
heaven in her

the shadow -mafia -and me let's see who she chooses to love her ( her pov) He was crying like a lost child who need to find his home ,but he's the one who make me hate him the most and love him hardly i love him but can't forgive him . he was begging infront of me for stay with him but he forgot he's the one who pushed me away from him .... ( his pov) i love her more than anything and anyone but I'm the one who pushed her away from me , I can't see her going away from me her every step giving me a heartache . i feel like my heart is going to blast, I'm going to die if she hate me the way . she's my home ,my heaven,my comfort and everything, she's only one who love and like me ,find a human in me. it's feel like someone is cutting my heart in millions pieces and my every piece of heart want to touch by hear every part of my heart screaming her name . I can't breath i want to hold her and cry hardly for her forgiveness . i want to hold her feet and force her to stay with me but ..... but i can't...... I'm the one who hurt her ...... I'm the one ............ ~~~~ Devil Worship him...... Kim jung ~~~~ Ishu Roy like every day she escaped from her Mcmansion to the club ,by misled guards and her parents she don't know after this night she can't be live her life freely like she's living right know, she is going to embrace a big trouble for her. A big change in her life , a beautiful handcuffs waiting for her . someone who love her harder with a years of obsession. someone in waiting for her in his hell..........

Gungun_97 · Ciencia y ficción
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2 Chs

The shadow

It was a dark and stormy night , it had been raining for hours now and she was wrapping her arms more tight on every sound of thunder and lightning.

Flashing lightning lighting up the sky like fireworks.

She hide herself in blanket and cover her ears but the sound of thunder still hurting her ears .

The blur scenery of a girl and boy crying for their life is appear whenever she try to sleep in rainy night and close her eyes.

She hate rain, she locked herself in her room on every monsoon .

Every monsoon a memory hit in her head like a gun shoot , she is covering her self more and more with every sound of raindrops.

" Help me "

" I will be good "

" don't move "

" we will be fine "

" i won't let anything happen to you "

" we will meet in heaven "

The words are continue buzzing in her head and ears .

( Past )

A little girl is running in her mansion while holding her soft toy , her hand are trembling but still she managed to hold the toy more tightly.

" Mom , mom they are coming , mom save me save us save him mom " .

" Baby there is no one, look at me mumma is here no one harm you " her mom run behind her .

Her mom is tired to her daughter condition , to run every day behind her daughter, like every mother she is worried for her , a tear drop from her mother's eyes looking at her daughter who is crying and shouting from two hours.

Her parents are calling her name to calm her stop her .

" Dad save him " she shout and faint her small body fall on floor like a abscission.

Like a tree leave her leaf , her soul left her body with a unknown name .

Her parents don't know what happened with her when she was in Canada.

They take her to hospital, it's not first time her mother hold her like this , she hugged her daughter tightly while crying, a mother heart is breaking in million pieces after seeing her daughter like that.

Her daughter's smiling face appear in front of her eyes whenever she's looking at her daughter faint body .

Her daughter who always used to smile, who make funny jokes , who makes everyone laugh , she is the diamond of their house without her the house feel like boneyard.

After some time they reach hospital, her father lay on her hospital cot , doctor give them pity look .


" Please take your seat " the doctor approach her parents.

They both seath and look at doctor with their teary eyes.

" I was thinking it's was normal incident and she can recover with medicine but" the doctor pause and clasp his hand behind his neck .

The second the doctor pause his sentence , her mom feel like her world is going to end , her heart beat increase every second.

" I just check her everything and talk with her , i think we need one year for her treatment with some medicine and therapist " the doctor said .

Her parents look at doctor with some seconds.

" Look , i really need time with her to understand what exactly going in her mind , she is continue mumbling dudu , her condition is telling she's still stuck with the place and the person" doctor put some report infront of her parents.

" Don't you have easy way for this " her mom hold report in her hand .

" What "

" Like some medicine injection or something that she can recover fast and forget everything " her mom said .

After five minutes the doctor put a injection infront of her parents, they both exchange glance.

" What is this? " Her dad ask.

"She have both ' acute trauma and chronic trauma' " the doctor touch the injection.

" 'PTSD - past trauma Stress disorder' the injection just made of the some patients who can't recover with therepy and normal medicine, because having PTSD may also increase patients risk of other mental health problems " the doctor take deep breath .

" Give her this " her mom said .

" Mam , it's risky for her and me too , and in this injection we used some other types of drugs and - " the doctor try to explain her mother.

But her mother is too blind for her daughter, " give her this nothing happened , I wil take care of everything".

The doctor take a deep breath and nod "still we need more than three months after inject her " the doctor stand and hold the injection.

" Okay, all I need to see her smiling and playing in my house" her mother whisper enough to hear doctor.


( Present)

The rain is stop , she throw her blanket and walk towards window she open the window and seat there .

She's trying to understand herself, what she saw , she is trying to remember something that her parents erase from her memory.

The weather is too cool , cold air touching on her skin like they are giving her comfort hug , she wrap her arms around her and close her eyes.

After some second when she open her eyes, she feel someone gaze on her and she slowly tilted her head towards the out wall of her mansions.

Someone is seating on the edge of wall , and cross her or his legs it's too hard to identify the person because the night is too dark .

Isn't first time she saw someone there this happened every monsoon in night, whenever she open her window the person always sat there .

She don't know why she never complain about this to anyone, she always close her windows whenever she saw the shadow or that person, but today she choose something she don't want, she start glaring even it's too dark to see that person face or something , the person is more like shadow than a human.

She can't describe that person body too , the person always come with blanket wrapping around whole body .

Today night is something else, the person throw the blanket and stand on edge, he is man a man with body like a Hulk and beefcake .

He stand and put his hand on his waist and wave his hand towards her .

Still she can't she his face , she want to ask him who is he , why every monsoon he sat there and so many questions is running in her head .

She run towards her bed to grab her phone and on the phone lights, she turn light on his direction but he wasn't there .He was all gone before she arrived she look down and she saw the blanket.

She put phone on windows and run out of her room .

She is standing next to blanket and breathing heavily, she come here running like she was running for her life .

She grab the blanket and again walk towards her room while hugging the blanket, the blanket is so soft like someone's arm , she wrap the blanket around her while feeling touching every single part of the blanket.

When she reache in her room she saw her phone is on bed , she try to remembered when she run out she put her phone on window .

Before touching her phone she take deep breath and hold her phone , her phone wallpaper is Chang in all white and something in writing on Italian.

tesoro, dormi bene, non pensare troppo a Daddy