, and when no one was around, I wrapped the female corpse in a piece of black cloth and carried her to the old mansion.

The old house was so dilapidated that it was about to fall down, and it was barely able to shelter from the wind and rain.

I found a room, I do not care about the hygiene of the female body on the bed.

Maybe it's because the wind blew along the way, when I arrived here, the fragrance of the corpse dispersed a lot.

After I put down the female corpse, I was ready to go back, after all, my grandfather had not yet been buried.

But walked to the door, looked at the simple bed, and some of the heart, folded back in the cupboard to find a clean sheet.

Laying change, the female body has no place to put, I had to lift her up, the sheet from under her body through the past.

Replacement process, inevitably some physical contact.

When I was facing each other, I froze violently.

It wasn't that any evil thoughts were born, but there was a feeling.

Under the black cloth, her eyes seemed to be open.

My heart trembled, it's impossible to swindle a corpse in this broad daylight, right?

After hesitating for a moment, I carefully lifted the black cloth.

Even after seeing her for the second time, I was still blown away by her beauty.

There was no cosmetic modification, yet it was beautiful like a delicate work of art.

Her thin lips were slightly upturned with a few sly smiles.

I didn't dare to breathe until I revealed a pair of her tightly closed eyes, and then I breathed a sigh of relief.

However covering the black cloth, that feeling returned.


I've never experienced strange things, but I haven't heard much from my grandfather over the years.

It can be said that my worldview has long been different from normal people.

But encountered this kind of thing, my heart is still hairy tight, and only think of getting well hurry back, buried grandfather in said, after all, I am afraid that the coffin is also a not a small trouble.

Spread the bed sheet, I sprinkled some grass ash on the side of the bed, used to temporarily cover the corpse incense, and then ready to leave.

But I had only reached the door when there was a snap behind me.

I turned back in shock and saw an ancient book fall by the bedside, which seemed to have fallen off the female corpse.

It was also the moment I turned back, I felt that under the black cloth, the female corpse's head was inclined over, facing me.


I drew a mouthful of cold air, quickly walked to the bedside to pick up the book on the ground, and didn't dare to look at it more, closed my eyes and stuffed it back under the female corpse's waist, turned my head and left.

Locking the door, I sniffled.

Grass ash is useful, the corpse fragrance faded a lot.

The wind is strong in the mountains, I guess it won't take long for this smell to be blown away.

If it doesn t blow away ...

Then whoever loves to have her, just take her away.

That's why I moved her here.

Away from the village, it won't involve too many people.

Being taken away, I'm out of trouble instead.

Thinking like this, I was much more relaxed.

As for what Grandpa explained, that would only work if I was capable.

With his little tripe, I don't think I can protect this woman.

Back at home, Second Uncle asked me how I was doing.

I lied and said that after I finished my grandfather's funeral, there would be no problem with the rest of the things.

My uncle didn't say anything.

Grandpa's aftermath, that's not something I can get involved in, the whole thing is the second uncle and my father to organize.

Probably because of the female corpse this, I do not have much time to grieve, a person hiding in the room, pulled out the grandfather's box.

Grandpa is a man of honor, not much ability, but a lot of lines.

He had a mahogany sword, a compass, a money sword and everything, and underneath the box, there was a yellow Taoist robe.

I took the mahogany sword and the money sword, and put everything else back into the box as it was.

However, after all my careful preparations, my grandfather's funeral was surprisingly peaceful.

Three days later, my grandfather was buried in his old coffin, just as I had wished.

Watching friends and relatives gradually dispersed, I was secretly relieved, and in my heart I thought about the female corpse.

I thought that after all these days, it was probably taken away by someone.

But at night, I toss and turn can not sleep.

In the middle of the night, I really can't help it, while my family is asleep, secretly take the money sword and mahogany sword, went to the old house.

Along the way I was thinking, if I can protect her, then help.

If you can't help, you can only watch.

After all, if what the book says is true, the corpse incense attracts will not be any good people.

Any one, I do not say to deal with, is to see have not seen.

As for the daughter-in-law ...

In the future to marry a will breathe how good.

Thinking about things, unknowingly arrived at the mountainside, a few steps forward is the old house.

However, at this time, a group of people came up on the path down the mountain.

Looking at the momentum, they are heading straight to my old house.

I'm going to die.

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

I hurriedly crouched down and hid under the ridge.

Not long after, that line of people arrived at the door of the old house.

The moonlight became bright at this time, and when I saw that line of people, I drew a breath of cold air, and the hair on the back of my head pricked up.

What kind of people are these.

It was clearly a group of paper people with stiff facial expressions and red and green faces.