
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · Otras
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58 Chs

The Worst Mistake

Ever since I was little, I have always found the notion of fate stupid.

If someone is really writing my destiny, doesn't that mean that I had no free will to begin with?

If all the actions I took were part of someone's plan, then wasn't I just a puppet dancing on someone else's palm?

I absolutely hate this notion.

Only I am responsible for all the actions I take in my life!

Let me stop there, I guess I got a bit too heated up.

My name is Noah Lambert.

I work as an online editor for the web-novel platform. I am an ordinary person with no remarkable qualities. Life would have been smooth sailing if not for the situation I am currently in.

I was currently being pointed by a gun to my head at point blank range. 

The reason?

Because the other person is an absolute crazy maniac author whose work was rejected for an annual competition prize.

Though there were other editors besides me who rejected his work, this guy for some reason only came after me.

Although I managed to send an emergency signal for help, I don't know whether I will live until the police arrives.

I mean, he looked like he can snap at any moment.

"Why?!" He yelled with a red, angry face.

"...you honestly don't know?"


A palm landed on the side of my face just after I answered.

I guess this is what happens if try to reason with an insane person.

But it was absolutely funny how his expression twisted at my answer. I maybe twisted somewhere for making fun of this guy even with a gun pointed at my head.

"Why?!" He roared again.

"Don't know."


Okay, that confirms it. I am definitely twisted somewhere in the head. I mean, who even makes fun of their potential killer and that too twice in a row.

I guess I just discovered a new side of myself.

"Stop joking around, you bastard! Tell me why didn't I win?!"He barked at the top of his lungs just when I was relishing in my moment for discovering a new side of me.

He was the type of guy your girlfriend would tell you not to worry about, and you really got nothing to worry about because you know you're undoubtedly better than him. Just looking at him would make you think that he is suffering from inferiority complex for having a small you know what.

He was the type of guy who would go completely unnoticed at any events because of his personality. In gamer terms he would be considered a mob. No maybe even worse than a mob.

I don't know whether he knows how below average of an person he is or not but he must have thought that he is a talented writer after his work got premium even though his story was below average, or average at best. 

Oh and this guy's name is Joe. Even his name indicates that he an average and uninteresting person.

"Tell me why I didn't win?!" Joe yelled as the hand holding the gun trembled skyrocketing my anxiety levels.

Not wanting him to accidently shoot me I raised my hands as a sign of submission and put an amicable smile on my face.

"Joe, even I don't know why you didn't win, okay? There were ten other editors besides me who voted against you."

"Tsk!" Not being able to refute my answer Joe clicked his tongue and continued.

"Then tell me why you didn't vote for me?"

The reason why he cared for my vote is still a mystery to me but this isn't the moment to think about it. First I needed him to calm down so that I can stall for time until the police arrives. 

This is how you play a psychology warfare. I am awed at my own ability for being able to play psychologically. Today I am discovering a lot of my new sides.

"Now before I answer your question, remember that this is just my personal opinion. And the opinion of others doesn't matter as long as you believe in yourself."

After a brief pause Joe nodded at my words, seemingly more calmer than before.

"The reason I voted against you is that although your writing quality was excellent, your plot wasn't that good."

The only truth I said was 'I voted against you' with everything else being false. His writing was so bad that even 8th grader would be able to write better than him. 

As for his plot, it was just pure coalition of clichés. It was as if he wrote all the clichés a man could write in one single novel. Even an isekai manga would be less predictable than his work. But if I said this I am sure I will be rewarded with a bullet in my head.

"So why don't we like this. I will become your personal editor and then with your brilliant writing style and my keen guidance you will be able to win next year's competition for sure."

It took all of my will power to prevent myself from cringing at my words. Forget about brilliance his writing style, even comparing to the writing of a elementary school kid would be an insulting to that kid. 

"What did you just say?" Joe uttered with a grim voice right when I was thinking that I managed to convince him.

"Wh-what?" I asked with a confused face not understanding his behavior one bit.

"I asked, what the fuck did you say about my plot not being good?"

Shit!!! I messed up big time. I should have praised his plot than his writing style. I want to punch my past self for trying to solve this is psychologically. Now I am definitely going to die. Where the hell are police?! What's taking them so long?!

" I mean it's not that bad. I just said that in comparison to your writing style. With just a little bit of fixing it will be perfect." I said in a last ditch attempt to calm him down.

"Shut up Noah! It doesn't need any fixing! My story is perfect!"

Fuck! I guess I am done for now. 

"You get it?! It's a masterpiece! It doesn't need any fixing!" Joe kept wailing

Ugh! This guy is really getting on my nerves. Being delusional is one thing but making me suffer just because he thinks that his plot is perfect is making be quite angry. In the end I couldn't hold back my editor persona.

"What do you mean masterpiece?! It was full of fucking clichés! It was a piece of shit I say! I cringed so hard every time I read your chapters, it even made me want to give up my job as an editor."

"All your characters were bland and predictable. They didn't even feel alive and were just there to make the MC shine.

"And for the MC, he was like any other typical MC you would find everywhere. And his personality only makes it worse. Your story was so predictable that I would rather read a clichéd isekai manga than your crappy novel!"

I let out all my frustrations. After collecting my self I looked at Joe to see his reaction. I don't care anymore whether he kills me or not. Was it anger or sadness? I don't know, but he had definitely lost all reasoning at this point. 

"How could you say that?" Joe said in a shivering tone. "How could you, of all people say that?!"

" I just gave my opinion as the editor." I said with a blank look on my face not caring about the gun he was holding.

"Sure it was a little cliché at first but it became better later! The characters didn't feel alive?! Well, they were alive! And they showed me one of the best stories in eons!" Joe barked.

What is he talking about? Characters were alive? Does he 8th grade syndrome or what?

"Perhaps it's you who has forgotten what's its like to be alive. But you will remember if you go back!"

The fuck! Go back where? What is he on about?

"You have completely forgotten yourself, so I'll make you remember."

This guy is insane. Was he really going to kill me over just a stupid story?

"Casting Time Reversal and Parallel Timeline Rebirth will take a toll on my body. I may lose half of my life essence but I'll make you remember" Joe announced as he put his finger on the trigger.

What the hell? Is he really suffering from 8th grade syndrome?!

"This time try not to die before reaching the end." 

He pulled the trigger before I could even comprehend the meaning behind his words.

And just like that a bullet shot through my head. I didn't die right away but I was gradually losing my consciousness.

"It's the police! Open the door!"

Right then, a voice came from across the door. It was the police and they came right after I was shot.

"Huh? Don't they know how to deal with a hostage situation? Fucking amateurs." Joe cussed out loud as he closed his eyes.

His body started to shine in white light before dissipating into particles fading into nothingness.

"...pre...pare...y..our..se..lf" I don't what happened but my mouth moved on its and said something I couldn't comprehend and after that I died.

The police who broke down the door and came running inside found the dead body of young man. He had dark hair and matching eyes with a well-defined face who was later identified as Noah Lambert. 

The cause of death was a bullet to the head but the autopsy showed that no bullet or gunpowder residue was found on the dead body. There was not a single evidence left by the culprit.

But the culprit couldn't have imagined that this was the biggest mistake of his.

That is killing Noah Lambert.